honestly most of her villains would crush the team almost as badly.I wish supergirl was this powerful on her own show.
honestly most of her villains would crush the team almost as badly.I wish supergirl was this powerful on her own show.
This crossover better end with them forming a proper team of Super Friends/Justice Society, and Barry admitting he isn't fit to lead shit and everyone just looks at Oliver.
I really want Killer Frost, Livewire and Banshee to team up.
Felicity needs to tell Cisco that she nuked a city and managed work with someone who's parents died as a result. Basically "Cisco, quit being a bitch to Barry"
honestly most of her villains would crush the team almost as badly.
I think they're probably gonna avoid laying the foundation for a Justice League. Same reason why they didn't just have Flashpoint merge the Arrowverse with Supergirl's. They don't want to step on the movies' toes. If the movies inevitably turn out to be failures, I can see them building up the JL, bring Supergirl's universe into the same fold as the Arrowverse, and introduce the other mainliners (sans Bats, I assume) proper.
Also, did Heatwave know Barry was the Flash? Pretty sure Snart never told him and Barry didn't do the Legends pitch in the actual pilot so how was this not brought up?
The Flash on top of that L is so fitting.
I didn't say anything about any Justice League.
...YET.Surprised there was no superman jokes.
Every time I see Barry in the same episode as Oliver it makes me realize how useless him and his team are. I can't describe it.
Most of you think you're motherfuckin Rick Sanchez when really you're just a bunch of Mortys.
Every time I see Barry in the same episode as Oliver it makes me realize how useless him and his team are. I can't describe it. Like in the opening sequence of the episode he saved Oliver and Diggle. It's almost like he emasculates them, for lack of a better term, lol. Does anyone else feel that way? Also, what's with Oliver always acting pissed off? Kinda lame, it was better when he was just normal.
Sarah said they were guarding the ship, since they're noobs.
So is Martin Stein the only one who benefitted from Barry's timeline-fucking?
Now that I think about it, Stein's daughter may actually be the child of Barry & the pre-Flashpoint timeline.
So is Martin Stein the only one who benefitted from Barry's timeline-fucking?
Now that I think about it, Stein's daughter may actually be the child of Barry & the pre-Flashpoint timeline.
I think Stein's daughter is the result of something else.
Legends of Tomorrow spoilers
He went back and time and encouraged his younger self to appreciate his wife more, to work less and spend more time with her. The new memories started after that. So presumably younger Stein took that advice and it lead to their daughter.
I almost forgot about that, actually.Stein's daughter is from his own fucking with the timeline.
Like, almost quite literally timeline-fucking because he told his younger self to love his wife more.
So the theme of The Flash this year is "you're not a god" while Savitar is like "uh yeah I am bro"
The timeline is easy, everyone's had their way with it at this point. Stein is just the first one to get it pregnant.
So is Martin Stein the only one who benefitted from Barry's timeline-fucking?
Now that I think about it, Stein's daughter may actually be the child of Barry & the pre-Flashpoint timeline.
So the whole Stein daughter thing is because of Stein fucking up the timeline, not Flashpoint right?
I am worried though about the exchange Stein had with his daughter.
I want it to be pure and a good thing that happened from time shenanigans, but their conversation gave me the impression that his wife may have died at some point, maybe even during childbirth.
Wally benefitted.
And the Arrow showrunners have more or less confirmed that Flashpoint will play a role inLaurel's return
Liked the episode but things were rushed. Should've just started this yesterday night instead.
Also, did Heatwave know Barry was the Flash? Pretty sure Snart never told him and Barry didn't do the Legends pitch in the actual pilot so how was this not brought up?
Time aberration caused by Stein trying to fix RF's aberration yeah.
Stein loving his wife more and having a child is kind of the cutest timeline fuckup.
Also, did Heatwave know Barry was the Flash? Pretty sure Snart never told him and Barry didn't do the Legends pitch in the actual pilot so how was this not brought up?
I am worried though about the exchange Stein had with his daughter.
I want it to be pure and a good thing that happened from time shenanigans, but their conversation gave me the impression that his wife may have died at some point, maybe even during childbirth.
Yeah. The Rogues kidnapped Cisco and Dante and tortured Dante until Cisco gave up Barry's identity.
This was the trade-off after Barry's first time travel incident. The cost of resetting the timeline and bringing Cisco back from the dead and stopping Weather Wizard from destroying the city with a tidal wave.
Thoughts in order as I watch tonight's episode.
- The Hall of Justice is a hangar?
- Cisco is a bitch.
- Oliver needed to step in as soon as Cisco started his whiny tirade and shut that shit down.
- Diggle, get the fuck off it. He didn't erase your daughter. You have a son. Pick one, bitch. You don't get both.
Fantastic episode! One question. Why didn't Felicity at least talk to her former boyfriend Palmer? I don't watch Legends, so did I miss something?
I loved how thy ended the episode with Barry slow-mo attempt at saving Oliver. You can see it in Barry's eye. The OG superheroes of the arrowverse. Nice to remind us of their bro level amidst all these heroes.
This is the kind of fun hero-to-hero interaction that we get from the Avengers and the MCU. The party scene in Avengers 2 anyone? The discussion they had in civil war? I could watch them Interact at a party for hours. And I'm so happy to see it play out so well in the arrowverse.
I really hope te DC movie-verse does a good job.
Something to point out. It's clear that minor hero team ups is the future of live action superhero (bvs, hulk appearing in Thor ragnorok, iron man and co in a cap movie, iron man in Spider-Man, etc.) if they find a way to merge Supergirl to the Arrowverse I would love to see more one episode crossovers between the heroes rather than JUST make a big crossover event once a year.
They already have tiny cameos between the shows but why not take it a step further? It was always cool to see daredevil pop up in a spidey comic for an issue or two just to help out.
Yeah this episode frankly had better cast chemistry than anything we've seen in the DCU so far. Watching the heroes interact was an actual joy in this one, even if it did feel a tad fast paced and rushed.