They´re offering HAM more money than they are paying MSC right now - how much more serious can they get? ;P
The monday after Monza Brawn and Bell had to report and show their plan for the future. Word is, Stuttgart was excited. Since Sept. 1st they are using their new wind tunnel, finally on par with RBR and Fer, using 60% models.
After winning China this year and seeing the competition, they know they can compete, they just need a helmsman capable of winning races, and who better than Hamilton? If Mercedes is staying in the game for seven years, that alone must look very tempting to Hamilton.
This week is going to be crazy fun for F1 news, I'm still excited to see who Jaime will be driving for next year, I have to admit I always liked the guy.
By the way, is anyone else fascinated at how this guy could take the title?

I know he's been there all year, but I've completely ignored Kimi has a title contender since Lotus have yet to win a race.