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The Flash S2 |OT2| Jays of Future Past - Tuesdays 8/7c

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Even though he makes no mention of causally traveling to a third Earth.

"Sup guys? I just met a crazy powerful hot alien chick on another world and we teamed up and kicked ass! Would be awesome if she could come help us. Meh, I'm sure we'll figure it out what were we working on again?"


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah that episode seriously pissed me the fuck off. Like Mark Waid said in his Tweet, if they don't somehow get a real Jay Garrick as the Flash of Earth 2 back on the level, that's some SERIOUS bullshit. You don't just turn an established comic character into the fucking villain and shit all over his history. Also, I don't know how more of you aren't more pissed that Barry makes no fucking mention of the Supergirl stuff. As soon as he got back to the lab I was expecting him to geek out with Cisco about telling him about a flying girl in another dimension/Earth and having Cisco trying to name her before Barry tells him that she's called "Supergirl". If not then, then at least later in the episode Barry would say SOMETHING, but NOPE. WTF? Argh that episode just sucked.


Jay Garrick is the Man in the Mask.



I'm not that bothered by the lack of Supergirl mention, but the Jay Garrick stuff is bad. I hope they find a way to fix it.

Iris all over Barry again tho.



Aren't Barry and Iris pretty much siblings at this point? It seems weird to me that they want to be together lol. Also this no killing bad guys stuff is getting stupid.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Aren't Barry and Iris pretty much siblings at this point? It seems weird to me that they want to be together lol. Also this no killing bad guys stuff is getting stupid.

Yes, let's add this discussion into the thread's current ecosystem.
So this is what Arrow fans have been feeling for the past 2 seasons?


I have felt this pain on Smallville. On Supernatural. On Vampire Diaries. On The Originals. On The 100.

I have suffered through the roughs of Nikita. I've watched the semi-enjoyable Reaper burn away. I have witnessed the death of Veronica Mars. When it was the WB, I watched Angel go from strength to weakness, to strength, to cancellation. I have watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer murder its best.

You have only tasted suffering. I have feasted on it, been forged by it into a weapon of hate and salt. And now I look back and see your weakness. I see your hope. I wish to cast it out of you. I want to make you harder. Like me.




I have felt this pain on Smallville. On Supernatural. On Vampire Diaries. On The Originals. On The 100.

I have suffered through the roughs of Nikita. I've watched the semi-enjoyable Reaper burn away. I have witnessed the death of Veronica Mars. When it was the WB, I watched Angel go from strength to weakness, to strength, to cancellation. I have watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer murder its best.

You have only tasted suffering. I have feasted on it, been forged by it into a weapon of hate and salt. And now I look back and see your weakness. I see your hope. I wish to cast it out of you. I want to make you harder. Like me.


This man fits the profile.



I have felt this pain on Smallville. On Supernatural. On Vampire Diaries. On The Originals. On The 100.

I have suffered through the roughs of Nikita. I've watched the semi-enjoyable Reaper burn away. I have witnessed the death of Veronica Mars. When it was the WB, I watched Angel go from strength to weakness, to strength, to cancellation. I have watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer murder its best.

You have only tasted suffering. I have feasted on it, been forged by it into a weapon of hate and salt. And now I look back and see your weakness. I see your hope. I wish to cast it out of you. I want to make you harder. Like me.


Preach. Still bummed at the Veronica Mars rapid slide into mediocrity. Really hope iZombie continues to deliver.

I have felt this pain on Smallville. On Supernatural. On Vampire Diaries. On The Originals. On The 100.

I have suffered through the roughs of Nikita. I've watched the semi-enjoyable Reaper burn away. I have witnessed the death of Veronica Mars. When it was the WB, I watched Angel go from strength to weakness, to strength, to cancellation. I have watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer murder its best.

You have only tasted suffering. I have feasted on it, been forged by it into a weapon of hate and salt. And now I look back and see your weakness. I see your hope. I wish to cast it out of you. I want to make you harder. Like me.


Hunter Zolomon is Zoom.
There is a real Jay Garrick. He is the man in the mask. He is a true hero. Existed before all the other Flashes.
Earth 1 Hunter Zolomon will become the traditional Zoom who makes Barry suffer to make him a better hero.


Holy shit, everyone just lost IQ in the last 10 minutes and Barry is depowered again...joy.

Also, what stopped Reverse Flash to kill everyone like nothing?
I really hate this depowering heroes trope. It's just annoying at this point of the story. There was literally no reason why when he just found a way to get faster. Like..... That was so stupid and contrived.

I sincerely hope that we are being played and that Barry's powers are just dampened for a set amount of time until they actually figure out how to stop Zoom. Which they already did last night but had to force all of this to advance this plot.
Ok a few questions I have after this episode.
1) If they knew Jay/Hunter was dying, why not just leave him in Earth-2 and wait him out?
2) If Jay never knew of Earth-1 Flash till the singularity then why does Zoom's costume clearly reference Earth-1 Flash?
And then yeah, as a lot of others have mentioned, it doesn't make sense why Jay seemed to have feelings for Caitlyn when that was a time remnant of his.... I dunno.

Nelo Ice

To set up another 5 episodes worth of material.
"Oh no I lost my speed again"
"Oh no I'm not fast enough"
"Oh no I can't find him"
"Oh no I'm forced to make a choice"
"Oh no I fucked up again but Zoom is dead"

Lol like damn this whole show has basically been how stupid Barry is. It's hard to root for him when he makes the dumbest decisions. Then of course they're doing Jay dirty and I still have no clue what the point of including Jay in the story is.


So the reverse flash is faster than zoom?

It's what Hunter meant when he talked about the speed mirage.

