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The Flash S2 |OT2| Jays of Future Past - Tuesdays 8/7c

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You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Maybe it's Barry from another earth? He brought him over, stole his speed and is keeping him prisoner? Or maybe it's his dad from another earth? Brought him over to exact some kind of 'justice'.
Holy shit.... if they do that just imagine the meltdowns and confusion lol. People who don't know about MGSV would be soooo mad and confused lmao.

MGSV spoilers:

I haven't forgotten what you told me, Flash. We have no tomorrow: but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us: no need for the hero, or the villain to strengthen him. I have to drag out the demon inside me, build a better future. That's what I— what we will leave as our legacy. Another mission, right Flash?



I thought that was a really stupid decision by Barry, even by ultra-altruistic TV superhero standards. Jay getting juiced up was something else. I didn't know whether it was more terrifying or hilarious, but it certainly looked like he unloaded both chambers into his drawers.
I thought that was a really stupid decision by Barry, even by ultra-altruistic TV superhero standards. Jay getting juiced up was something else. I didn't know whether it was more terrifying or hilarious, but it certainly looked like he unloaded both chambers into his drawers.

It's obvious Teddy Sears is having a ball.
Speed has changed. It's no longer about mirages, clones or constructs. It's an endless series of speed battles, fought by speedsters and time-travellers. Speed, and its consumption of life, has become a cosmic treadmill. Speed has changed. Speedsters carry speedster rings, use speedster gear. Speed force inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities. Genetic control. Information control. Emotion control. Speed force control. Everything is speed force, and kept under speed. Speed has changed. The age of speed force has become the age of speed. All in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of speed force. And he who controls the speed force, controls speed. Speed has changed. When the speed force is under total control, speed... becomes routine.

Eh, I tried NTGYK lol.

I just saw your new posts.... bwahahahaha. EVERYTHING is nanomachines, er, speed force.


Yeah. Reaper's cancelattion was a tragedy. I liked Chuck , but the weaker show survived. I know they weren't on the same network, but they were so damn similiar it still felt like a wrong choice.


How many of you guys complaining about this season watched Smallville?

I was really hoping this show would be different..but it's following pretty much the same path.


How many of you guys complaining about this season watched Smallville?

I was really hoping this show would be different..but it's following pretty much the same path.

It is on my planning. And to be fair, they just messed up on Jay. I like to rag on the show, but it is doing fine outside of his stuff.
Two speedsters in a row was the problem. Thawne was handled perfectly and it was always going to be difficult to find someone as good as Tom to pull it off again.

Zoom should have been season 3 with a non speedster as the big bad of season 2. They just needed room to breathe a little...


If they needed a shocking Earth 2 villain with non-speedster powers that could be a thread to Barry, Reverb would've been a good pick instead of offing him pretty much immediately just to show how mean and murderous Zoom is.
Combination of Killer Frost and Reverb would have been very punny.

I don't think two speeders in a row was really the problem here, though. They did a good job initially introducing Zoom. Pretty much until this episode few in this thread seemed to have a problem with a speedster big bad.

It went wrong when they showed who he was.


Character motivations are getting pretty thin, as well as their intelligence.

It's time to end The Flash after season 2. It's not like Eobard can wipe Barry off the face of the earth now that time remnants are introduced so what's the point of anything? End it now.


Nah man season 3 is gonna be Future Barry trying to kill Barry.

Or hook up with Iris cause he failed in his timeline and wants a redo.


It's time to end The Flash after season 2. It's not like Eobard can wipe Barry off the face of the earth now that time remnants are introduced so what's the point of anything? End it now.

Lol I wouldn't go that far, but all of this Earth and time travel shit does make it complicated to carry it on in a realistic manner. I don't know how they continue it in a comic book, but I feel like different rules for a show. Someone dies? Time travel duh. Someone dies in Arrow? Call Barry and have him time travel! (I haven't actually caught up with Arrow so I'm not sure if this is true)
It's time to end The Flash after season 2. It's not like Eobard can wipe Barry off the face of the earth now that time remnants are introduced so what's the point of anything? End it now.

True. Or Flashpoint Paradox it or merge the multiverse and merge the shows. Just repeat the last episode every season of Flash with multiple Berries fighting multiple Wells.


Well they've seriously fucked up by allowing Hunter Zolomon to kill his past self without consequence.

That's seriously the dumbest thing to happen in any TV show ever. I don't think even Arrow went that stupid and that's saying something.


Lol I wouldn't go that far, but all of this Earth and time travel shit does make it complicated to carry it on in a realistic manner. I don't know how they continue it in a comic book, but I feel like different rules for a show. Someone dies? Time travel duh. Someone dies in Arrow? Call Barry and have him time travel! (I haven't actually caught up with Arrow so I'm not sure if this is true)

They should do something like the crossover where Barry keeps trying and trying and trying always failing to save someone.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Was it just my imagination or were there a few Keystone City shoutouts? I wonder if that's going to build to something.


Another thing I don't get it is why didn't Zoom just go back in time to use his past self's healthy cells just after the particle accelerator explosion?


I rewatched a few episodes and you know, they could really do more with Iris. Some of her stuff seemed to die on the vine but I thought the actress did really well with her Earth-2 version. I don't know how much range an actor can really flex on a show like this, but she definitely showed she has some. In many episodes they just basically post her up in the background like window dressing.


One man's junk is another man's treasure
Nah man season 3 is gonna be Future Barry trying to kill Barry.

Or hook up with Iris cause he failed in his timeline and wants a redo.

Nah, season 3 is going to be Gorilla Grodd or at least I hope that's what it will be.


Was it just my imagination or were there a few Keystone City shoutouts? I wonder if that's going to build to something.

