Guggenheim and mericle probably stole all the good writers.Has the showrunner for Arrow seasons 3&4 moved to Flash for this season? It is awful.
Arrow> Legends> Flash.
That's a good question
Yeah, it would've been kinda cool to see them actually stick to what the real alternate Earth's are in the comics.I thought I'd look up what Earth 19 was in the comics in case it had some clue to the new Wells. It turns out Earth 19 is the Gotham by Gaslight universe. So... nothing really happening there I guess.
I wouldn't even compare them. Arrow came down from a great season while Flash is still cleaning up the mess of season 2.Supergirl's been knocking it out of the park this season. It's easily the best of the shows right now, with Arrow being a surprisingly close second. Flash is running behind, but you know, it's due for being awful, since it's season 3. We'll see if any of the Arrowverse shows can escape that curse.
I thought I'd look up what Earth 19 was in the comics in case it had some clue to the new Wells. It turns out Earth 19 is the Gotham by Gaslight universe. So... nothing really happening there I guess.
I've had no problems with it this season. But I'm easy to please with superhero shows since I'm just grateful we even have so many of them.Why's every one hating on Flash all of a sudden? Am I the only one enjoying it?
It is the type of people deluding themselves that zoom was a good villain last year.Why's every one hating on Flash all of a sudden? Am I the only one enjoying it?
Why's every one hating on Flash all of a sudden? Am I the only one enjoying it?
Why's every one hating on Flash all of a sudden? Am I the only one enjoying it?
I can't speak for last night's episode, as I haven't seen it yet. However, I haven't liked Flash this season so far due to Barry staying in this altered, but now apparently normal, timeline. Can't stand Julian (Tom Felton), the new somber/depressed Cisco, the hint of Caitlinor just everything that has been established with character interaction and development for the first couple of seasons is now thrown out the window.being Killer Frost
Welp. You should probably watch last night's episode.
It is the type of people deluding themselves that zoom was a good villain last year.
Why's every one hating on Flash all of a sudden? Am I the only one enjoying it?
Honestly Zoom was sort of cool when he was just some monster and got cool moments. Then he stopped being interesting and threatening the more we learned from him. Doesn't helped that due to the breaks the reveal took longer than it need to. He was also saddled with the dumb jay and time remnant stuff and then they rushed the end with him suddenly wanting to destroy the multiverse.I honestly don't miss him especially compared to Reverse Flash.It is the type of people deluding themselves that zoom was a good villain last year.
I cannot believe that finding a new Wells was a legitimate plot point in this episode.
This show is insanity.
No then we get mopey Wells instead of fun Wells.I thought "how will they keep Wells as a series regular this season"?
And they managed to take the most ridiculous route. Kinda hoping Jessie dies, Wells 2 gets lonely then comes back permanently.
Jay as zoom was indeed the moment he went from alpha to beta villain.Honestly Zoom was sort of cool when he was just some monster and got cool moments. Then he stopped being interesting and threatening the more we learned from him. Doesn't helped that due to the breaks the reveal took longer than it need to. He was also saddled with the dumb jay and time remnant stuff and then they rushed the end with him suddenly wanting to destroy the multiverse.I honestly don't miss him especially compared to Reverse Flash.
Why's every one hating on Flash all of a sudden? Am I the only one enjoying it?
re:Caitlin hiding her powers from everyone. I wonder if it has to do with her worrying about the team thinking/assuming she will turn evil like Earth 2's Killer Frost?
I mean hell her name even suggests she's supposed to be a killer. LOL
Why's every one hating on Flash all of a sudden? Am I the only one enjoying it?
Caitlin hiding her powers makes no sense. Cisco used his abilities in this episode and he had an evil metahuman doppelganger as well. Not to mention they seem okay with letting metahumans just be if they don't plan on running wild. Magenta is a mentally unstable teenager and she just got to roam free with a new life unsupervised with her abilities. Let's not even go into how it's a retread of Cisco hiding his emerging meta abilities last season.
The whole thing is plotted to waste time. Like Earth 2 Wells obviously having figured it out but deciding to just drop a cryptic hint instead of just saying something.
They're leaning heavy on the CW SECRETS stuff that nobody likes.
Why's every one hating on Flash all of a sudden? Am I the only one enjoying it?
Ehh, if this continues only a few more episodes I won't care. Throwing Snow with her powers into the fray this early into a season might be heaping too much on at once.
Now, if this shit lasts half a season or all season... I'll be angry.
Whats the point of handcuffing someone who can move freely between fucking mirrors and windows?I liked this episode the best of season 4. Everybody was clicking with each other. I loved the Flash & Jesse running scenes on the buildings. I liked Snart and Scudder too.
Complain about plotting, but my beef is why did Barryneed mirrors to defeat Mirror Master? Couldn't he have superspeeded up and put on handcuffs without all the tomfoolery?
I suppose that question goes for every villain though, but its hard to ignore it.
Whats the point of handcuffing someone who can move freely between fucking mirrors and windows?
Zero can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Episode 7 is called "Killer Frost." Now I don't know if that is just a big reveal episode and the start of her arc or maybe the end of SECRETS. I'm actually digging Caitlin more this season than last. And if they somehow move her into an antagonist role, this will be worth it. Just all the weird teasing and hiding seems pointless. Barry could've just come into this timeline where Snow has powers but doesn't like using them. And maybe she's just a little more curt about things. It depends on where they're going with it. They obviously have a place where they want to land with this, so it could end up being a good story for the show.
"nevermind yea i do I'm a dumbass sorry about earlier. Please don't think im a dumb fuck like barry"
Why's every one hating on Flash all of a sudden? Am I the only one enjoying it?
I'm not hating it, but up until the last episode, it's been the weakest of all the superheroes shows this season.
Arrow and Supergirl are on point, Legends is leaning into the nonsense, and no one watches Gotham.
I'm not hating it, but up until the last episode, it's been the weakest of all the superheroes shows this season.
Arrow and Supergirl are on point, Legends is leaning into the nonsense, and no one watches Gotham.
Can't say I agree with this. Last season, maybe, but Gotham's quality has dipped, while Supergirl and Arrow have both improved tremendously.Ironically that is the best of the bunch right now.