Best moment of the episode
I can't wait for someone to make an E3 gif out of this :3
Best moment of the episode
Nutted but she still suckin
Son of a bitch lolNutted but she still suckin
Man in the mask is Henry
WhatMark Waid has condemned the show?
Also, Johns sucks and his Flash run was just a Rogues one.
Sure if you dumb down Return of Barry Allen like that and remove all context, then they're totally the same and Waid is totally a hypocriteI find it amusing that the guy who wrote a much loved story about one of The Flash's villains posing as The Flash that ended with a character getting over their baggage and becoming faster than any speedster who'd ever existed doesn't like a story about one of The Flash's villains posing as The Flash that seems likely to end with a character getting over their baggage and becoming faster than any speedster.
I find it amusing that the guy who wrote a much loved story about one of The Flash's villains posing as The Flash that ended with a character getting over their baggage and becoming faster than any speedster who'd ever existed doesn't like a story about one of The Flash's villains posing as The Flash that seems likely to end with a character getting over their baggage and becoming faster than any speedster.
Mark Waid has condemned the show?
Also, Johns sucks and his Flash run was just a Rogues one.
By the way having the scene of a man eith the Jay Garrick helmet beat his wife is some fuckery
Yeah that's kind of dumb. Especially if "all serial killers on Earth-2 are so so so rare they're super high-profile and we have pictures of them and everything and our technology is so advanced." I mean even in Dexter S8 they aged a baby photo to look like what an adult might look likeI'm being facetious here but we can already sort of do shit like that and I really doubt no one would scrutinize the shit out of a man with literal superpowers who exposes his face for all to see.
Also honestly they didn't say Hunter Zolomon's father was dead so man in the mask might as well be his father. Also a war vet so he probably knows that tap code, etc. That's my educated guess. It's better than it's Earth N+1's Jay Garrick, who is the real Jay Garrick.
At least tomorrow's episode should have some promiseThe Flash is doing nothing that Legends isn't doing 10x worse.
Guyz, let me explain.
Future Zoom kills past Zoom.
This would cause future Zoom to no longer exist.
If future Zoom doesn't exist, he can't kill past Zoom.
If past Zoom isn't dead, he grows to be future Zoom.
Who then kills past Zoom..
This causes a paradox where any combination of past Zoom being dead or alive and future Zoom existing or not, to be possible. Allowing future Zoom to still exist even though past Zoom is dead.
I've watched the semi-enjoyable Reaper burn away.
A bit off topic but I wasn't sure if I should make a new thread for it.
Did anyone catch Containment?
Just watched it and I really enjoyed it! Absolutely scared the shit out of me too as that sort of thing is a major fear of mine. Looks like it's only gonna be 6 episodes long too.
Nutted but she still suckin
My biggest question is, where did Team Flash get high res card board cut outs of Zoom's parents? THOSE AREN'T THINGS THAT EXIST FOR MOST PEOPLE.
Earth-2 Wikipedia must be killer. Yeah there is no way that makes sense.My biggest question is, where did Team Flash get high res card board cut outs of Zoom's parents? THOSE AREN'T THINGS THAT EXIST FOR MOST PEOPLE.
Jay Garrick, twin of Hunter Zolomon? We will have to do a lot of handwaving for now.Okay, next issue. Assuming he's only an Earth-2 guy, he'd have to be an entirely new face. So why did Zolomon ever target him or even know he had speed (assuming he was a speedster)? Was he a hero? And if he was, why did no one notice him vanish?
Man they had a 3 minute session where they just sit down and explain shit to the audience and this episode was till full of plot holes and weird ass logic.
They should've kept dead Jay as like a "time remnant" that Zolomon maybe tricked or something rather than being totally down with the plan and willing to die, would've made his story a bit tragic. Could have used the flashback framing device to set it up rather than just telling us the story and dropping it.
Best moment of the episode
Nutted but she still suckin
The theory of the man in the mask being Jay is contradicted by Caitlin saying earlier in the season that she couldn't find evidence of a man named Jay Garrick ever existing on Earth-1. Unless Zolomon kidnapped and erased him from every database known to man.
When did we pass 1,000 posts. What the hell, fellow nerds.
When did we pass 1,000 posts. What the hell, fellow nerds.
His Wally run was great
Sure if you dumb down Return of Barry Allen like that and remove all context, then they're totally the same and Waid is totally a hypocrite
When did we pass 1,000 posts. What the hell, fellow nerds.
Watched the ep, not sure why Barry pressured Cisco to open the breach whne he was able to travel to another earth without issue (also the lack of mention of his adventures with Supergirl was kinda sad), and the ending was absolutely stupid.
Also, the man in the mask is totally 90s Flash.
Reaper was excellent until its end, and had plenty of potential... Damned CW for taking it from us way to soon ;_;
The only question is... Why would a real Jay Garrick look like Hunter Zolomon (e1/e2)?
The only question is... Why would a real Jay Garrick look like Hunter Zolomon (e1/e2)?
Reaper's biggest problem was that it didn't have a significant love triangle for teen girls to sink their teeth into. If it had more potential ships we'd be talking about how it should've ended three or four seasons ago.
Sock's "sister" was hot. It was surprising that the actress who played her was already in her mid-30s. She also sued IMDB for posting her age on her bio and either they or people stopped updating her profile on there or she hasn't acted since.and he thought so too, actually that was total shipper fulfillment, I guess at least they didn't grow up together
The only question is... Why would a real Jay Garrick look like Hunter Zolomon (e1/e2)?
I was wondering how Teddy Sears was going to play this episode and it was interesting. I didn't really expect that from him.
I believe he plays alot of villains in movies and tv shows? I know for a fact that he played a villain in a movie that I brought up in the other OT. So he has experience in being a villain.
Jay has come to? Is that what you want NTGYK?!
Now do you remember? Who you are? What you were meant to do? I cheated death, thanks to you. And thanks to you, I've left my mark. You have too. You've written your own history. You're your own man. I'm The Flash, and you are too. No... he's the two of us together. Where we are today, we built it. This story, this legend; it's ours. We can change the world, and with it, the future. I am you, and you are me. Carry that with you wherever you go. Thank you, my friend. From here on out... you're The Flash.
Now do you remember? Who you are? What you were meant to do? I cheated death, thanks to you. And thanks to you, I've left my mark. You have too. You've written your own history. You're your own man. I'm Zoom, and you are too. No... he's the two of us together. Where we are today, we built it. This story, this legend; it's ours. We can change the world, and with it, the future. I am you, and you are me. Carry that with you wherever you go. Thank you, my friend. From here on out... you're Zoom.
Dude in the mask is Wally West, possibly the Flash in another Earth who Zoom tried to steal the speed force from before Barry ;]