... are you being serious?
You're knocking a guy for not matching a double-world champion in his debut year?
Look, I think Hamilton's a bit of a bellend as much as the next guy, but the man is fucking rapid. There were a few races even in 2007 where he destroyed Fernando, and I believe Fernando - whilst not THE outright quickest on the grid - is the best driver in F1 right now.
And this is all coming from a Kimi fan.
Edit: I've since realised you may actually be meaning for that to be read positively - if so, my bad!
Yeah, I meant it in a positive way
Todays race was okay/good. Pirelli have gone way too far. It's boring to watch "The Pirelli tyre lottery - sponsored by Formula 1".
Alonso was a machine as usual, great result for Ferrari.
I'm bored of Vettel. Like, really bored. He has that Schumacher-aura around him and I don't think anybody wants to go through that again.
Webber; lol.
I really want to see Lotus and Mercedes cemented on the same level as RBR & Ferrari.
Hamilton did quite well today. Mercedes are really lacking in race-pace compared to those in the front though.
Hoping we'll see a quicker McLaren come Barcelona, but we'll see.