Just something that's bugging me.. If Zoom, is taking over worlds and trying to be the fastest man alive (that's his goal) and did it so easily on E2, then why would he be doing the long con on Barry's earth when he could have just kidnapped one of Barry's friends, threatened to kill them unless he got faster and gave him all his speed. Why wait all that time behind the scenes, not using your ridiculous amount of speed to terrorize and take over E1? Instead you send nobodies to make Barry "faster".. Like, was that really fucking Zoom we saw in the first few episodes, sneaking around, taking fucking pictures of team flash with a camera.. Like, I don get it. Why would a monster be investigating instead of terrorizing? Was that the real Jay Garrick who was then caged up? Why trick the team instead of just forcing a cure for himself? This is a guy who kills his own soldiers, but he's ducking behind vans taking notes? You could say it was his time remnant (which still wouldn't make sense, he'd just be a younger lunatic instead), but someone mentioned he only came into the picture during the earth 2 visit. Making Zoom have Jay's likeness doesn't make sense.
Wells not recognizing an infamous serial killer doesn't make sense. He's the fucking Flash in your world, and you have "beef" with him.. But you can't tell he looks exactly like Hunter Zolomon? There's something about Henry Allen and Wells from earth 2.. Any time there's a scene with both of them (not directly involved with eachother) Wells kind of gazes at him for a few seconds.. What is it with those two? Who was/is Henry Allen (or doppelgänger with a different name) on his earth? I'm telling you, this happened in one of the early episodes too..
As for the man in the iron mask.. I've already guessed Teddy Sears, Barry in some shape or form, Henry Allen and jokingly Wally (or someone we haven't met).. But I've also mentioned it might be Eddie. We all saw him get pulled into the singularity after his apparent death, and his body being recovered was never mentioned-nor did anyone ever mention it being sucked into the singularity either.. What if the reason the reverse flash "disappeared" from history isn't because Eddie is dead, but because the incident that leads to Eobard Thawne's birth has been halted and history has momentarily rewritten itself (sort of like in LoT, if you change something in the past accidentally and wait too long, that part of history becomes permanent) - not completely eliminating Eobard's birth and making him become the Reverse Flash. Maybe Zoom thinks he would be a threat or some other reason? Maybe keeping him alive so the RF will exist.. Who knows lol. Maybe Eddie was saved with E2 medicine when he landed who the fuck knows where
Now, I know as soon as Eddie shot himself, RF started to disintegrate almost instantly