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The Formula 1 2012 Season |OT2| WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHING THIS SEASON?!


Congrats to Kimi. I've had to watch the last few races on recording, which blows. I'm happy to see Lotus and Kimi get a win, though. If it couldn't be Lewis, I'm glad it was Kimi. I love his radio transmission. Kimi keeps it trill.

Lewis has been snake-bitten, which should finally silence the people questioning his move to Mercedes next season. His time at McLaren has been full of this kind of disappointment. Ever since '08. So a fresh start is welcome.

Vettel had a stellar race. I don't quite like the kid, but he can sure drive the wheels off a car. From last to podium. Very nice. Looks like fingerboy is gonna win his 3rd in a row. SMH. I'm not cool with that. PEACE.

Mobius 1

Finally watched it.

Goodness, I almost had a stroke. Finest race of the year, in a season with no lack of great racing.

Vettel and Alonso showing quality out there. Remarkable indeed.

DC to Kimi on the podium: "Say something entertaining you arsehole".

Mobius 1

Could someone with some editing skills optimise this for iPhone 4? Needs to be less of a gap between the car and the text

Here you go, I pulled the car up a bit so the UI won't cover it.

I quite like it. Except when Vettel is up there telling his life story. I'm going to start muting my tv when it's his turn to talk.

You should've seen the interview during the forum.

He was talking so ... slowly and ... sure took his time to ... explain everything


and definitely ... answered all the questions


A shame about Hamilton, but what a great race.

Good to see Kimi win, and it's obvious he's trying to keep as much of a straight face as possible to live up to his personality.

Also I love the gif of Alonso at the end drinking the rose water, it's hilarious. I'm glad it was gif'd!


Webber was never going to challenge for the win anyway.
I was more thinking of his comment as a summary of how he felt of the race overall, not just the winner. I wasn't expecting a Webber victory either, but either by his own hand (ie. the Maldonado overtake, his fucking start) or others (the Perez/Grosjean incident, Ricciardo (which I never saw)) the continual punishment he went through was painful to watch (or at least, recount via Sunhigifs and comments in this thread)... as a fan of his.

As I said before, I'd love to know what was in his head for most of the race (up until the Perez thing) given that he didn't seem to put a lot of thought into his moves.

You should've seen the interview during the forum.

He was talking so ... slowly and ... sure took his time to ... explain everything


and definitely ... answered all the questions
The only more passive-aggressive body language I've seen in a post-race interview (fuck, that's a horrible sentence) is Webber slamming the glass of water down when Vettel won. I can't remember the circumstances why that occurred, though (I thought it was the wing thing, but that was 2010 Silverstone and he actually won that).


I'm sorry but he put in one of his worst races ever. He really has no one to blame but himself in the end. I can't defend that.

He's never been the same after losing the title in 2010.
That's why you should've found the race disappointing. I found it that way too *because* of how he performed. I wasn't defending him :p


The only more passive-aggressive body language I've seen in a post-race interview (fuck, that's a horrible sentence) is Webber slamming the glass of water down when Vettel won. I can't remember the circumstances why that occurred, though (I thought it was the wing thing, but that was 2010 Silverstone and he actually won that).

As a Webber fan I'm surprised you don't know this :eek:

The gif you're referring to was the press conference after qualy at Silverstone in 2010.

EDIT: Beaten by two minutes.


Unconfirmed Member
Great race, bit of a clusterfuck at times, but entertaining. Congrats to Kimi. I was hoping Vettel would have finished farther back, but oh well. The interviews were awesome and Kimis in car radio was great.


As a Webber fan I'm surprised you don't know this :eek:

The gif you're referring to was the press conference after qualy at Silverstone in 2010.

EDIT: Beaten by two minutes.
I actually thought as I was writing it "I remember, that was after Silverstone 2010... but he won that race, so why wasn't he sitting in the middle?". Another few minutes and I'm sure it would've clicked.

Not bad for a #2 poster.


Fuck me that was an epic race. Great driving from the saftey car. Also lol at Hamilton. McLaren hate him. He should never have announced he was leaving until the season ended.


What happens if there is a tie in the points? If Alonso and Vettel finish 1,2 then 2,3 respectively, they will be tied. This is not likely but possible.


The end of that race was so tense when Alonso was closing in. I could barely watch.

Its pretty funny that the more exciting races this year were two races that we all assumed would be boring (Valencia and Abu Dhabi). Maybe not for the right reasons, but fun to watch!
What happens if there is a tie in the points? If Alonso and Vettel finish 1,2 then 2,3 respectively, they will be tied. This is not likely but possible.

Goes down to number of wins, then number of 2nd place finishes, 3rd place finishes, and so on. I think the tie between Hamilton and Alonso in 2007 was decided by like number of 4th place finishes? Something oddly far back.


Here you go, I pulled the car up a bit so the UI won't cover it.

