Ranked in order of chemistry with Barry
Patty > Caitlyn > Linda > Iris
Ranked in order of chemistry with Barry
Patty > Caitlyn > Linda > Iris
Ranked in order of chemistry with Barry
Patty > Caitlyn > Linda > Iris
And Kara?
No one in the Arrowverse really deserves her tbhIt'd be neat to see Sara hit on her though.
I love gaf that wally gif has me dying rn
I hope winter is hot in central city.For one second, we were going to throw Speed Force Hands until you redeemed yourself with your talk about Linda. I member we still have a naked Earth-2 Linda running around. Do you member?
Don't care if it's a double post
The dude playing Weather Wizard's brother can't act worth shit
Luckily they were smart enough to pretend he wasn't the real one and hired Liam
They always find a way like Vertigo and Trickster. Or they could have just recast like Sara and Linda.Thank Christ they had an out with his brother
I'm at the SNART episode! Oh shit son
So I thought Wentworth Miller has a new contract where he is a series regular but not on one show but split across all DC shows this season?! Did he ever show up somewhere else? Seems like a missed opportunity to have such a contract and not even have him show up on flash
So I thought Wentworth Miller has a new contract where he is a series regular but not on one show but split across all DC shows this season?! Did he ever show up somewhere else? Seems like a missed opportunity to have such a contract and not even have him show up on flash
So I thought Wentworth Miller has a new contract where he is a series regular but not on one show but split across all DC shows this season?! Did he ever show up somewhere else? Seems like a missed opportunity to have such a contract and not even have him show up on flash
No lies detected
Just like Laurel, thought not as bad I guess, Iris and Barry feel like they're just together because of the comics. But in the show, it rarely works for me. But the CW superhero shows suck with relationships anyhow, so they can do whatever I guess.
I don't get with Arrow they writers are all "Fuck the comics" but with Flash despite it having no chemistry it's "...But the incest relationship continues because comics".
I'm hoping the future vision comes true, since everyone expecting someone else to replace Iris as the death at this point. Better twist is it still happens.
They aren't related.
Raised as brother and sister, it psuedo incest.
I got friends raised like this and they agree.
Happened in Fresh Prince... Will and Lisa were about to get married, but called it off at the alter. Lisa's dad was like, "Well since we already have the church and all these people are here..." and then proposed to Will's mom and they got married right then and there. It was so weird.This reminds me of this one show where the kids were dating, but then suddenly their parents got married, thereby making them stepsiblings all of a sudden. They tried to make it work, but called it quits after awhile. Pretty sure it was Degrassi or something lol
Happened in Fresh Prince... Will and Lisa were about to get married, but called it off at the alter. Lisa's dad was like, "Well since we already have the church and all these people are here..." and then proposed to Will's mom and they got married right then and there. It was so weird.
Raised as brother and sister, it psuedo incest.
I got friends raised like this and they agree.
You have friends where at least one of them was already interested in the other before they started living together?
Is your friend's name Barry?
These children were not interested in each other. Not at that age.
These Nick stars, I tell you
new episode tonight?
Kids that age don't have those sorts of feelings.They explicitly show that Young Barry is already interested in Iris.
He didn't start having feelings for her after living with her.
Does Flash air on a Saturday for you?new episode tonight?
new episode tonight?
Kids that age don't have those sorts of feelings.
LOLnew episode tonight?
Kids that age don't have those sorts of feelings.
At eleven? Yes, they do.
Barry straight up says he liked her since then.
Kids that age don't have those sorts of feelings.
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