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The Flash S2 |OT2| Jays of Future Past - Tuesdays 8/7c

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I can't here to ask this. It doesn't make any sense. Also The Flash of Earth 2 was a hero-people saw him in public. And if Hunter Zolomon's face was so recognizable, there was never anyone that questioned it?

Presumably these are the same types of humans who can't tell Clark looks exactly like Superman.

I believe DC humans are all suffering from a form of prosopagnosia


I'd say he was getting there. But I should have reiterated that Flash S1 had help from Arrow and Firestorm. You are right that S2 Flash would beat S1 Reverse Flash. But we also don't know and haven't seen the full extent of S1 Reverse Flash.

That's not what I said, I said that S2 Flash beat Year One Eobard, when he just started as a villain, which we saw this season. I doubt Barry is at that level yet.

Eobard Wells was never trying his hardest when fighting Barry until the very end, where he took him out in seconds. He was smiling in their first two big fights, but not after he lost his way home. The only thing is he can't maintain the speed for time travel.
That's not what I said, I said that S2 Flash beat Year One Eobard, when he just started as a villain, which we saw this season. I doubt Barry is at that level yet.

Eobard Wells was never trying his hardest when fighting Barry until the very end, where he took him out in seconds. He was smiling in their first two big fights, but not after he lost his way home. The only thing is he can't maintain the speed for time travel.

My bad lol. I don't know why I keep thinking of Year 1 as Season 1 :p But yes, I agree with you.

In terms of speed, relative to yesterday's episode, it is now Zoom >>> Reverse Flash S1 > The Flash S2.
Why didn't Barry beat him senseless first when they zapped him and then imprisoned him. :|
He just had to talk first.
That was quite the unique reaction during that Wally's doppleganger talk.
Masked man still a mystery.
Really barry, never trust a villain.
I liked all the references.
I won't complain about not figuring out Hunter = Jay, I'm not surprised with that at all :V
Flash Jay being his past self was quite interesting, I want to know his backstory and Zoom's "plan".
Okay- speculation time:

They're going to repeat the accelerator explosion (but confined to the STAR Labs grounds) to re-power Barry, but Wally's going to be suspicious and get caught in the second blast, becoming a speedster.

Also, when Kevin Smith teased that something would happen to open the door to more Supergirl crossovers, I think this was it. Cisco Ramon - Tour Guide to the Multiverse.


Also, when Kevin Smith teased that something would happen to open the door to more Supergirl crossovers, I think this was it. Cisco Ramon - Tour Guide to the Multiverse.

Finale tho

Universe merging with Earth-2 seems like a possibility, especially if they want to get Gorilla City on Earth-1.


Very sorry if this has been talked about, but these things bothered me

1. Hunter says that it was his plan to kill Jay. Yet in the episode where he does kill him, he says something like "Well this is going to be interesting". I forgot the quote now, but it definitely didn't sound like part of the plan.

2. So Hunter is future Jay in Earth 2? So which one is the Flash in Earth 2? I'm so confused about his speech about his time remnant and whatnot. Did the Jay that came to Earth 1 not have powers?

This episode has so many plot holes and leaves so many questions in the wrong ways. What a mess. My head hurts just thinking about how any of this could be explained logically.

I'm not even mad about the Jay thing, because I'm not particularly married to "the character has to exist/be the character everywhere" idea, but the episode just leaves me feeling confused and unfulfilled.
i was thinking that Man in the Iron Mask was Hunter Zolomon's father, ripped from the past to be tortured for Zoom's own amusement

which might explain why he was tapping in outdated military code, and also why Zoom even has a time remnant in the first place

but also i don't understand why that reveal would even be important enough to be kept a mystery at this point


i was thinking that Man in the Iron Mask was Hunter Zolomon's father, ripped from the past to be tortured for Zoom's own amusement

which might explain why he was tapping in outdated military code, and also why Zoom even has a time remnant in the first place

but also i don't understand why that reveal would even be important enough to be kept a mystery at this point

Why would he spell out Jay to the Flash? He is Hunter to him


One man's junk is another man's treasure
I liked Zoom better when I didn't know who he was. It was so interesting to think he was some kind of monster, not even human. Now he's just some generic serial killer with daddy issues, what a disappointment.

That's the Barry Allen from the TV show, getting beaten by someone who throws boomerangs, because he's a fuckwit and gets beaten by everyone, EVERYONE! Stupid fucking episode unless it's all part of a plan, which I doubt.


I thought maybe Wells was smart enough to sabotage the speed injection but nope...RIP Barry's powers for the nth time


I just rewatched "The Darkness and the Light" and I still hate how they treat the Earth-2 Wells. It's like they collectively forgot that their Harrison Wells wasn't the villain, he was the villain's first victim and was as innocent as Barry's mom in this story, they should pity him and not all go "Grrrr, I wanna kill him but I can't!!!" on his counterpart.

