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The Formula 1 2013-2014 Off-Season |OT| Powered by 1.6L V6 Turbo


I expected the cars to be much slower than last year, glad I was wrong.

Tracks with lots of fast sweeping corners is where the difference will be largest I imagine, since downforce will be lower. Though cars could well be faster on the straights because there is less drag.



What a beauty


That display looks good.

Re the Lotus - is it me or is that right nose prong a different length than the left?

It is. The rules state that the nose must go through one single area of a certain size. Having two prongs the same length would mean it was split, so one has to be longer than the other to be the "nose".




Bernie Ecclestone has won his multimillion-pound High Court fight with a German media company.

A judge has ruled in favour of the Formula 1 boss, who was being sued for £85m ($140m) in damages.

The case was brought by German media group Constantin Medien, which claimed it lost out when the Formula 1 Group was sold in 2006. It accused Mr Ecclestone, 83, of entering into a "corrupt agreement" with a German banker to facilitate the sale to a buyer chosen by him.



Ecclestone still faces criminal charges for the bribery.

Bernie Ecclestone has won his multi-million pound court case with the German media company Constantin Medien.

Formula One's chief executive had waited two months for the verdict following the civil case in London at the end of last year, in which Constantin Medien sued Ecclestone and other defendants for up to $144m (£86m), claiming that the sport had been undervalued when it was sold to the private equity company CVC Partners in 2005.

Ecclestone, who has always denied any wrongdoing, can now prepare for the more serious court case in Germany in April, when he will face criminal charges, with the possibility of a 10-year prison sentence, in Munich's state court.

There he will face bribery allegations, based on his payment of £27m to the former BayernLB banker Gerhard Gribkowsky, who was responsible for selling its 47% stake in F1 to CVC.

Ecclestone does not deny the payment but claims he was being blackmailed by Gribkowsky over his tax affairs. Gribkowsky was found guilty of corruption and tax evasion in 2012 and jailed for eight and a-half years.

In a ruling on Thursday morning the verdict was that the money was a "bribe" and that there had been a "corrupt agreement" with Dr Gribkowsky in 2005. But the judge said Constantin's claim still failed because it had been "no part" of Mr Ecclestone's purpose for shares to be sold at an "undervalue".

"No loss to Constantin has been shown to have been caused by the corrupt arrangement with Dr Gribkowsky," the judge added. "That fact is fatal to the claim." Constantin are expected to appeal the decision..



Looks like Bernie isn't exactly getting off scot-free, then, just not guilty as far as the civil lawsuit is concerned. I wonder if this judge's comments suggest how the criminal case will work out.
This autosport live text is awful. No indication of which drivers are on track at the moment, no idea how many laps each car has done.

Edit - He says as they list the drivers on track.


Kevin going fast now but he is on the softs. Hope McLaren haven't struggled today and sent him out on some glory runs to make it look not so bad. Yes I am a pessimistic McLaren fan.
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