Now we're just openly posting gifs from the future?
Some of us like to stay spoiler free, you know.
The fuck?
sorry my bad
When all the main love interests are dead, everyone will be happy. Laurel dying improved Arrow. Iris dying will improve Flash and James dying will be noticed by no one.
Ratings will free fall.
Iris-hate even during the guys have no shame.
Iris-hate even during the guys have no shame.
She cost us Patty.
Not really...Barry fucked that one up.
Because he was pining for his sister.
Show me the receipts for her being his sister!
This isn't like Arrested Development where incest is cute and shippable.
Because he was pining for his sister.
Once again people like to conveniently forget that Barry was crushing on Iris before he moved in with them.
Yeah thats Barrys decision - dont always have to use a woman as scapegoat because the MC doesnt act the way you want him Iris was cool with him dating Patty - Barry had multiple chances to make it work but he screwed it up.
He was 11. That is a childhood crush.
All this Iris hate is just proving that fLash-GAF is the worst DCTV-GAF.
What would be more interesting? A prediction of the future that can be stopped or one where they fail and she actually dies? It is the latter.All this Iris hate is just proving that fLash-GAF is the worst DCTV-GAF.
Iris dying will be the first consequence to directly affect him that teaches him the lesson of messing with time. If Savitar isn't some manifestation of evil created by Barry's time aberrations I would be disappointed. His actions are getting rather repetitive and annoying.What would be more interesting? A prediction of the future that can be stopped or one where they fail and she actually dies? It is the latter.
That would be amazing.I want Barry to fail to prevent the confrontation.
Then when Savitar's about to drive in the blade, Iris is saved by a mysterious speedster.
"Hey Gramps! Couldn't let Megatron here kill Grandma and erase me from existence!"
The problem is that it would feel derivative again if they mess up. They should keep him as a force of nature.I think the threat to Iris is a red herring. It's to divert attention away from them doing a story of "Who/What is Savitar?"
When all the main love interests are dead, everyone will be happy. Laurel dying improved Arrow. Iris dying will improve Flash and James dying will be noticed by no one.
The problem is that it would feel derivative again if they mess up. They should keep him as a force of nature.
Arrow got better because Laurel's death was literally the lowest point of the series.
Everyone started massively dumping on it which is amazing since S3 didn't even reach that hate,
they realized their errors after the final.
The rest of the season with her dead was still real shitty.
Yet the death episode was one of the best acted of the entire series. And it took out a character that was just baggage like Iris is. They tried to integrate her more but she is still just there. Outside of dating Barry she doesn't have a role.
What does she really do? Complain that Wally shouldn't be a hero, talk and cheer up Barry, and what? What is she adding to the plot?You havent been paying much attention at all if you think she doesnt have a role outside of her relationship to Barry.
So you want all potential love interest to die for a better plot (on a CW show lol) at the same time you are shipping Patty/ what is it ?
What does she really do? Complain that Wally shouldn't be a hero, talk and cheer up Barry, and what? What is she adding to the plot?
Many CW shows have good plots. I'm only watching 8 of their shows every week because I like their plots. Patty did have a role, she was a police officer, she did something.
It's cute that anyone would think Barry wouldn't fuck the timeline raw to save Iris if she died.
Patty was the only acceptable love interest for Barry.
Truer words have never been posted until now.
Patty got a one way train ticket to the trash heap where she belongs.
Now where the hell is Linda? There's supposed to be two of her running around now.
That reminds me of something I saw on FB once:
But yea, as gorgeous as Iris was, Patty fit him better imo