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The Flash S2 |OT2| Jays of Future Past - Tuesdays 8/7c

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I really doubt we'll be spending the season on Flashpoint, and I'm sure that we'll see Barry go back and stop both past Barrys from interfering and thus more or less fix the timeline within the first two episodes, and thus it's not likely that Flashpoint will be how Supergirl gets moved to Earth 1.


No post mortem interviews regarding Flashpoint and Tom Cavanagh's status next season, boo.

There's no "Tom Cavanagh exits Flash" Deadline article like what happened on Legends twice, so I guess we're safe.


No post mortem interviews regarding Flashpoint and Tom Cavanagh's status next season, boo.

There's no "Tom Cavanagh exits Flash" Deadline article like what happened on Legends twice, so I guess we're safe.

I'm guessing Tom Cavanagh might be playing the OG Earth 1 Wells, since Barry might not have his powers anymore.


Interesting how we have four Speedsters from three different universes and two different centuries, and they all wear variants on the same costume.


Wally's suit will probably be a red and yellow version of this suit with Barry's logo and goggles.

JWS!Jay Garrick looks boss. At first I was pissed that they killed off Henry but now I'm completely fine with that decision lol

can't even begin to imagine what the writers are gonna do next season. there are lots of directions they could go with what they've set up.


Thinking about this it means hsalF esreveR will be back as the big bad for Season 3. Now I actually like him more than Zoom so I don't mind that. Don't get me wrong I like Zoom its just he's more of a primal villain with collateral damage where as RF is a cerebral one. Thinking about it though its a shame the really big villains for Flash are all speedstars. Yea there is Grodd and Captain Cold but there not usually the ones to carry the most epic arcs and I don't see either carrying a whole season of a show. I don't know if that says more about the source material or Flash's power set though.


I am coming back for more. My whole family is disappoint. Yeah yeah flashpoint..it just feels lazy. Season 2 finale and we are still back at the mom issue. This would have been something to revisit in a few seasons but a year after the initial time is just lazy.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Yeah, season 4 has been awful.

It shouldn't even be called Arrow. I swore last episode Felicity got more screen time than he did.

Ugh @ the whole season and the pointless flashbacks too
That would make for some bleh tv all said and none. This will happen for sure.

Arrow needed the reboot more than any other show.

Yeah, as much as I would like for some more extravagant things to happen we all know they won't happen too much. Sure we're going to get a small thing here and there just to have some connections from the comics and movie. Somebody we all like or love will probably be alive and that will be the biggest event we might get to show that Flashpoint did at least affect all the shows.

We can all safely assume that they won't allow Flashpoint to run the entire season. At max 5 episodes. So get ready for more depowered Barry next season.


Thinking about this it means hsalF esreveR will be back as the big bad for Season 3. Now I actually like him more than Zoom so I don't mind that. Don't get me wrong I like Zoom its just he's more of a primal villain with collateral damage where as RF is a cerebral one. Thinking about it though its a shame the really big villains for Flash are all speedstars. Yea there is Grodd and Captain Cold but there not usually the ones to carry the most epic arcs and I don't see either carrying a whole season of a show. I don't know if that says more about the source material or Flash's power set though.

Grodd could totally carry a season. Slow burn, behind the scenes manipulation like Slade. Which he can do thanks to mind control.

It shouldn't even be called Arrow. I swore last episode Felicity got more screen time than he did.

There's actually someone on Tumblr who records the screentime of each character. Felicity is slightly ahead of Diggle and Thea but Oliver gets double everyone else.

Hunter is now definitely Black Flash.

All that remains is whether he returns next season or Season 4

Teddy is a series regular on 24 Legacy, unlikely he'll return. Maybe a CGI something.


This episode, especially the ending just feels really sloppy.

Its the perfect conclusion for how irrational and sloppy Barry has been this season with regard to his emotions and time travel. Now he's actually going to have to face real consequences of his time changing shenanigans.
Tony Todd will be back and he will be the Black Flash. It just fits with how awesome his voice is.

