When that one twist revolves around bastardizing a golden age hero, yes.
But this just proves me point of a lack of faith in the show in general, if the twist is enough to sour on it completely.
When that one twist revolves around bastardizing a golden age hero, yes.
No matter how they write it, it's still convoluted to the nth degree.Not really. Hiding a character and lying to the audience for an entire season and using imagery from Flash of Two Worlds represented by a psychopath masquerading as an beloved character only to pull a gotcha at the end of the season is stupid as fuck.
Just saddens me in this day and age that even after The Flash S1 and an S2 most people love, ONE thing sours them on the show. Are we really that lapsed in faith that we go from 'yay' to 'fuck this show' after one twist? One twist which occurs with seven episodes of the season left?
Also with regards to the Zoom/Deathstroke comparison.
Deathstroke was fucking nuts. Him obsessing over Shado was a result of that. That's pretty much explained.
Zoom being Jay is just...wack. For one you're retreading the "Mentor Character betrays our Protagonist" plot from the first season after just dealing with getting over that betrayal with E-2 Wells. Two. from the looks of things taking the first Flash and making him a known Flash villain is kinda garbage if that's what we end up with by the end of the season. Then third, Zoom lost a lot of his initial scariness after his identity had been discovered and he only barely regained that today. THEN The show bent over backwards and made him stronger due to Barry and Co. being complete idiots.
Its just bad writing tbh.
Zoom created Jay Garrick, a persona designed to create hope in the lives of people and then took it away at the exact moment it'd do most damage. That seems increasingly meta as fuck given the way this thread's going.
Zoom snaps the necks of like 20 cops in half a second. Barry disintegrates after a failed experiment by Wells to recreate the particle accelerator explosion. Zoom rubs it in everyone's face. Wally and Jessie get caught in the new particle accelerator's flash wave and get KO'ed.
I love Arrow. Despite the whole Felicity thing going on, I just ignore it. I love it despite it all. Not to say I hate Felicity at all, I just like Arrow that much. Maybe I'm a fool (probably).
So....when does he actually go to the funeral?
The simplest explanation is he doesn't, and the scene in Arrow takes place sometime in the future, since Barry is all, "Sorry I missed the funeral."So....when does he actually go to the funeral?
Harry Potter references were the best part of the episode. That disintegration must have been painful.
So....when does he actually go to the funeral?
I really hope we don't have 3 good speedsters running around going forward; part of the reason why I started disliking Arrow.
I really hope we don't have 3 good speedsters running around going forward; part of the reason why I started disliking Arrow.
Do you think they'll go a whole episode without bringing Barry back or at least showing he is still alive or will he be back next episode?
Because its going to be a tag team between Flash, Kid Flash, and Jesse Quick to take down Zoom.
Also I have no nostalgia or reverence for Jay so I don't care what they do to his character.
Do you think they'll go a whole episode without bringing Barry back or at least showing he is still alive or will he be back next episode?
Because its going to be a tag team between Flash, Kid Flash, and Jesse Quick to take down Zoom.
Also I have no nostalgia or reverence for Jay so I don't care what they do to his character.
.From the synopsis on IMDB, I am guessing we'll actually see Barry, living in the Speed Force, moving through time and possibly dimensions. It will probably devote most of its time on the crew sans Barry though. I'm just excited for a super powered Wally West - my Flash
Uh, you should spoiler that?
Do you think they'll go a whole episode without bringing Barry back or at least showing he is still alive or will he be back next episode?
Because its going to be a tag team between Flash, Kid Flash, and Jesse Quick to take down Zoom.
Sure, I didn't think about it just figured it was common knowledge for fans. My apologies.
I think they might do one last episode of Barry not being in Human form. They could potentially have Barry appear out of nowhere and drag Zoom into the speed force where they have a speed battle or a race. Barry, (speculating) being the speed force generator, can go for as long as he can and Zoom can't. They go so fast that Zoom, who doesn't quite know how to control his speed force abilities, is absorbed into the speed force for a very long time.
That or they go the Wally route and have Barry rob Zoom of all his speed and freeze him as a statue that has to watch everything pass by him normally. He is forever frozen but alive.
Btw, one thing I never get is why people like Barry and co won't get any self defense/martial arts training.
Like,you are the Flash. You regularly have to fight people to the death, yet you can't even throw a proper punch without needing a pep talk.
You can't tell me he doesn't have time to train. He can literally train at super speed.
I think they did but I'm not quite sure. Slayven or shoreu would have to chime in here.
I recall they did when I was wondering if Superman knows any martial arts and he does learn martial arts from different people. He also knows Kryptonian Martial Arts.
Smith has beef with Guggenheim and his wifelet him direct an episode of Arrow too.
In the comics Green Arrow mentions that The Justice League conducts regular martial training. I can't remember which comic it was. There was also some offhanded comment from another 'Leaguer who complained that Wonder Woman and Batman were too hard on people in training.
Smith has beef with Guggenheim and his wife
Smith has beef with Guggenheim and his wife
First time I'm hearing about it. Is it serious?