So you don't want a better show?GTFO. Just see the impressions in this thread.
The last shuriken appears out of thin air. I didn't notice it while watching the show, but now I can't unsee it in this jif.
The last shuriken appears out of thin air. I didn't notice it while watching the show, but now I can't unsee it in this jif.
This episode sucked... and the whole no one wanting Wally to he a hero thing makes no sense, especially given we just went through this shit with Jesse for Christ sake.
This episode sucked... and the whole no one wanting Wally to he a hero thing makes no sense, especially given we just went through this shit with Jesse for Christ sake.
Also, most of the episode really was people standing around talking, explaining shit that was already explained. The whole scene where the aliens emerged was just silly looking, and off. Felt really isolated.
Oliver: Call Lila tell her the Dominators are hostile.
As if she didn't know that from the video,and them kidnapping the president...
You could use that argument for why they're scared, but logic would quickly silence that.Just gotta be weird for the sake of weird.
Though Wally seems to have a talent for nearly dying every time he tries.
I like it for the most part.Have you seen the rest of the current season?
The last shuriken appears out of thin air. I didn't notice it while watching the show, but now I can't unsee it in this jif.
You can stop with the passive aggression, what is your problem?Don't take the bait folks.
You can stop with the passive aggression, what is your problem?
As if she didn't know that from the video,and them kidnapping the president...
The newbies. Damn guy needs an army to protect the city.Who are all those new Arrow people? Aw, who cares. Sara is in the episode. Good enough for me. 😍
The newbies. Damn guy needs an army to protect the city.
Why is there another shirtless dude? Another tech dude? A religious dude? Why are their costumes garbage? Is this why people hate Arrow now?
Why is there another shirtless dude? Another tech dude? A religious dude? Why are their costumes garbage? Is this why people hate Arrow now?
But HELLOW Sara and Thea.
Most people who are watching both think Arrow is much better than Flash this season.
I can't really disagree.
Why is there another shirtless dude? Another tech dude? A religious dude? Why are their costumes garbage? Is this why people hate Arrow now?
But HELLOW Sara and Thea.
I can't believe I'm actually enjoying this and I'm gonna start watching supergirl now. The actress has kinda grown on me.
if I like the flash, arrow and to a little lesser extent, legends, will supergirl be enjoyable or is it really different in tone? I know season 1 was on a different network.
I can't believe I'm actually enjoying this and I'm gonna start watching supergirl now. The actress has kinda grown on me.
if I like the flash, arrow and to a little lesser extent, legends, will supergirl be enjoyable or is it really different in tone? I know season 1 was on a different network.
OK, I just caught up with the episode..
I don't care that it was fan service. I. DON'T. CARE.
that Hall of Justice is giving me life. I giggled like I was 10 years old again when I saw that.
*young me passes out*
I just want the disembodied voice to proclaim "MEANWHILE, AT THE HALL OF JUSTICE". The fact that this crossover has the Hall of Justice at all puts it above the Snyderverse already.
jesus christ shut up already, we know.
OK, I just caught up with the episode..
I don't care that it was fan service. I. DON'T. CARE.
that Hall of Justice is giving me life. I giggled like I was 10 years old again when I saw that.
*young me passes out*
The fanservice is the only reason we want these crossovers.
Barry and Kara is such a team.
Supergirls landing could use a little more oompfh.
The better question is why are they always in a warehouse?why is it so windy in a warehouse
Forbes of all places had a good article about why everyone being mad at Barry is short sighted and stupid.
Forbes of all places had a good article about why everyone being mad at Barry is short sighted and stupid.
Basically everyone's happy with Barry playing God until something doesn't go right, then playing God is not okay
Basically everyone's happy with Barry playing God until something doesn't go right, then playing God is not okay
Furthermore, it’s not even clear if Barry’s changes are responsible for stuff that’s happening in present day. Would Caitlyn have manifested powers anyway? Would Wally? Does Dr. Stein having a daughter he can’t remember have to do with Barry’s timeline changes, or his own?
And that’s the thing, I can buy exactly none of this for one reason alone, Legends of Tomorrow. It is extremely hard to believe that Barry Allen is at fault for trying to save his mother and father by time-traveling when the Legends and their adversaries don’t just mess with the timeline, they tear it up and stomp on it on a weekly basis.
He saved them twice, once by complete accident and once when the world ended. The second of which nobody knows outside of Oliver.
Mostly true, since post-Flashpoint Barry had to tell Cisco that he wouldn't go back to save Dante.
Basically everyone's happy with Barry playing God until something doesn't go right, then playing God is not okay
Maybe not, though, because of the message in LoT. Perhaps we ain't seen nothing yet.They've basically written Barry into a bad corner right now. In the Flashpoint comic,The show can't really do that same solution because BarryBarry doesn't know he's the cause of everything and when he does go back to stop himself he does it because the world is pretty much on the brink of destruction. So the comic maintains the perspective that Barry is the hero throughout plus they give greater justification for his travel through time.from the very start knows he's the cause of everything and since the stakes aren't remotely as high, Barry going back to stop himself seems more hypocritical and greedy since he's mostly doing it just to make his friends happier.