So if it's flashpoint paradox season 3 will begin like this:
Barry wakes up in his childhood home (or CCPD) and wonders if what he did was just a dream. Everything seems normal until he sees people who were dead, now alive, like his parents, Eddie, etc.
Barry remembers saving his mom, but the Flash probably never existed, so he's also powerless. He doesn't care because his family and friends are alive.
With the butterfly effect in play, the Earth will be in danger/already in danger/or just a living hell. Barry's old memories will start to fade as the new ones he created are starting to take over.
He's probably married to either Iris, Patty, Linda (damn, Barry, you dog, you!) or someone else. Doesn't have the father son bond with Joe.
He'll meet a murderous Green arrow, a taunting Reverse Flash screaming "I told you so". Barry will try to recreate the accident that gave him his powers, again. Probably fail, almost die, try again. His mom will tell him to not save her. He cries, we cry.
Oliver shoots an arrow through the reverse flash's head while he's talking shit to Barry. Barry returns home, where he originally left.
Orrrr it could go somewhere completely different lol
Supergirl has to somehow slip into the arrowverse.