I want to shake them and tell them "He doesn't look like the killer, he looks like the victim who had his face and identity stolen!". I understand that looking at Wells-2 and not thinking about Eobard Thawne is hard but I wish they had made at least an effort to distance themselves from their emotions.



Uhh.... Wat. His eyes turn black just... Because?

I thought they want to introduce Trigon or something and make Constantine relevant again. But yeah, that scene is stupid as shit.

And when did the masked tap-tap person enter this earth? Weird.


One thing I like about The Flash is that Barry is nowhere near as stupid as Oliver on Arrow.

This episode undid all of that:

1) Opening the breach when there's no reason to
2) Talking with Zoom whilst he was incapacitated
3) Talking with Zoom during after the hostage negotiation

What the hell, Barr?
I thought maybe Wells was smart enough to sabotage the speed injection but nope...RIP Barry's powers for the nth time

yeah i was expecting that speed injection to be a trick and they would fuck zolomon up...but nah they're just fools lol.

really fun episode though. aside from the logic mess of zolomon being a well known serial killer AND the public face of flash (its best not to dwell too much on these comic book show/movie plots though tbh) Im really getting pissed with CW and this "will they/won't they" Iris/Barry thing

Please stop teasing it and just make it happen already. this teen soap opera network needs to learn that stable relationships can work on tv. and they are great. not everything has to be drawn out relationship drama.


I just rewatched "The Darkness and the Light" and I still hate how they treat the Earth-2 Wells. It's like they collectively forgot that their Harrison Wells wasn't the villain, he was the villain's first victim and was as innocent as Barry's mom in this story, they should pity him and not all go "Grrrr, I wanna kill him but I can't!!!" on his counterpart.

I want to shake them and tell them "He doesn't look like the killer, he looks like the victim who had his face and identity stolen!". I understand that looking at Wells-2 and not thinking about Eobard Thawne is hard but I wish they had made at least an effort to distance themselves from their emotions.

Lol I brought this up a whole lot early in the season. Not many seemed to agree, waving it off because to them Wells was their bad guy etc etc. God forbid they have a brain and realize it is in fact a completely different person.

Btw does Tom Cav talk like this in real life? He's got this constant growly, almost whispering voice going on. He used to do it only when angry but it was the entire episode today. Really bothers me


Chili Con Carnage!
Barry being stupid is to be expected, although this episode was all new levels of stupid, the thing that had me shaking my head all the way through this episode was that nothing about the way they've handled Zoom makes any sense.

- If Jay was just Hunter Zoloman from the past (what the fuck? how did he not erase himself from the timeline like with Eobard), how does he know so much about physics and closing the breaches?

- If Zoom never stole Jay's speed then he doesn't even know stealing speed is possible, how the fuck would he come up with an idea like that? How did he know Wells could do it even?

- Why did they have Zoom say killing Jay was all part of the plan when they already showed Zoom saying it was a inconvenience??

All the twin theories made everything fit so much better than this.


The homeless, messy, grizzled features of Hunter Zolomon can explain why Wells didn't recognize him. Him clean shaven looks almost completely like a different person.

Edit: Loving this show man. And that speech was scary as hell. Really got to put him over Thawne.


I was like clearly they aren't just giving Zoom the speed, Wells is conning him, then nope. So get hyped for a de-powered episode.

They gave a prolific serial killer more super speed. He was just standing around it the lab and they just gave it to him.

So Wells knew Zoloman on sight, and I know simple stuff like change your hair can make you harder to recognize, but they've had one-on-one conversations and shit and he never had an inkling? Even though he hated Garrick and was looking to bring him down?


Wait so then what the fuck was that scene where Zoom fights Jay in earth 2 at the beginning of the season? And wait a minute, Hunter sees the portal, and THEN goes back in time??????

The homeless, messy, grizzled features of Hunter Zolomon can explain why Wells didn't recognize him. Him clean shaven looks almost completely like a different person.

That's what they were going for yes. But they could have done a better job with that picture to make it look more different. Shit was laughable

So it is confirmed that reverse flash is faster than zoom, who would've thought

It is? When?
And Oliver was the one who took Reverse Flash down with his magic arrow.
Arrow >>>> Flash

Ollie really is Batman, when he's doing "Justice League" stuff he becomes hyper competent and MVP among a team of superpowered people but when he's back in his own city he can have trouble with random mooks.


He's talking speed mirages between Earths. I do think Reverse Flash at full strength is probably beyond Zoom but we've only seen his beginnings and when he was nerfed as Wells.


