So which garbage tier speedster is getting the Super Sabre treatment?
neck-height razor wire
Who are these clowns?
Marvel's Freedom Force
Avalanche, Crimson Commando, Pyro, and Blob in the background.
neck-height razor wire
Its not a proper flash episode if he isn't getting is ass kicked by another speedster
I like Julian. He clearly doesn't wanna work for evil Transformer Speed God and he constantly shits on Barry for being a shitty person.
"Let me go talk to him"
"Let me go talk to her"
"Maybe you should talk to her"
"Should I go talk to him"
Every episode..
I think my main issue with this season I've been having is how artificial all of the drama is.
It feels like they only had Flashpoint to specifically introduce conflict between the characters because a Deus Ex Machina is easier than writing natural progression of relationships. The whole thing with Cisco's brother is what bothers me the most, to be honest. I can just imagine the showmakers all went to a meeting and one guy went "So, Cisco and Barry are really good friends. How could we fuck this up so there's some juicy drama there?".
I've never been a fan of retconning only to create this kind of stuff (*coughonemoredaycough*), but even among those, this just feels like such a lazy, fabricated cop-out.
Or Wellsobard
Or Eddie
Somebody Barry killed.
Sölf;225379535 said:Awaiting the inevitable "Tommy Merlyn is Savitar" reveal.
Heroes v Aliens: The Dominators
2 minute trailer!
Obviously Savitar is Roy
Heroes v Aliens: The Dominators
2 minute trailer!
Is Super Girl any good? She seems pretty cool in this trailer.
Speaking of the stupid drama/conflict, how has the drama been on Arrow so far?
Is Super Girl any good? She seems pretty cool in this trailer.
First season is average, second season is pretty decent so far. Show is quite inconsistent in quality, even scene to scene. Benoist's portrayal is solid.
Sölf;225379535 said:Awaiting the inevitable "Tommy Merlyn is Savitar" reveal.
Obviously Savitar is Roy
I do wonder what Savitar means by needing help to return.
There's been little to no drama, which is why the majority think that Arrow Season 5 is the best show in the Arrowverse right now.
I disagree with this assessment.
There's been plenty of drama.
Ollie bitching at the recruits and vice versa.
Ollie bitching at the reporter lady and vice versa.
The whole Quentyn is drinking again B plot.
Drama isn't bad on itself. It can be good or bad.
I disagree with this assessment.
There's been plenty of drama.
Ollie bitching at the recruits and vice versa.
Ollie bitching at the reporter lady and vice versa.
The whole Quentyn is drinking again B plot.