For Flash, Barry and Wally, they would be just more OP as they are lol. They have speed, speed kills. Sure they have all the time in the world but they would rather use that time saving lives, stopping crimes, and helping out other heroes (or chow down on Big Belly Burgers).
I don't blame the Flashes for not receiving any or much martial arts training but it would help that they (or Barry) at least know how to throw a punch or kick lol. But I'm sure they've read many of books that teaches the philosophies of martial arts.
It always tickled me how Wally was so fast he grew bored with even brief meetings with the 'League, and thus really disliked Wonder Woman as she was prone to long-winded tirades.
First time I'm hearing about it. Is it serious? does he have beef with Tara Butters? He worked with her on Reaper, my understanding is it went well?
Probably not that serious, but Kev doesn't watch Arrow so he wouldn't want to direct it anyway. Legends is a maybe.
Just saddens me in this day and age that even after The Flash S1 and an S2 most people love, ONE thing sours them on the show. Are we really that lapsed in faith that we go from 'yay' to 'fuck this show' after one twist? One twist which occurs with seven episodes of the season left?
I mean shit, Arrow S2 had Deathstroke blubbering about a woman he barely knew and people powered through it.
Jay Garrick is going to be played by john wesley shipp. they wouldn't stop the maiden name thing for no reasonI really enjoyed this episode, for the most part. The scene where Zoom kills those cops. Golfham. Dude is sinister as fuck.
So what's up with the Garrick name? Who do we think the masked man is now? Is Jay Garrick actually Barry's relative?
Jay Garrick is going to be played by john wesley shipp. they wouldn't stop the maiden name thing for no reason
Jay Garrick is going to be played by john wesley shipp. they wouldn't stop the maiden name thing for no reason
To be fair Barrys father of E2 was never seen or referred to as HenrySo Henry-2 has a twin?
that would honestly be a lame twist if true
To be fair Barrys father of E2 was never seen or referred to as Henry
JWS and Teddy Sears never shared scenes together
The 90s Flash was shown in the travel to E2 and is the only thing to not come to fruition
MultiverseWhat confuses me is how JWS would be the real Jay Garrick on Earth-2 if Hunter Zolomon paraded around as him for so long. Nobody said anything? :|
JWS as the real Jay? Why? He's fucking perfect for the role.
Dean Cain is getting the Cyborg Superman treatment and you know itBecause I'm hoping the casting director had more sense than that, in that calling him up and ask to be on the show because they were a fan of the original show, I get that.
They did it with Dean Can and Supergirl, but that doesn't mean I wanna see him suit up again.
What confuses me is how JWS would be the real Jay Garrick on Earth-2 if Hunter Zolomon paraded around as him for so long. Nobody said anything? :|
He doesn't have to be from E2
Also why wouldn't Zoom have just killed him?
Who knowsAlso why wouldn't Zoom have just killed him?
zoom doesnt have to conquer another Earth for JWS Flash to end up in E2But if he conquered, say, Earth-3 where JWS resided then locked him up then why did he make it sound like he only conquered his own Earth and is now terrorising Earth-1?
What a confusing season tbh.
What confuses me is how JWS would be the real Jay Garrick on Earth-2 if Hunter Zolomon paraded around as him for so long. Nobody said anything? :|
And I figured 90s Flash would remain consistent with its own universe where JWS was Barry Allen. :|
Because I'm hoping the casting director had more sense than that, in that calling him up and ask to be on the show because they were a fan of the original show, I get that.
They did it with Dean Can and Supergirl, but that doesn't mean I wanna see him suit up again.
Also why wouldn't Zoom have just killed him?
It would make sense for the masked man to be an older person since he knows of the POW tap code.
But didn't we already establish from like birthmarks or something that it was Teddy Sears in the mask?
But didn't we already establish from like birthmarks or something that it was Teddy Sears in the mask?
I think they did but I'm not quite sure. Slayven or shoreu would have to chime in here.
