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The Flash S3 |OT| It was me, Barry.


Arrow suffers from over inflation. He's damnthere leading his own mini Justice League. And even now, most of them are useless. They have Ragman there who could literally wipe the floor with them and Oliver if he wanted. He's hella OP and CAN do a way better job saving the city than Green Arrow. But here he is.. taking orders from GA.

Yet he failed to kill a single CEO.
Ideally, Savitar isn't also a human character, so instead of getting even faster, Barry beats him by just making sure he can no longer interact with the physical world.


How? What have I done to troll?

Green Arrow got in his way the first time, and talked him out of it. He saved Green Arrow from Church instead of killing the CEO too.

See, that is how he is a weakass hero. Arrow killed his first CEO, no matter who was in the way.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Now that there are 2 Flash, catching villains will be a cake walk. I don´t see how it can´t be easy.

The villain will knock them over and then get away from the scene at normal speed. The speedsters won't pursue. They're just going to keep doing that because it's the only way it works. Their speed only means something during pivotal moments. Barry can get from Scene A to Scene B in an instant, but once he gets there he'll basically act like someone with no powers. I don't think those rules change for the show no matter how many speedsters it has.
Barry finds a way.

The villain will knock them over and then get away from the scene at normal speed. The speedsters won't pursue. They're just going to keep doing that because it's the only way it works. Their speed only means something during pivotal moments. Barry can get from Scene A to Scene B in an instant, but once he gets there he'll basically act like someone with no powers. I don't think those rules change for the show no matter how many speedsters it has.

Haha. I just want a bit of realism in this show that the characters are smart. Barry makes the same mistakes, and it is annoying because Barry is suppose to be very smart.

I hope Grod and Gorilla city play a big role soon.
Saw this on Facebook today:



Man its really dropped in quality these past couple episodes:( Though I do like the new CGI guy.

I'd say the last couple have been an improvement, it's the preceding stuff that's been largely junk. Though the Shade part of the episode before this was fucking terrible.


I'd say the last couple have been an improvement, it's the preceding stuff that's been largely junk. Though the Shade part of the episode before this was fucking terrible.

Ya I can't at all agree with that. It has almost completely come off the tracks now for me and gone to some boring weird vibe. Though admittedly I do still laugh out loud when they try to interject drama in. So its always fun to laugh at. But not sure if I will keep with it. Gonna hold out to see if they somehow fix it in the next couple episodes. I always feel they deserve a bit of loyalty because none of the shows have stayed on track throughout a season and in the past Flash did well which really bought some loyalty for me despite bad speedster #77 being the bad guy versuys someone interesting. I still think he looked cool at least.

Edit: Though maybe in a way my loyalty was getting me through those first episodes this season and as you say the starting was also junk. Which would just make the entire season bad. Nah to depressing to think about lol


Ya I can't at all agree with that. It has almost completely come off the tracks now for me and gone to some boring weird vibe. Though admittedly I do still laugh out loud when they try to interject drama in. So its always fun to laugh at. But not sure if I will keep with it. Gonna hold out to see if they somehow fix it in the next couple episodes. I always feel they deserve a bit of loyalty because none of the shows have stayed on track throughout a season and in the past Flash did well which really bought some loyalty for me despite bad speedster #77 being the bad guy versuys someone interesting. I still think he looked cool at least.

Edit: Though maybe in a way my loyalty was getting me through those first episodes this season and as you say the starting was also junk. Which would just make the entire season bad. Nah to depressing to think about lol
There you go.
As I said before, Arrow and Supergirl are currently the stronger shows this season, and even Legends has doubled-down on its jokey, low-budget, Syfy-style premise and improved. Flash is in a rough patch.


Caught up today. The Crisco drama...is not entertaining for me. I don't see how this is making Crisco or Barry grow as a result. Unless its yet another lesson for Barry not to mess with the timeline...despite him having received and ignored that advise about seven times now.

Is Barry going to make STAR Labs a functioning place now that he has nothing else to do?

Fine with them resolving Caitlin's evilness quickly even if weakly. Her personality being evil just doesn't work with her characterization. Unless they want to bring Ronnie back and give her the classic cure.
As I said before, Arrow and Supergirl are currently the stronger shows this season, and even Legends has doubled-down on its jokey, low-budget, Syfy-style premise and improved. Flash is in a rough patch.
The thing is Flash isn't particularly weaker than it's last couple of seasons but it's using the same formula again and it's showing it's weaknesses.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Season 3 seems to just be the bad season for these shows--topped by only season 4 for being the worst. But it can recover in season 5, at least!

Arrow Season 3, I'd argue the issue was a lack of focus and direction. It wanted to do a lot of different things but it never fully committed to them. Oliver's fake death on the mountain, Oliver turning heel, a halfassed murder mystery that is because of mind control, etc. They all get resolved very quickly and then the group spends a looooooooong time arguing about it all.

Flash Season 3 is formula. A very rigid and unchanged formula. It's like watching someone do a magic trick in slow motion. The bad guy is responsible for the creation of the cannon fodder metahumans for the season, they have some convoluted reason for not trying to kill Barry despite having the ability to, a person close to Barry is actually the antagonist. The roadmap is the same, they're just changing the names.
The villain will knock them over and then get away from the scene at normal speed. The speedsters won't pursue. They're just going to keep doing that because it's the only way it works. Their speed only means something during pivotal moments. Barry can get from Scene A to Scene B in an instant, but once he gets there he'll basically act like someone with no powers. I don't think those rules change for the show no matter how many speedsters it has.

Barry Allen: Hide and Seek champion since never.


The thing is Flash isn't particularly weaker than it's last couple of seasons but it's using the same formula again and it's showing it's weaknesses.

I think the problem is that everytime the formula cycles it becomes worse, like xerocopy of a xerocopy.
This is what hurt the last season so bad. Zoom was just inferior Reverse Flash, without the connections that made Eobard so much fun to follow. It also went into the smaller stuff. For example...while S1 had amazing Grodd episode, the second season tried to do the same type of episode with King Shark and while it was fun it didn't match up to brilliance of S1's Grodd ep.
It's just that if you follow formula so closely you open yourself to much more direct comparisions and then even the smallest dips in quality are much more visible.

I'm still having fun with S3 of Flash, but they really need to shake things up. So far we've got Alchemy bassicaly repeating Zoom early tactics (just that he awakens people from alternate timeline instead of dragging them from alternate Earth) and now we got another too fast for Barry speedster, only he lacks the charisma of Reverse Flash or the pure manace of early Zoom, so it all falls very flat.
I really hope Savitar is just temporary obstacje. A robot-like CG character just doesn't have a chance of becoming really great season long big bad.

- J - D -

Tbh this past episode is where Flash S3 finally provided a valid case for its own existence. Watching Barry get guilt shit on by Caitlin, Cisco, and Julian feels cathartic, you guys. And really, he deserves more. When you really think about it, messing with everyone's lives is supervillain-level fuckery.

Also, Savitar looks like a Mass Effect baddie. edit: Or, The Guyver.


Tbh this past episode is where Flash S3 finally provided a valid case for its own existence. Watching Barry get guilt shit on by Caitlin, Cisco, and Julian feels cathartic, you guys. And really, he deserves more. When you really think about it, messing with everyone's lives is supervillain-level fuckery.

Also, Savitar looks like a Mass Effect baddie. edit: Or, The Guyver.

Barry is the real villain of Arrowerse. That's what the "red skies" newspaper in premiere was about. In the end all heroes will band together to beat Barry in the final showdown, only to later lie about him being evil just to spare his legacy ;)

- J - D -

Barry is the real villain of Arrowerse. That's what the "red skies" newspaper in premiere was about. In the end all heroes will band together to beat Barry in the final showdown, only to later lie about him being evil just to spare his legacy ;)

Yeah! And then Wally uses H.R.'s face-changing tech to become our true Barry.
Barry is the real villain of Arrowerse. That's what the "red skies" newspaper in premiere was about. In the end all heroes will band together to beat Barry in the final showdown, only to later lie about him being evil just to spare his legacy ;)

I mean, it's all in Savitar ' s dialogue to Barry.

"You are the past, and I am the Future Flash!"
That casting announcement still feels like a petty attempt by someone to try and take attention away from the TV series just as it started.


That casting announcement still feels like a petty attempt by someone to try and take attention away from the TV series just as it started.

Only for those who actually believe that. The announcement didn't do shit to the TV show, it went on as normal.

It was just Amell who went all crybaby about the whole thing.

I hope they announce the DCEU Green Arrow just as Arrow gets cancelled next year just so I can see Amell whine some more.


I hope we get a scene in the crossover where everyone is talking about their villains and it escalates from Arrow to Flash and Supergirl just in background mentioning Cadmus.


I disagree. The problems were clear already last year.

Yeah, once it became obvious that they were doing the same exact formula from S1 with S2, that is when the show started falling apart. It has yet to reach the low point that was Arrow S3 and S4, but if they don't shake things up by next season, it will.


As I said before, Arrow and Supergirl are currently the stronger shows this season, and even Legends has doubled-down on its jokey, low-budget, Syfy-style premise and improved. Flash is in a rough patch.

I honestly don't even think Flash is that bad right now. I think it's mostly stayed par for the course compared to season 2. It just seems like its doing rough because Arrow, Supergirl, and Legends all dramatically improved from their previous season.

I hope we get a scene in the crossover where everyone is talking about their villains and it escalates from Arrow to Flash and Supergirl just in background mentioning Cadmus.

Oliver: "Sorry Barry, I've been too busy dealing with a mass murdering vigilante"

Barry: "Well excuse me, I'm too busy dealing with a being who claims to be the God of Speed"

*In the background*

Kara: "....I'm dealing with Cadmus?"

Prof. Stein: "And we're dealing with their rejects from previous seasons"
I'm a little surprised that Julian is Alchemy. I mean, it makes sense, but I figured they'd go for a misdirection. I mean, they made it kind of obvious that Jay was Zoom when they revealed his doppelganger's name as Hunter Zolomon (the second Zoom in the comics), but I didn't know how they would go about that route. They'd been planting seeds that Julian was Alchemy throughout the season, and I figured they were making it way, way too obvious.
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