i was thinking that Man in the Iron Mask was Hunter Zolomon's father, ripped from the past to be tortured for Zoom's own amusement
which might explain why he was tapping in outdated military code, and also why Zoom even has a time remnant in the first place
but also i don't understand why that reveal would even be important enough to be kept a mystery at this point
The line implies that they would be in disbelief, it has to be someone the cast is familiar with. To be in such a state of disbelief it would also then have to be someone who is presumed dead or can't possibly exist.Yeah I don't think anyone would care about him holding his psycho father anyway.
Plus "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you" doesn't really imply that he has his dad, someone the cast doesn't know at all.
When will superheros just up and kill the villain... This could have been solved with two to the head
The line implies that they would be in disbelief, it has to be someone the cast is familiar with. To be in such a state of disbelief it would also then have to be someone who is presumed dead or can't possibly exist.
watev. i loved the episode!
And to satisfy everyone here, all the writers should have spelt out was that jay could have killed anyone in the room if barry attacked him after wally was released.
There's nothing inherently wrong with the idea that he is Zoom because he needs to become faster to save his life, it can add depth to the character, but they are trying to do way too much with this one. He's dying and needs speed, he is a psychotic mass murderer, he pretended to be Jay Garrick because he's evil, and then finally he is what Barry would have turned out like if he didn't have the West family to fall back on.Everything about Zoom has been hyperbole, I'm expecting the man in the mask to be very anticlimactic.
How did they get those pictures of his parents.
Come on writers. That's beyond lazy.
Everything about Zoom has been hyperbole, I'm expecting the man in the mask to be very anticlimactic.
How did they get those pictures of his parents.
Come on writers. That's beyond lazy.
But they would had to have known that Zoom could just as easily kill everyone in the room after Barry gives up his speed too.
Yes. So the the choice was to abandon wally and let him die and kill jay or give in to his demands and hope jay lets them free................
Why couldn't they do what they did with Jesse? Go and fucking free her.
Like, holy shit.
I think another major problem with the episode is that in the last episode we returned to Eobard Wells. Now THAT was a real villain.
Teddy Sears just can't muster the same level of intimidating presence as Tom Cavanagh, and seeing them back to back just helps to underline that point.
I take it I was the only one who enjoyed that episode? D:
please stop using the word L
it's making me sick
Finally home. Time to watch. Come on Flash episode that already aired, this has to be awesome.
you cant honestly sit there and say it was a terrible episode? it wasn't.
stop being so angry all the time
this was a great episode.
I can honestly say it wasyou cant honestly sit there and say it was a terrible episode? it wasn't.
stop being so angry all the time
this was a great episode.
you cant honestly sit there and say it was a terrible episode? it wasn't.
stop being so angry all the time
this was a great episode.
Badly written episode but like I said before:
The Flash is like sex. Even when it's bad it's still good.
LOL. I'm faster and can beat Zoom. Oh shit Zoom handed over Wally and no one said "Ok let's get him"??? WTF?
you cant honestly sit there and say it was a terrible episode? it wasn't.
stop being so angry all the time
this was a great episode.
Yeah, I enjoyed it. Thought it was a damn good episode. Logically, things don't make sense. But things have never really made sense with time travel and the like. So I don't try to take these shows too seriously. It's a giant mess, but a fun mess.
Was kinda surprised to see so many people consider this episode "Arrow Season 3 bad"
Badly written episode but like I said before:
The Flash is like sex. Even when it's bad it's still good.
This makes more senseI think it's more along the lines of "bad sex is still sex".
And bad sex after 3 weeks celibate is just bad.
So the reverse flash is faster than zoom?
It's what Hunter meant when he talked about the speed mirage.
And why wouldn't Barry believe who's in the cell wearing the iron mask? I'm hoping it's the real Jay, who has to exist.. Hunter Zolomon isn't going to pull that name out of his ass.. Meaning he kept up the Heroic act only after capturing the real Jay Garrick.
Still doesn't explain how he is able to travel between earths without Cisco causing the breach.
Poor Caitlyn.
And why didn't team flash just set up a trap for Zoom? Have that shit laced with something that kills him and doesn't actually drain Barry 100% FFS lol
you cant honestly sit there and say it was a terrible episode? it wasn't.
stop being so angry all the time
this was a great episode.
I've been down on his performance most of the year -- mostly because Jay is/was such a loser -- but I thought he had a legit bit of creepiness with this moment: