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The Flash S2 |OT2| Jays of Future Past - Tuesdays 8/7c

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That Episode was god-awful. I thought the whole "I haven't gotten over my mothers death" schlock was resolved in season one. That plot point hasn't existed at all this season and now it's suddenly relevant again? Come on...

Zombie Guy was dumb and unnecessary.
Speedforce being a sentient after-life being with a trial was so cliche'

I feel like the writers ran out of ideas at episode 20 so they made this "losing power" arc to fill their quota. This was by far the worst episode of the entire series.


Oh, I didn't know that was a thing. Do all bad Speedsters use negative speedforce? What is Zoom using?


Reverse Flash created the Negative Speed force when he replicated the accident that gave Barry Allen his powers in the future. That's why Reverse Flash has a Red streak, and Flash has a Yellow one. .

Yellow Lightning = Positive Speed Force Energy
Red Lightning = Negative Speed Force Energy
Blue :Lightning = Does not exist in the comics.

Back to TV Talk.

They may be doing this with Zoom and substituting the Red Lightning with the Blue, or the Blue Lightning may just be a corruption that effects the Speedster AND the Speedforce, destroying both of them. Which is why the Speedforce needs Barry to defeat Zoom, to save itself also.
I feel so out of tune when it comes to judging the quality of this show sometimes, because I personally enjoyed this episode a lot. *shrug*


There was so much bad in this episode I'm not surprised it was directed by Kevin Smith.

From what I'm seeing most people loved the episode with a few who thought it was ok and even fewer calling it bad. There are people out there calling it one of the best episodes of the show. I wouldn't go that far but outside of zombie girder I thought it was really good.


I feel so out of tune when it comes to judging the quality of this show sometimes, because I personally enjoyed this episode a lot. *shrug*

Same, but I'm like that for a lot of things - pretty easy to please. People hated the episode with the female speedster and I thought that one was quite funny.
Same, but I'm like that for a lot of things - pretty easy to please. People hated the episode with the female speedster and I thought that one was quite funny.

Yeah, same. Granted, I think Trajectory is easily the weakest episode of the show by far, but even then, I still found it entertaining.


From what I'm seeing most people loved the episode with a few who thought it was ok and even fewer calling it bad. There are people out there calling it one of the best episodes of the show. I wouldn't go that far but outside of zombie girder I thought it was really good.

The issue I have is they've played the "I'm still not over my mothers death" card so many times. How many times does Barry have to overcome his Mothers death before we can finally move on to something else? And forcing that connection to him getting his powers back?

For the past two seasons tapping into the power of the speed force was about science, training and running fast. Now the episode does a 180 and he has to get his power back through the power of love and acceptance? It's forced emotion, and it's stupid. But to each his own.


Barrys character is partly defined by that tragedy
Also science was making him run faster, not tapping into the speedforce


Barrys character is partly defined by that tragedy
Also science was making him run faster, not tapping into the speedforce

I understand that, but there's so many ways you can express that and not make it feel forced.. The show has played this card time and time again and it's never bothered me.

But when you have a character that literally says "Get over your emotional baggage, or I won't give you your powers back" it's absolutely horrible storytelling.

Also.. a Particle Accelerator explosion, chemicals spilling over, and electricity allowed him to tap into the Speed Force in the first place. That's science.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I understand that, but there's so many ways you can express that and not make it feel forced.. The show has played this card time and time again and it's never bothered me.

But when you have a character that literally says "Get over your emotional baggage, or I won't give you your powers back" it's absolutely horrible storytelling.

I have to agree. They went over the same thing multiple times in Season 1. This episode just had a lot of extraneous scenes. Like Barry speaking to the speed force. Doing it with Joe, Iris, his dad and then his mom was unnecessary. Could have cut it down to just Joe and then finally his mom. And I only liked the Zombie Girder thing because of how perfectly it syncs up with iZombie. Otherwise it was pretty dumb. It was an excuse to give the other characters something to do while Barry went on his vision quest.

And Cisco being able to vibe out to Barry was utterly pointless. It was another example of a plotline that really didn't go anywhere. Cisco sees Barry, comes to the conclusion that Barry wanted to stay. Okay...so then Iris reaches out as well...when Barry was already coming back. They could have just had Cisco vibe that Barry was in the speed force, maybe spitball some attempts, and then get distracted by Zombie Girder But the amount of time they spent on them literally trying to grab him out of the speed force was just the writers spinning their wheels. Just like looking for Thawne's medical information about how he treated Barry. That literally goes nowhere because Barry comes back and demonstrates how he can help, and maybe even a skill he learned in the speed force. So why even have all these characters discuss the medical records?

Even better they could have at least went with the idea that everyone else thinks Barry is dead, they have to deal with Zombie Girder, and then he finishes his quest in the speed force just in time to save them.


Again, speed force suits are actually an established comic thing.

But Cisco will make changes and it'll go back to being a regular old thing.


Speaking of Speed Force Suits, I'm dissappointed Barry's suit isn't in his ring yet.. They teased that so hard last season.


I like how it all built to the show catchphrase "run Barry, run" and then he specifically didn't run. He just walked off camera and stood still.

Shouldn't there have been a big hero moment there? Him running to break back through or something? It all just felt drained of emotion and feeling.


Great episode. Truely a Kevin Smith episode.

My GF was bewildered by the whole "SpeedForce" thing, and I couldn't explain with a straight face, so I paused the episode for her while she read up on it on Wikipedia. She was laughing incontrollably "are they serious? " and I just said "yes, this is actually a thing in the DC Universe, just roll with it, everyone else does too".

I loved it when Barry's mom said "Sit, Barry. Sit." Such a nice callback.
I didn't like the episode very much. It felt very forced and clunky, in terms of editing and storytelling.

"Run, Barry. Run."
"Nah, I'm good. I'm just going to stand here and wait for Iris to pick me up."
"Okay, cool."

I wish they had cut the zombie stuff entirely (even if it means sacrificing Cisco's "fo'real?" line, which was great). Instead they should've shorten the Matrix part, bring him back earlier and actually show how it changed him (if it actually did anything). But the constant back and forth between the cartoon meta zombie and Barry getting over his mother's death (again!) every 5 minutes was so tedious. It wasn't even a plot point this season (for a good reason), but all of the sudden it's the reason why Barry sucks at being fast? I'm not buying that at all.

And then there was so much other dumb stuff, like Iris luring the zombie from their house all the way back to STAR Labs. Like, are you serious? Is it around the corner or what?

I don't know, maybe I wasn't in the right mood for the show, but this episode bothered me a lot.


I didn't like the episode very much. It felt very forced and clunky, in terms of editing and storytelling.

"Run, Barry. Run."
"Nah, I'm good. I'm just going to stand here and wait for Iris to pick me up."
"Okay, cool."

I wish they had cut the zombie stuff entirely (even if it means sacrificing Cisco's "fo'real?" line, which was great). Instead they should've shorten the Matrix part, bring him back earlier and actually show how it changed him (if it actually did anything). But the constant back and forth between the cartoon meta zombie and Barry getting over his mother's death (again!) every 5 minutes was so tedious. It wasn't even a plot point this season (for a good reason), but all of the sudden it's the reason why Barry sucks at being fast? I'm not buying that at all.

And then there was so much other dumb stuff, like Iris luring the zombie from their house all the way back to STAR Labs. Like, are you serious? Is it around the corner or what?

I don't know, maybe I wasn't in the right mood for the show, but this episode bothered me a lot.

Wells had bent the space/time-continuum so it wouldn't take a lumbering zombie 5 months to get to STAR Labs.

Quite funny to see Drake as a zombie again, BTW.




Is Star/Central/Parbat like an Uzumaki thing? Like some awful eldritch event has fucked up time-space connecting those areas so any asshole can hoof it between them. Are some poor folk snatched up by the league every other day.


Ultimately I don't really understand the purpose or mechanics of the Speed Force choosing Barry. So the Speed Force created the events that led to the particle accelerator? Or are we to believe the Speed Force was able to access Barry and imbue him with powers thanks to the particle accelerator? Just kind of confused overall as to the link between the science side of things and the sentient speed force side of things.


Ultimately I don't really understand the purpose or mechanics of the Speed Force choosing Barry. So the Speed Force created the events that led to the particle accelerator? Or are we to believe the Speed Force was able to access Barry and imbue him with powers thanks to the particle accelerator? Just kind of confused overall as to the link between the science side of things and the sentient speed force side of things.
I want to say the particle accelerator just altered tue timeframe for Barry to get his abilities, they were coming either way though. It's like when the Spider Totem chose Parker to be it's earthly representative.
It when Duo chose Megaman.exe as the protector of Earth.


I want to say the particle accelerator just altered tue timeframe for Barry to get his abilities, they were coming either way though. It's like when the Spider Totem chose Parker to be it's earthly representative.
It when Duo chose Megaman.exe as the protector of Earth.

Thank you. I think I understand better now. So what is the Speed Force exactly? I haven't read comics since Flash was...hmm...I guess just a bit after Rebirth, maybe? I don't remember anything like this in the comics, from back then (maybe 6 years ago).
I want to say the particle accelerator just altered tue timeframe for Barry to get his abilities, they were coming either way though. It's like when the Spider Totem chose Parker to be it's earthly representative.
It when Duo chose Megaman.exe as the protector of Earth.
Yeah Barry was always meant to become the Flash, Eobard Thawne impersonating Wells just sped up the process.
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