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The Flash S2 |OT2| Jays of Future Past - Tuesdays 8/7c

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Finally watching the episode and Wally is really irritating.
The coincidences!

Other than that, I liked the talk between Barry and Zoom, even if it was super cliché.

E: Wow, this episode. Weird all around. And then not even telling Oliver and Chesthair about Laurel-2.

E2: Just like everyone predicted, it happened. While expected, it still got me. Damn.

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Supergirl, Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow four-way crossover confirmed.






Same reason all superheros try and not tell people, "Protection"

Joe was like "Don't tell my son this stuff, he ain't gotta know" so yeah Barry didn't tell

I may be wrong I dunno


I don't think they ever even talked about telling Wally. They just didn't for no reason.
Which means he was locked up with Jesse for hours, where they had enough to do before getting to Barry/Flash.


And without that movieverse, it could have done so much better. Imagine Legends as Justice Society and Suicide Squad as a separate show.

Uhhh No

Arrowverse is like 80 percent relationship drama and dumb decisions

Arrowverse has to deal with Arrow


Probably more a mandate from WB as it's always been the film division pulling rank with this shit.

I don't know how separate the two are, producers have said "DC said no" beforehand.

I guess they'll go with "if you knew my secret you'd become a target".

Thankfully not knowing has kept Wally safe this whole time. It's not like he's been in the house while it was attacked three times in half a season.

Disgusting. Nothing good can come from Arrow.



Who here still hasn't recovered from Versus Zoom episode? I love this series but god damn, that episode is dumb as fuck and for me, it damaged the whole arc.

It's like I want this Jay shenanigans over and move on to new adventures :(


Who here still hasn't recovered from Versus Zoom episode? I love this series but god damn, that episode is dumb as fuck and for me, it damaged the whole arc.

It's like I want this Jay shenanigans over and move on to new adventures :(

Jay has turned into a super, super lame villain.


THey would need to cancel the show for him to be in movies. THose are huge ass mega productions. You can't fit those in the little downtime actors on 22+ episodes shows have. Ammell managed to squeeze Casey Jones, but that's a side character, not the lead.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Who here still hasn't recovered from Versus Zoom episode? I love this series but god damn, that episode is dumb as fuck and for me, it damaged the whole arc.

It's like I want this Jay shenanigans over and move on to new adventures :(

*raises hand*

"Flash Back" is the last time I really enjoyed an episode this season. I think they ran out of material with Zoom, but obviously couldn't shelve him before the season was over. Zoom has been doing a lot of hand wringing and talking about big schemes but he just kidnaps people and runs off to do...whatever it is he does. And aside from Henry dying being super telegraphed, I didn't like the idea of killing Barry's other parent literally the episode after they retreaded the fact that he has to move beyond his mother's death. I'm not going to judge that decision before seeing how they stick the landing though. We still need to see how Henry's death is handled, how Barry grieves, etc. But as of yet, I'm not really sold on it. It seems so unnecessary when there is plenty of motivation to stop Zoom beyond him now being responsible for Henry's death.

I'm definitely ready for a clean slate next season, hopefully with a non-speedster villain.


Arrowverse is like 80 percent relationship drama and dumb decisions
So like the movies? Oh true, in Arrow it is dumb decisions by the characters and in the movies it is dumb decisions by the producers. Suicide Squad with Deadshot, Deathstroke, Waller, Boomerang, ... could have been epic. Hell just having these last three together on screen again...

Disgusting. Nothing good can come from Arrow.

I wonder which show actually introduced Grant Gustin as Barry Allen.


Nyssa and Sara are both awesome. They have Katana and Shado as well. Arrow is the best show for delivering kick-ass females.
Nyssa and Sara are both awesome. They have Katana and Shado as well. Arrow is the best show for delivering kick-ass females.

It's a shame that Katana looks so stupid, regardless of the medium. But it's even worse in live-action. That shitty mask, yikes.
The general samurai costume however looks a bit better than the jeans one in the movie.

nah tv katana looked a lot worse than the suicide squad one. the mask did not work for her head shape at all (actually looking at the pics i think she just has a bad hairstyle haha). and i like the jacket the movie one has going for her.


like ashur IS better than varro no doubt but movie boomerang just comes across as more entertaining in still photos alone. plus you have to have an aussie play the character. no question.


THey would need to cancel the show for him to be in movies. THose are huge ass mega productions. You can't fit those in the little downtime actors on 22+ episodes shows have. Ammell managed to squeeze Casey Jones, but that's a side character, not the lead.

I don't think people think about this as much

Yeah, The Flash would most likely need to be cancelled or much shortened season. ESPECIALLY next season.

Since Ezra would need to film Justice League and pretty much jump straight into filming The Flash movie if they keep current production period.

And not making trips from London to Vancouver that often to continue to be on the show.
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