No. It is the place they keep using as not-Central. Royal Flush was from there, Francine went to there, Eddie came from there, Girder was born there.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
No. It is the place they keep using as not-Central. Royal Flush was from there, Francine went to there, Eddie came from there, Girder was born there.

Ah, I gotcha. For whatever reason I noticed it more here, I probably just brushed off those other mentions. So it's probably where Wally will get sent if he ever powers up too quick? 🙊


Ah, I gotcha. For whatever reason I noticed it more here, I probably just brushed off those other mentions. So it's probably where Wally will get sent if he ever powers up too quick? 🙊

It is perfectly in the middle of Starling and Central, so we can complain why he isn't helping on both shows!
Another thing I don't get it is why didn't Zoom just go back in time to use his past self's healthy cells just after the particle accelerator explosion?

No one knows..... no one knows. thetruthisoutthere.jpeg

Season 3 is going to be The Adventures of Papa Joe and Harrison Wells.


I rewatched a few episodes and you know, they could really do more with Iris. Some of her stuff seemed to die on the vine but I thought the actress did really well with her Earth-2 version. I don't know how much range an actor can really flex on a show like this, but she definitely showed she has some. In many episodes they just basically post her up in the background like window dressing.

Yeah, it is pretty absurd how little they do with the actress.

Although to be fair, her profession and lack of powers severely limits her possible interactions with other members of Team Flash.


How many of you guys complaining about this season watched Smallville?

I was really hoping this show would be different..but it's following pretty much the same path.

Smallville followed the same path as Buffy, just slower. It's almost like these genre shows all follow a similar trajectory.

Arrowverse is still far better than Smallville.

Yeah, it is pretty absurd how little they do with the actress.

Although to be fair, her profession and lack of powers severely limits her possible interactions with other members of Team Flash.

Her profession is kind of perfect. Linda and Lois have no problem meeting with their respective heroes, their job has them visiting crime scenes and breaking stories.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
It is perfectly in the middle of Starling and Central, so we can complain why he isn't helping on both shows!

Wally gets powers but he and Barry can't continuously pull from The Speed Force while in such close proximity to each other. *waves magic wand*

Giving Wally or Jesse active powers might be a shot that can't be unfired. It feels like the show already has enough trouble giving convincing reasons why Barry can't stop someone with his speed. Having multiple speedsters around will only multiple that problem. But then I don't know what they could do with either character otherwise. It feels inevitable.


Wally gets powers but he and Barry can't continuously pull from The Speed Force while in such close proximity to each other. *waves magic wand*

Giving Wally or Jesse active powers might be a shot that can't be unfired. It feels like the show already has enough trouble giving convincing reasons why Barry can't stop someone with his speed. Having multiple speedsters around will only multiple that problem. But then I don't know what they could do with either character otherwise. It feels inevitable.

Wally could get Young Justice-tier powers. He's not that fast, he can't break the speed of sound and can't start and stop on a dime. It makes villains an actual threat and he can't just appear anywhere instantly. Barry is already far faster than that. Of course that would require them to treat Wally with some kind of consistency of speed, which they've been incapable of so far.

Jesse should never be given powers, but if she does she'll be the hero of another city anyway. Not a regular, doesn't need to stick around.


Wally gets powers but he and Barry can't continuously pull from The Speed Force while in such close proximity to each other. *waves magic wand*

Giving Wally or Jesse active powers might be a shot that can't be unfired. It feels like the show already has enough trouble giving convincing reasons why Barry can't stop someone with his speed. Having multiple speedsters around will only multiple that problem. But then I don't know what they could do with either character otherwise. It feels inevitable.

If they don't give Wally powers however, he is completely pointless. They need to give him something to do, then send him off to Arrow for training maybe.


If they don't give Wally powers however, he is completely pointless. They need to give him something to do, then send him off to Arrow for training maybe.

Wally is taking the oblivious asshole character slot from Iris.
He'll either get power, dead, or just move out by the end of the season.
Guyz, let me explain.

Future Zoom kills past Zoom.
This would cause future Zoom to no longer exist.
If future Zoom doesn't exist, he can't kill past Zoom.
If past Zoom isn't dead, he grows to be future Zoom.
Who then kills past Zoom..
This causes a paradox where any combination of past Zoom being dead or alive and future Zoom existing or not, to be possible. Allowing future Zoom to still exist even though past Zoom is dead.

So, I'm catching up with the thread Have you guys heard of the grandfather paradox?, which is one of the most common examples of time paradoxes in fiction, that's the problem in the latest episode with Hunter killing himself
Haven't we seen Barry being insulted from the consequences of time travel (IE doesn't have memories of Pied Piper being good, remembers the Weather Wizard winning, etc)? Does it not therefor also make sense that Zoom would be insulted from changes? If he did kill his past self, the Speed Force would insulate him from the paradox and allow him to exist.


Would put a whole new meaning to Zoom screwing with Flash :)

She would have taken it to an entirely new level compared to Wells, Barry wouldn't look so stupid like he did with Jay because Patty was completely unassuming, she could have tried to break him emotionally by leaving him, ...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I just hope the big bad of next season isn't a speedster. I can't do "I need to make Barry faster so I can steal his speed" a third time. I just can't, no matter how it is dressed up.

Earth 2 Wells needs to stay. Him and Joe are my favorite things about the show. Even when Wells is being nice, he stills comes off as a bit of a dick. So at least he is consistent. Joe is the heart of the show, and one of the best actors.

I like Iris. Her and Barry have zero chemistry as far as I'm concerned, but maybe that's because they're essentially step siblings so they never really play up a strong two way attraction.
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