That mod is awesome. Makes me really want a well made Flash game.
Well that didn't last long.
Well that didn't last long.
Well that didn't last long.
Well that didn't last long.
Zack Stentz worked on that? Although, I don't even know what that is. Google Search refers to Death of Superman.Was referring to
Yeah, it doesn't make sense.That doesn't even. . .What?
I can only live with that if Zoom lied.How do you even convince your past self to let you kill him?
Well that didn't last long.
Hey, they juniored me too! Six months until I can make threads again.
Well that didn't last long.
Hey, they juniored me too! Six months until I can make threads again.
Mods using Speedforce for that fast junioring.
I really hope Zoom is lying because this past episode's explanations and revalations has really soured me on his character and this arc in general.
Disappointed I wasn't banned eh?
He shouldn't be alive. They used the "time remnant" excuse but that means Eobard going back in time to kill young Barry is futile because older Barry would still exist anyway.
Basically the writers have fucked up.
They've contradicted themselves already. First time Barry time traveled, he displaced his past self and just started living out that life again.
Then he goes back in time and drugs himself...
That mod is awesome. Makes me really want a well made Flash game.
flash s2 is not even close to arrow s3
last episode was eh but overall I've enjoyed s2
Just saw this
Kind of off topic, but that has to be the best mod in GTA V.
Not only do you get to play as CW Flash, but you have his powers too. Don't wanna spoil too much, but you can run on water lol..
Play Infamous SS/First Light.
So after they got Wally back.... couldn't they have just been like, "fuck off Zoom" and not given him Barry's speed force?
Play Infamous SS/First Light.
Play Infamous SS/First Light.
Play Infamous SS/First Light.
i hope this bullshit doesnt last
no one wants to watch a superhero show with a powerless superhero
also Barry should of super sonic punched him in the balls
no amount of speedforce will save you from that pain lol
Powerless Barry will probably last all of 5 minutes.
Superpowered person losing his abilities for five seconds is such a trope that you should never expect it to last. At least not until they kill Barry in the finale and his power transfers to Wally.i guess that confirms Barry will get his speed back and kick Zooms ass, i can sleep now
Superpowered person losing his abilities for five seconds is such a trope that you should never expect it to last. At least not until they kill Barry in the finale and his power transfers to Wally.
Not this again. Infamous has no sense of speed whatsoever.
I disagree, is easily the best speedster / 3D Sonic game ever. First Light especially.
Don't see how you get no sense of speed from it, you got normal speed, then super speed which provides all sorts of new abilties.
Keiynan Lonsdale worked on the Divergent series, Grant Gustin can't match that.The fangirls would eat CW alive.
I disagree, is easily the best speedster / 3D Sonic game ever. First Light especially.
Don't see how you get no sense of speed from it, you got normal speed, then super speed which provides all sorts of new abilties.
Just saw BvS finally.Seeing the guy they got to play the Flash.... woof. That greasy ponytail is not a good look.
Yeah, I don't like his look but I won't judge it yet
Just saw BvS finally.Seeing the guy they got to play the Flash.... woof. That greasy ponytail is not a good look.
I truly hope Zoom was bullshitting on this time rem.
It just doesn't make any lick of sense.
And I even more hope that this was all some of an elaborate plan (Doubt it though), because god that was dumb as fuck.
For 17 episodes, it seems like Barry's goal is to get faster so he can beat Zoom. When he finally achieves said goal, he does nothing with it other than luring him into Star Labs, which would've happened anyway....
God dammit...
These aren't spoilers because I don't know shit about the last two episodes, but I really get the impression that they're building to Barry being so desperate that he goes to the future and asks Eobard to help him fight Zoom - paying off the 'gotta go' from Season One, and letting us see how awesome 'TEAM SPEED BROS' would be in action together.
That or Barry calls Oliver, Firestorm, Hawkgirl, The Atom, Rory Williams, White Canary, Captain Cold, the ghost of NotCyclops, Speedy, Spartan and Black Lantern Hawkman and the animated rendering of Vixen and they all beat Zoom up then everyone spends months trying to figure out how that fits in with Arrow Season 4's timeline.
Lol what did you do this time?Well that didn't last long.
Barry is going to learn Speedforce comes from believing in himself and that his friends are his real power. Then he'll purify Zoom's evil candle. And Cisco will learn too much vibe energy can overload the morphing grid,
Because if Flash ran as slow as Fetch/Delsin then he wouldn't be called the Flash. He'd be called The Dash at best.
He/she run far slower than Wally in Young Justice and he's about a slow a speedster as they get. They run maybe 3x faster than a normal human. That's nothing close to Sonic, let alone The Flash. Say what you will about the quality of SRIV, but there's no doubt you move much faster in that game. I'm not even sure why you brought Sonic up they're that different. Just watch videos of First Light, SRIV and the GTAV mod next to each other. Infamous is a snail.
It's not just about speed but how a game plays and controls. SRIV played like ass, and GTA has and will forever have crappy gameplay. Infamous plays amazing.
Same reason Sonic games all suck nowdays, at some point someone decided Sonic was 99% about speed, when only the opening levels of older games really ever did that, with the rest of the game being very slow with only a bit of speed here and there if at all.
Lol what did you do this time?