Thanks for this! I was fiddling around at work and couldn't quite get it right =]

That's why you should've found the race disappointing. I found it that way too *because* of how he performed. I wasn't defending him :p

In all future post-race situations Mark Webber fans are to report to Shaneus to receive their opinions before posting on the forums.
Great race, after expecting little of it to be honest. Not keen on that circuit at all.

I do like Vettel, but would rather have had him finish a little further back as I really want Alonso to win the title. I think he has done much more than that car is capable of this year (more than any other driver in my opinion), and so for sheer effort I'd love to see him pull it off.

Vettel was indeed lucky, but you still have to take advantage of it when it you can.

I love Raikkonen, but I do wonder how he manages to motivate himself during a race. I know he can seemingly give up is he gets anywhere near the midfield, but still. I wish he would give an interview and just really go into depth about what he loves about motorsport and what keeps him going.

I sometimes wonder if he is like Villeneuve. At least in my mind. I was a huge fan of his, but sometimes felt he was in Formula One because it paid well and allowed him to indulge in everything else that he enjoyed in life.

Got to say I'm also a fan of Webber - having defended him many times in the past on another forum where people were actually saying he shouldn't even be in Formula One!! But he does appear to just lose the plot at times and attempt ridiculous overtakes.


Fun race, with a good winner. Congrats Kimi!
Yesterdays outcome will do nothing but strengthen HAM´s conviction to have done the right thing in leaving McL. Yes, they are a great team, but in the end he sure hoped to have more success there.
But whats wrong with WEB? Looks like he´s mailing the season in.
Lucius86 owes me a bluray review of 2012 season when its out :D

The bet was made at the beginning of the season that Gros will outscore Kimi by the end of the season.

One of the best GIFs ever.. thanks guys lol



Comics, serious business!
Imagine what would happen if during a live, post game interview Tom Brady said "eh, we just tried to not fuck it up." The US would implode.


Sick and tired of Webber's shitty starting. Kimi shot up to #2 on my faves list, just being himself. Not sure if it's just me but Mark just seems to lack the fighting spirit sometimes. Could be me just being salty right now.


Sick and tired of Webber's shitty starting. Kimi shot up to #2 on my faves list, just being himself. Not sure if it's just me but Mark just seems to lack the fighting spirit sometimes. Could be me just being salty right now.

I have to say, I don't understand how he can continue to mess up starts for three years in the spotlight.
Isnt there a ton of swearing on US tv anyway?

You clearly missed the drama over the word "cunt" caused mostly by Americans here ;)

The BBC apologises and shrugs it off, it would've been a huge drama in the US.

With that said, both Kimi and Vettel were idiots for swearing, Vettel more so. Embarrassing to watch.


With that said, both Kimi and Vettel were idiots for swearing, Vettel more so. Embarrassing to watch.

I like to think they did it on purpose to try and persuade FOM to bring back the televised post-race press conferences instead of these silly interviews on the podium by some ex-GP driver most people haven't heard of who speaks very broken english.


No kidding. I literally shouted "what a fucking surprise Webber," at the TV when I watched the start.

I have to say, I don't understand how he can continue to mess up starts for three years in the spotlight.

It's unbelievable. Doesn't he spend time practicing and going over his starts? Don't they look at his RPM, timing, footwork after races? I mean something can be done, unless he is just shit.
With that said, both Kimi and Vettel were idiots for swearing, Vettel more so. Embarrassing to watch.

Part of the problem there was that it was DC doing the interview. He's "one of the guys" so it's no massive surprise that they'd lapse. Plus Vettel and Kimi together is always going to be a bit more boisterous.
Doing my monthly Senna doc rewatch. Never gets old. The music is so amazing.

Any other good F1 related doc's out there?

I saw mention in here this weekend about some year in review type DVDs. Does every team release one of those every year or what is it exactly? Would be cool to watch one from the 2011 season. And a link to where to watch/buy.
Part of the problem there was that it was DC doing the interview. He's "one of the guys" so it's no massive surprise that they'd lapse. Plus Vettel and Kimi together is always going to be a bit more boisterous.

Kimi just speaks like that so I think it was a slip of the tongue, but Vettel seemed to do it on purpose just because Kimi did.

I really like Vettel, but it was a stupid thing to do.



Im sorry but i really dont get this. And its kind of frustrating.

People say canada 2011 was Button's best win and it was an amazing performance. Nobody said something about him being unlucky. Even though he benefited from being on fresher tires at the end of the race and of all the safety car's. Lets not even start about all the cars crashing in front of him and the over powered DRS zone.

If your gonna say his drive was amazing, give credit where credit is due with vettel as well. Or say both drives were filled with luck.

I personally dont think its all about luck. He could have crashed or made a mistake like many in front of him and behind him. Yet he cleared a lot of cars with only 1 mistake with senna.
What could be seen as luck is if he just went to the pits on a slow lap and his car not being checked by the FIA.