I recall they did when I was wondering if Superman knows any martial arts and he does learn martial arts from different people. He also knows Kryptonian Martial Arts.
I think they might do one last episode of Barry not being in Human form. They could potentially have Barry appear out of nowhere and drag Zoom into the speed force where they have a speed battle or a race. Barry, (speculating) being the speed force generator, can go for as long as he can and Zoom can't. They go so fast that Zoom, who doesn't quite know how to control his speed force abilities, is absorbed into the speed force for a very long time.
That or they go the Wally route and have Barry rob Zoom of all his speed and freeze him as a statue that has to watch everything pass by him normally. He is forever frozen but alive.
Problem with most speedsters is their nice guys, most speedsters
Problem with most speedsters is their nice guys, most speedsters
I predict they will show him next episode as some kind of "Speed Ghost" or something.
You know like suddenly an image of him running through the hallway or something.
Btw, one thing I never get is why people like Barry and co won't get any self defense/martial arts training.
Like,you are the Flash. You regularly have to fight people to the death, yet you can't even throw a proper punch without needing a pep talk.
You can't tell me he doesn't have time to train. He can literally train at super speed.
So who are we fan casting as Jay Garrick?
I would've said John Wesley Shipp if he wasn't already Barry's dad. Even though he's a bit young I think he's really got the look and feel.
They have to have John Wesley Shipp play him.
Oh holy shit
you guys
I have it
Alternate Earth Jay Garrick is going to be played by John Wesley Shipps
They should go for the real Jay Garrick, John Wesley Shipps. So basically the second universe would be the one of the first show as a joke.
How cool would it be if Barry races uncontrollably into the far future and learns how to control his powers with the help of an old Wally and young Bart Allen. Man that would be amazing.
That would mean that Wally has defeated Zoom, because if he's good enough to train Barry and got old, he could defeat Zoom, too. However, I could see Oliver train Barry. Zoom is faster, but probably doesn't know the moves Oliver knows.
Well, the problem is, you call Oliver when you need someone to give you tips from the point of view of a killer but Zoom is even more of a psychopath than Ollie.
Bolstered by last week's episode, it looks like the reviewer at AV Club feels like he can get away with giving this episode aC, too.
To be fair Ollie is 2 for 0 in beating speedsters so I would say he he's more suited to beat zoom than barry at this point.Well, the problem is, you call Oliver when you need someone to give you tips from the point of view of a killer but Zoom is even more of a psychopath than Ollie.
To be fair Ollie is 2 for 0 in beating speedsters so I would say he he's more suited to beat zoom than barry at this point.
Prep time is the only thing in the multiverse more powerful than speed force.
Well that, and Felicity.
You know what I don't get? Caitlin keeps calling Hunter "Jay" instead of... you know, Hunter. He doesn't even say anything about it. In fact, in this episode he said his name is Zoom. What about Hunter, man?
Henry's mother's maiden name is Garrick. So is the Earth-2 version of Henry the real Jay Garrick, and the man in the mask?
Thats who he was for months in her eyesYou know what I don't get? Caitlin keeps calling Hunter "Jay" instead of... you know, Hunter. He doesn't even say anything about it. In fact, in this episode he said his name is Zoom. What about Hunter, man?
Did we ever see JWS as E2 Henry?No. If the man in the mask is Jay Garrick then they're likely related. Remember Barry was able to speak to his mother when he traveled to Earth 2 and the impression made was that his dad was still alive and with Barry's mom. Chances are if they're related then any Garrick would be a distant cousin to Barry or could be an aunt/uncle to Henry if they're older or cousins as well. It couldn't be Earth 2 Henry though. The other closest relation to him would be a brother if Earth 2 Henry's mother had kid before she was married or after a divorce and took back her maiden name to explain why the Allen name is used on Earth 2.
Thats who he was for months in her eyes
Shes also appealing to the person she thought she knew, not the monster thats Hunter