And why wouldn't Barry believe who's in the cell wearing the iron mask? I'm hoping it's the real Jay, who has to exist.. Hunter Zolomon isn't going to pull that name out of his ass.. Meaning he kept up the Heroic act only after capturing the real Jay Garrick.

Still doesn't explain how he is able to travel between earths without Cisco causing the breach.

Poor Caitlyn.

And why didn't team flash just set up a trap for Zoom? Have that shit laced with something that kills him and doesn't actually drain Barry 100% FFS lol
Lol like damn this whole show has basically been how stupid Barry is. It's hard to root for him when he makes the dumbest decisions. Then of course they're doing Jay dirty and I still have no clue what the point of including Jay in the story is.

Pretty much. How you going to get into a conversation with Zoom who is nearly weakened with your device and not knock his out? Stop talking and start making moves ya bish!
it doesn't make sense why Jay seemed to have feelings for Caitlyn when that was a time remnant of his.... I dunno.

This... I guess really depends on exactly when the clone/split happened. He says "after you guys went to Earth-2", which is the time the Jay/Cait stuff really happens, but I guess he could've just cloned himself after a lot of that and not necessarily immediately as soon as the gang went to Earth-2.

As for Hunter killing himself, that could work if it was staged as the "Future" Zoom was the one that stayed behind and got killed... but it sounds like it was the opposite so yeah yikes that should kill off the "Future" Zoom... such an an easy thing to work but they blew that.

But eh I don't mind too much about the Hunter clone logic / cait stuff since it's not too hard for me to mentally clean up. The main thing that this episode completely fucks over for me is Flash giving up his speed. AGAIN. The absolute biggest L in history when really it was completely unnecessary to reopen the breach since Zoom was TERMINALLY ILL anyways and opening the breach just lets him fuck more shit up and potentially cure him and kill off Team Flash and doom Earth-1 as well as Earth-2. God damn horrible.
So the reverse flash is faster than zoom?

It's what Hunter meant when he talked about the speed mirage.

And why wouldn't Barry believe who's in the cell wearing the iron mask? I'm hoping it's the real Jay, who has to exist.. Hunter Zolomon isn't going to pull that name out of his ass.. Meaning he kept up the Heroic act only after capturing the real Jay Garrick.

Still doesn't explain how he is able to travel between earths without Cisco causing the breach.

And why didn't team flash just set up a trap for Zoom? Have that shit laced with something that kills him and doesn't actually drain Barry 100% FFS lol

I don't think he is necessarily slower but just that he hasn't learned how to properly use that part of his powers yet. If Flash S1 was fast enough to beat Reverse Flash S1, it's safe to assume that Zoom is the fastest speedster in the multi-verse right now before and after last night's episode.

Yeah, Hunter definitely kept up with E2 Flash long enough to copy nearly everything about Jay Garrick. Long enough to convince people that Hunter looked like Jay. I take back what I said about the facial hair and long hair. If you shaved and cut them all off they're unrecognizable to an extent. It seems to me that Hunter never took off his mask in public after that first image of him was taken and was assumed dead. So are they long lost twins?

I don't know how he went back to Earth-2. That was lazy writing no excuses.

One argument I can make regarding your last point would be that Zoom is just more efficient in his killing ability or ruthless. As soon as they poison Zoom, he will know and immediately kill somebody in the room. Sure Team Flash can then stop him but they would lose either one or two lives.

Yes, I'm betting on the writers to have them dampen Barry's speed for the six hours or they stored it secretly while they injected Zoom with Barry's speed.


Eeeeeeeeeeh, some of the things that happened in the episode makes no sense. Barry not making a bigger deal about him traveling fast enough to another earth even though the whole problem they had in the beginning was HOW TO GET TO ANOTHER EARTH.

Also, HOW DID WELLS NOT MAKE THE CONNECTION THAT HUNTER AND JAY LOOK A SHITTON IDENTICAL? I was going to let it slide until he said that serial killers were easily identifiable since there weren't many of them on Earth 2.

I enjoyed a lot of parts in this episode, but man. Some of the stuff here was Supergirl levels of logic drops.


So the reverse flash is faster than zoom?

It's what Hunter meant when he talked about the speed mirage.

Zoom was talking about not being fast enough to keep up speed mirages between two earths. Reverse Flash and Flash were making speed mirages in relatively small areas when they used that ability.
Finally got to watch the episode, yeah the beginning was fine but once they got towards the end it went downhill. Its not enough to make me want to drop the show though lol.
Fictional characters are up for Darwin awards yes? The entire time I was like "this has to be a fucking ruse" "no way this is gonna be played straight", and then it happened.......... Barry really is the fastest man alive, only on S2 and already outstripped Ollie in taking Ls.

I don't mind Jay Garrick being a villain, not like I a give a shit about him in the comics. Though "Jay" doesn't really exist yet, it's been all Hunter.

Making Hunter so different is the far bigger crime to me.
He wasn't though. Not even close. At best Flash S2 can beat Year One Eobard.

I'd say he was getting there. But I should have reiterated that Flash S1 had help from Arrow and Firestorm. You are right that S2 Flash would beat S1 Reverse Flash. But we also don't know and haven't seen the full extent of S1 Reverse Flash.


Also, HOW DID WELLS NOT MAKE THE CONNECTION THAT HUNTER AND JAY LOOK A SHITTON IDENTICAL? I was going to let it slide until he said that serial killers were easily identifiable since there weren't many of them on Earth 2.

I can't here to ask this. It doesn't make any sense. Also The Flash of Earth 2 was a hero-people saw him in public. And if Hunter Zolomon's face was so recognizable, there was never anyone that questioned it?
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