On a different matter. It seems like Mclaren are purely focusing on next year. They have not brought any updates the last 2 or 3 races. I dont see them bringing updates to the last 2 races either.

By this time last year Newey was not even at races but back in England designing the new car.


Considering you can go to jail in Abu Dhabi for cursing I think it might have been laid down as a challenge by someone else on the grid... or there was a game of seeing who could curse the loudest in Abu Dhabi without getting arrested.

Vettel Won.


Im sorry but i really dont get this. And its kind of frustrating.

People say canada 2011 was Button's best win and it was an amazing performance. Nobody said something about him being unlucky. Even though he benefited from being on fresher tires at the end of the race and of all the safety car's. Lets not even start about all the cars crashing in front of him and the over powered DRS zone.

If your gonna say his drive was amazing, give credit where credit is due with vettel as well. Or say both drives were filled with luck.

I personally dont think its all about luck. He could have crashed or made a mistake like many in front of him and behind him. Yet he cleared a lot of cars with only 1 mistake with senna.
What could be seen as luck is if he just went to the pits on a slow lap and his car not being checked by the FIA.

On a different matter. It seems like Mclaren are purely focusing on next year. They have not brought any updates the last 2 or 3 races. I dont see them bringing updates to the last 2 races either.

By this time last year Newey was not even at races but back in England designing the new car.

And the car suffered for it. The Red Bull wasn't the fastest car on the track at Suzuka last year. One of the McLaren mechanics even commented on this and was stunned that Vettel still managed to get the pole proclaiming vettel as something special.

Doesn't matter. Fangio never won from lower than 3rd place but it isn't seen as a weakness there. History records statistics and numbers. Vettel's on track to destroy the statistics of everyone but Schumacher. People... just like you, feel that they have skin in the game. The rest of the grid is very jealous of Vettel. Doesn't matter if it's skill, car, team, luck, any one of them would probably sell their soul to be in his position, to win so much that the only way to dismiss you is to claim god himself was driving the car instead of you. Alonso and Hamilton keep wanting to try and play mindgames or say Vettel isn't very talented... yet Alonso seemed to throw the 3rd place hat back on the table before the podium in disgust and frustration.


To be accurate it was two with the Ricciardo incident. (and the overtaking of Grosjean by going off-track was a small mistake from him too, but since it doesn't affect his race it's not really worth mentionning)

He also let Grosjean repass him after the incident, then passed grosjean a second time, but this time he did it clean.


I wouldn't say he was lucky. His performance was more indicative of great adaptation in strategy by the team and great driving (except for not paying attention to Ricciardo) from Vettel. Credit where credit is due.
Considering you can go to jail in Abu Dhabi for cursing I think it might have been laid down as a challenge by someone else on the grid... or there was a game of seeing who could curse the loudest in Abu Dhabi without getting arrested.

Vettel Won.

And the car suffered for it. The Red Bull wasn't the fastest car on the track at Suzuka last year. One of the McLaren mechanics even commented on this and was stunned that Vettel still managed to get the pole proclaiming vettel as something special.

Doesn't matter. Fangio never won from lower than 3rd place but it isn't seen as a weakness there. History records statistics and numbers. Vettel's on track to destroy the statistics of everyone but Schumacher. People... just like you, feel that they have skin in the game. The rest of the grid is very jealous of Vettel. Doesn't matter if it's skill, car, team, luck, any one of them would probably sell their soul to be in his position, to win so much that the only way to dismiss you is to claim god himself was driving the car instead of you. Alonso and Hamilton keep wanting to try and play mindgames or say Vettel isn't very talented... yet Alonso seemed to throw the 3rd place hat back on the table before the podium in disgust and frustration.

Well, just look at the cars after the summer break.

McLaren had for more GPs the better and faster car than Red Bull (Spa, Italy, Singapore and Abu Dhabi vs. Japan, Korea and India). But it's all about Newey...

Im sorry but i really dont get this. And its kind of frustrating.

People say canada 2011 was Button's best win and it was an amazing performance. Nobody said something about him being unlucky. Even though he benefited from being on fresher tires at the end of the race and of all the safety car's. Lets not even start about all the cars crashing in front of him and the over powered DRS zone.

If your gonna say his drive was amazing, give credit where credit is due with vettel as well. Or say both drives were filled with luck.

I personally dont think its all about luck. He could have crashed or made a mistake like many in front of him and behind him. Yet he cleared a lot of cars with only 1 mistake with senna.
What could be seen as luck is if he just went to the pits on a slow lap and his car not being checked by the FIA.

On a different matter. It seems like Mclaren are purely focusing on next year. They have not brought any updates the last 2 or 3 races. I dont see them bringing updates to the last 2 races either.

By this time last year Newey was not even at races but back in England designing the new car.

It's the two leaders of Red Bull's primary adversaries making the luck comments. Publicly downplaying the competition is part of the job. It's not like the general public, or press has been chalking it up to luck.
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