Also, I'm not that disappointed but I did hype myself up too much for tonight's finale. I was expecting an awesome race across multiple Earths but I didn't get it. But I did get Barry beating the shit out of Zoom and unleashing the Time Wraiths upon him.


so I hope every season from now on just adds more Barrys to that one scene

we're up to four now

Older Barry, Season 1 Barry, Season 2 Barry and Kid Barry are all in that house in that 30 seconds


so I hope every season from now on just adds more Barrys to that one scene

we're up to four now

Older Barry, Season 1 Barry, Season 2 Barry and Kid Barry are all in that house in that 30 seconds

Gotta be a fifth Barry to close the loop and punch Season 2 Barry square in the jaw.


Cornballer seemed to imply that wasn't happening this season? I dunno, it probably still should. Let Arrow finish and give it to two weeks.
Only brought it up because after the Arrow finale talk will just overlap between 2-3 different threads and it pretty much has already started.
Yeah, season 4 has been awful.

Ehh..Season 4 has been better than Flash this season imo.

It started off slow then got up to speed(lol) after Legends Setup and dipped back down after the Jay reveal and was just bumpy for the rest of the season. I'd rather have Arrow's consistency than the Flash this season.


CW still refusing to put the romantic leads together. It's Clana all over again. I at least hope no more Barry/Iris drama while we're in the Flashpoint.


Something weird is going on when a show ends it's season on time travel and I'm just thinking "I wish he'd have just gotten with her and ended it there".


Junior Member
Barry, buddy, Iris literally spread her legs wider than the Pacific for you. Why would you erase that from history?

I hope you get a looooong lecture from Robert Queen.


Something weird is going on when a show ends it's season on time travel and I'm just thinking "I wish he'd have just gotten with her and ended it there".

Last year's cliffhanger wasn't great either.

Arrow S1 had the best ending. Everything's fucked and Tommy's dead, see you next year!



Yeah this stuff was great.

Overall I really liked the finale. The first couple scenes after the first zoom fight felt a bit rushed but then I felt it found it's groove and I really enjoyed it. Was great to see the real Jay Garrick and his suit looked great. Cool to see zoom turn into what looked like the black flash. Crazy how Barry gets a win against zoom but then sets himself up for a huge potential loss with the flashpoint stuff. Can't wait to see how they handle that next season.
Thought the finale was solid, did a nice job of wrapping up everything together, even if it was never spectacular. Lot of great moments though - Black Flash, Jay costume, etc.

Until that last minute. Lost my fucking shit. Fucking Flashpoint. I'm still in disbelief. I love this show.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ehh..Season 4 has been better than Flash this season imo.

It started off slow then got up to speed(lol) after Legends Setup and dipped back down after the Jay reveal and was just bumpy for the rest of the season. I'd rather have Arrow's consistency than the Flash this season.

lol what version of Arrow are you watching? can I have it to watch.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Ehh..Season 4 has been better than Flash this season imo.

It started off slow then got up to speed(lol) after Legends Setup and dipped back down after the Jay reveal and was just bumpy for the rest of the season. I'd rather have Arrow's consistency than the Flash this season.

this is crazy talk - Arrow has been Superman 64 tier for 2 seasons now.


Except for a few mid episodes in the Spring, Arrow has been awesome. Better at being consistent with being good then Flash IMO.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I mean if there are elements that bother you so much(Felicity, leftover baggage from season 3, Oliver not being S1 Oliver.) Then no this season was terrible and you should drop the show.

No need to drop it if they Flashpoint it to hell :p

I can dream.


Just watched the episode. So very happy they're going into Flashpoint territory. Strongly hope we get a scene next season similar to

Also Zoom turning into Black Flash was pretty cool.
So... the entire show?

At this point I think most people that dislike S4 never really liked the show beyond S1 and 2 gave them a false sense of what the show actually is.

No need to drop it if they Flashpoint it to hell :p

That should've happened last season then... >_>

Christ how many Barrys are there going to be at Nora's death at one time when he decides to fix this?

So like Red vs Blue?
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