He's talking speed mirages between Earths. I do think Reverse Flash at full strength is probably beyond Zoom but we've only seen his beginnings and when he was nerfed as Wells.
He was actually referring just to speed, IMO this is great because zoom turned out to be a reallt lackluster character and teddy sears looks like a normal person dress for halloween when the mask is off zoom, a bad guy with daddy issues, CW had to be CW


I still like Zoom.

And is the time remnant from the past or future. If its from the future, it can be explained that his speed goes away a while before his death. It could also explain why he didn't disappear....

I give up, time travel just get so convoluted when you introduce it as an element. I'm just gonna enjoy this and not overthink this cause this was a great episode.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Everything in this episode was good...except the Zoom stuff. I was enjoying it until the last 15 (okay maybe 20) minutes, then it just shit the bed.

Okay, you have to make a deal with Zoom to get Wally back. Fine with that. By why even bother honoring the deal. Get Wally back and then fuck Zoom over. You're really going to give a known serial killer all that power, who is trapped on your earth, and then give away the only defense against him? What did they think was going to happen? It isn't even good as a plot convenience, it's just dumb. He already terrorized the people of Earth 2, so you're going to let him do that on Earth 1...for one person. The trade off is fine, but playing it straight is sooooooooo ludicrously dumb.

The Hunter Zoloman stuff was just bad. Teddy Sear wasn't good at being menacing at all. I don't know if it was the actor, the writing, or the direction but it all came together in a really shitty way. They even had him do the "We're not so different..." trope. I literally had the pause the episode and step away because I was laughing so hard.

And why exactly doesn't, you know, EVERYONE on Earth 2 realize that their Flash is Hunter? He doesn't hide his face. Okay, maybe he does some speed thing. But then why didn't Wells notice that Jay looks exactly like Hunter without a beard. And does Harry realize that Hunter = Zoom...because you think that he would make the connection that Jay has speed powers...oh and looks like Zoom when he is unmasked. It barely makes sense.

Then leaving the Man in the Iron Mask as "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Come the fuck on. Motherfucker has been gloating and doing an exposition dump for the last 5 minutes, but he isn't going to reveal that. Probably would have been better for Barry to not even ask.

Barry leaving through a wormhole and then coming back and asking "How long have I been gone?" was him going to his Supergirl adventure, right? It just seems bizarre that they showed him leaving, but then just brushed the entire thing away. He could have at least said 1 sentence about what happened. Just fucking lazy. I have to think the writer's came up with this mid-season. They wanted a big Zoom reveal, and Jay was the best option. So they're piling the contrivances to the ceiling so it can make some sort of sense.

Joe and Wally was fantastic, at least. They had a very short and sweet scene. That was the highlight of the episode. But oh man, the Zoom stuff was dreadful, even for a cheesy comic show. I hate being completely negative. There were a few other cool moments. Barry's little juke against Zoom was cool. And I liked how confident he was during the first Zoom encounter, we don't get to see Barry like that very often.


Probably all been mentioned but...what a crappy episode. What I always liked about the Flash was that usually nobody did stupid shit randomly, just to progress the plot. Usually people were quite smart. But now; We're going to opening the breaches. Wanna use the tachyon upgrading device/be in costume already Barry? Because there might be chance Zoom comes though. Nah. But luckily, Cisco's not opening the breach, and the fight's gonna happen next time, and I'll suit up then! What convenience! Small bit of bad writing.

Now Zoom has Wally, he wants Barry's speed.Totally similar to what happened with Wells' daughter. But back then they didn't know where he was, they didn't know who he was, and they knew Barry wasn't as fast as Zoom. They still came up with ways to get the girl out, without handing over his speed.

Now they know who Zoom is, where Wally is being kept (because Cisco freaking saw him) and Barry is faster than Zoom. But hey, let's just make a deal with Zoom, in stead of trying to get Wally back! Because there's nothing we can do...nope...

And then, when everyone is together, Zoom just let's Wally go, everyone has their gun pointing at Zoom (lol, especially Iris with her pistol), fast as shit Barry is close as well, and they're like: Yup, we've come to a verbal agreement with this mass murderer, who kidnapped and tortured Well's daughter and broke Barry's back. You know what, we're upstanding ladys and gentlemen; let's uphold our sacred vows and call you a monster! That'll teach you! But we're still gonna transfer all the power from the one person who can stop Zoom to the monster, making him completely unstoppable! Just because we made a pinky swear.

Man. Flash has never made me roll my eyes before, but this was so bad. I really, REALLY hope this doesn't go the way of Arrow. Probably been said a bajillion times in this thread. But it just sucked.


So the thread title was spot on!

Now I'm wondering who the man in the mask is.

I don't get why Barry didn't go fight Zoom in his lair though. He's faster than him with the tachyons, so why give him his speed?


Man that last episode was Arrow Season 3 levels of bad and stupid. Hopefully they recover and the rest of the season is better. .
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