I hope Zoom has kept them alive intentionally and not because he loves her. I'd like to think that Zoom thinks "they figure out how to get his speed back and then I'll take it away again".
Zoom is kinda dumb. He conquers worlds by taking over one city.
"Next time try medium-raaaare."Zooms line would have been so much better if he ended it at "well done" instead of that lame ass "u killlllld himmmmm ensted" which complete killed it.
Bunch of official on set pics from the next episode
May be a little spoiler-y, so look at your own risk.
Iris wearing the tight ass black shiny pants.
Since Barry lost his powers, I don't know why Cisco hasn't been trying to improve his "Vibe" powers, like his evil doppelganger.
Couldn't Evil Cisco shoot out blasts of energy or something? Maybe he could look into other universes and steal tech ideas or something.
Earth could come to us very soon
Bunch of official on set pics from the next episode
May be a little spoiler-y, so look at your own risk.
Earth could come to us very soon
Does Kevin Smith ever change clothes?
Zoom is kinda dumb. He conquers worlds by taking over one city.
Earth 3 could come to us very soon
Such a switch would make perfect sense. The youth-skewing CW already has “The Flash” and other superhero franchises (there was a crossover between 'Supergirl' and 'The Flash' this season)
I'd like to think that when he zooms out of a scene, he's traveling to a different city(just not Arrow's city).
The villain in arrow's city wants to nuke the entire world. Zoom's plan getting it's legs cut out from under it lol.
Where does the budget for Supergirl even go? Maybe they do need to move it over to The CW so they can learn how to stretch a dollar. Lots of times it ends up looking cheaper than Flash. Not just with CG effects, I know The Flash team works really hard on that to get blood from a stone. But practical effects.
I certainly think Supergirl is a better fit on The CW. Certainly rather see it get moved than cancelled.
Where does the budget for Supergirl even go? Maybe they do need to move it over to The CW so they can learn how to stretch a dollar. Lots of times it ends up looking cheaper than Flash. Not just with CG effects, I know The Flash team works really hard on that to get blood from a stone. But practical effects.
I certainly think Supergirl is a better fit on The CW. Certainly rather see it get moved than cancelled.
If I were Zoom, I'd call that a W and move on to the next Earth. Technically he doesn't need to keep them alive to consider an Earth conquered.
After checking out the show for a few episodes it really does look cheaper sometimes. Other times it can look pretty decent. If they bring the series over to the CW they'll really need to shake up either the character of Supergirl or do a soft reboot because the show has problems.
I wonder if the bloated budget has something to do with where Supergirl is filmed.
Isn't Supergirl filmed in California, while the CW comic book shows are filmed in Vancouver, Canada?
I wonder if the bloated budget has something to do with where Supergirl is filmed.
Isn't Supergirl filmed in California, while the CW comic book shows are filmed in Vancouver, Canada?
3 millions to look worse than Flash. Seriously I was taken aback when I watched the crossover, show looked lower budget than Flash. Sets looked a lot cheaper, at least.$3 million an episode budget?
CW can't afford that
I just want to see if Damien Darhk's totally-not-a-Jedi powers can stop Zoom
3 millions to look worse than Flash. Seriously I was taken aback when I watched the crossover, show looked lower budget than Flash. Sets looked a lot cheaper, at least.
Probably would depend on if Zoom wants to get theatrical before the fight. If he just ran in there unannounced he would surely end Darhk before he has time to react.
I thought the same thing watching the Supergirl crossover, the show felt like it was lower budget than Flash
Zoom is theatrical as fuck. He dragged Barry's body around the city purely to brag.
I would love a show about Zoom just fucking shit up, he's the coolest villain.
I just have to say that I really like that Zoom doesn't have a big diabolical super villain plot anymore and is just an unchained animal fucking shit up because he can. It's kind of refreshing to see a bad guy who's evil just because he likes it.
I just have to say that I really like that Zoom doesn't have a big diabolical super villain plot anymore and is just an unchained animal fucking shit up because he can. It's kind of refreshing to see a bad guy who's evil just because he likes it.
One note characters the best. Kefka and Dark Knight's Ledger Joker untouchable.
Kefka and Joker don't have mommy flashbacks.
Kefka and Joker don't have mommy flashbacks.
Or lame love connections that nobody in the audience is buying.
legit shook
The entire time they were setting up the accelerator I'm like "too bad this scene has no tension, nothing bad will happen to the titular character after all"
No show! Bad show!
Iris is not a love interest! She's like his SISTER. That is messed up. You have poisoned that well.
If Garrick is henrys mothers maiden name then I see jay Garrick being his grandfather or great grandfather who happens to have the likeness of Henry meaning he can be played by Jws.that's how I see it happening
Has Danielle Panabaker always been this bad of an actress and I've never noticed-or is it the dialogue she's been given lately?
As they've shown the doppleganger either exist with the same name or there is no doppleganger (Supergirl earth)
I thought the same thing watching the Supergirl crossover, the show felt like it was lower budget than Flash.