(Spoilers for the season finale below, not tagged because I don't think it's necessary anymore two days after it's available, right?)
So.... what the fuck was this? We're gonna end the season on an unfinished story? Not even a cliffhanger or anything, but actually mid-story? After a laughably bad first 5 minutes with Iris living and HR dying (hooray to the morph gadget), it was actually pretty good with Barry going the Gandhi run, Savitar seemingly looking for his redemption, ultimately failing, and then the final fight was pretty fun, too. After the fight, it's basically what you'd expect, just some sentimental stuff wrapping up the season. Until that Speed Force earthquake stuff breaks out, and it gets very interesting all of a sudden. Barry seemingly sacrifices himself, and... it just ends?
Very typical of this shitty season. The second it threatens to get interesting, they cut it off.