He's a hypocrite for what he did to Hulk.
He's a hypocrite for what he did to Hulk.
I can't here to ask this. It doesn't make any sense. Also The Flash of Earth 2 was a hero-people saw him in public. And if Hunter Zolomon's face was so recognizable, there was never anyone that questioned it?
I'd say he was getting there. But I should have reiterated that Flash S1 had help from Arrow and Firestorm. You are right that S2 Flash would beat S1 Reverse Flash. But we also don't know and haven't seen the full extent of S1 Reverse Flash.
He wrote Hulk comic couple years ago and doing basically what the Flash is doing now.
That's not what I said, I said that S2 Flash beat Year One Eobard, when he just started as a villain, which we saw this season. I doubt Barry is at that level yet.
Eobard Wells was never trying his hardest when fighting Barry until the very end, where he took him out in seconds. He was smiling in their first two big fights, but not after he lost his way home. The only thing is he can't maintain the speed for time travel.
Also, when Kevin Smith teased that something would happen to open the door to more Supergirl crossovers, I think this was it. Cisco Ramon - Tour Guide to the Multiverse.
i was thinking that Man in the Iron Mask was Hunter Zolomon's father, ripped from the past to be tortured for Zoom's own amusement
which might explain why he was tapping in outdated military code, and also why Zoom even has a time remnant in the first place
but also i don't understand why that reveal would even be important enough to be kept a mystery at this point
Uhh.... Wat. His eyes turn black just... Because?
Uhh.... Wat. His eyes turn black just... Because?
Same reason Thawne's turn red
I always associated that with the speed force.
Zoom feels like he's referencing another thing entirely.
Uhh.... Wat. His eyes turn black just... Because?
I thought maybe Wells was smart enough to sabotage the speed injection but nope...RIP Barry's powers for the nth time
I just rewatched "The Darkness and the Light" and I still hate how they treat the Earth-2 Wells. It's like they collectively forgot that their Harrison Wells wasn't the villain, he was the villain's first victim and was as innocent as Barry's mom in this story, they should pity him and not all go "Grrrr, I wanna kill him but I can't!!!" on his counterpart.
I want to shake them and tell them "He doesn't look like the killer, he looks like the victim who had his face and identity stolen!". I understand that looking at Wells-2 and not thinking about Eobard Thawne is hard but I wish they had made at least an effort to distance themselves from their emotions.
The homeless, messy, grizzled features of Hunter Zolomon can explain why Wells didn't recognize him. Him clean shaven looks almost completely like a different person.
So it is confirmed that reverse flash is faster than zoom, who would've thought
So it is confirmed that reverse flash is faster than zoom, who would've thought
It is? When?
And Oliver was the one who took Reverse Flash down with his magic arrow.
Arrow >>>> Flash
He was actually referring just to speed, IMO this is great because zoom turned out to be a reallt lackluster character and teddy sears looks like a normal person dress for halloween when the mask is off zoom, a bad guy with daddy issues, CW had to be CWHe's talking speed mirages between Earths. I do think Reverse Flash at full strength is probably beyond Zoom but we've only seen his beginnings and when he was nerfed as Wells.
He's talking speed mirages between Earths. I do think Reverse Flash at full strength is probably beyond Zoom but we've only seen his beginnings and when he was nerfed as Wells.
Shouldve used Wally, old Wally not nu WallyI hope movie Zoom will be good