I found a BBC stream that seems to be decent for us yanks. http://zonein.tv/330811
KERS problem maybeShaneus said:Oh Mark
Fuck, even taken by Kobi
www.filmon.com has a free BBC1 stream too. Aspect ratio is wrong, but it's better than nothing.TylerD said:I found a BBC stream that seems to be decent for us yanks. http://zonein.tv/330811
yep, they didn't think 3rd was bad enough, so they disabled his kersShaneus said:RBR sabotage on Webber's car then? Wonder if it's possible to look at the issue when changing tyres.
S. L. said:yep, they didn't think 3rd was bad enough, so they disabled his kers
Stop It said:Kobayashi vs Webber = epic battle.
Hamilton must be wondering just how the hell Heidfeld is this quick? He's only a little bit off the pace, although now Button and co are slowly starting to catch, and will make a train shortly.