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The Formula 1 2013 Season |OT| End of the Webber Era


Bahrain will be a night race in 2014.

This got overlooked it seems, but yes, it's been decided for next year:

The Bahrain Grand Prix is to switch to a night race next year, with the circuit set to confirm the news in the next few days.

AUTOSPORT revealed earlier this year that the Sakhir venue was considering a Formula 1 night race to celebrate the event's 10th anniversary.

It appears that those plans have moved forward with circuit chairman Zayed Al Zayani revealing at Monza that an announcement is imminent.

There had been some suggestions that Bahrain could become the 2014 season opener, but Zayani asked Bernie Ecclestone to move the race back in the schedule so it could work on the upgrades needed for the night race.


I got no problem with Lewis being down today. He drove an entertaining race for the spectators, but it must have been frustrating as hell in the car. Damaged his car in qualies by his own mistake, started back in the grid because he got impeded, then suffers a puncture that eliminated any chance he had at a podium or a good points score. He also looked tired from driving the car today. Looked like he had to work hard.

I assume it's gotta be frustrating to know you're arguably the quickest guy on the grid, but you're a bit snake-bitten. Even when you deliver one of your best drives, you only boat 2 points because of force majeur. However, it hasn't dulled his motivation one iota. Drives like today prove he can still pull off some amazing moves when he's got the bit in his teeth. He'll probably appreciate the performance more tomorrow, but today he's allowed to pout. When you drive that good, you can do whatever the hell you want. :D

And one last time about Vettel, some of y'all need to savor the moment. A lot of people who hated Schuey's guts during the 2000s were very appreciative of his accomplishments once he retired. It's like how I hated Michael Jordan until he retired, then I gained respect for what he'd done. Sometimes it's better to jettison the hate and allow yourself to enjoy the moment. What we're witnessing from Vettel is a confluence of rare qualities. A all-time great driver with an all-time great car designer who finally found a way to make a durable car. We're finally getting the answer to an old question, "What would happen if Newey made a durable car." Well...this is what happens. Pair it with an ace driver like Seb, and you have dominance. Put Lewis or Alonso in that car, and people would be hating their dominance too.

I mean, Seb has as much racing spirit as Lewis. Those are the two guys in the top team that you know go out there looking to drive the wheels off the car each race. That's what I want from a racing driver. I want them to race. Those two are are close to pure racers as you get. I don't know how you can really hate on either one. Seb is winning everything, but it's not like he's not earning it. He's just really good. I'm enjoying the spectacle while cheering my man on to derail the train. PEACE.
I mean, Seb has as much racing spirit as Lewis. Those are the two guys in the top team that you know go out there looking to drive the wheels off the car each race. That's what I want from a racing driver. I want them to race. Those two are are close to pure racers as you get. I don't know how you can really hate on either one. Seb is winning everything, but it's not like he's not earning it. He's just really good. I'm enjoying the spectacle while cheering my man on to derail the train. PEACE.
Pretty much.

Also, all bets are off next year so there's every chance we'll be seeing another classic like 2010 or 2008.

Chris R

Thanks for making the final bit of the race interesting Lewis.

Glad I slept in again. Waking up at 4AM to watch this would have pissed me off.
Nice call out by Seb.

Q: (Andrea Cremonesi - La Gazzetta dello Sport) Sebastian, during the race we heard a little message radioed by you that you were complaining about the rear light on the Vettel car. I would like to know how disturbing, how annoying it was for you during the race?
SV: Me?

FA: Was the question for me? Well, it was...

SV: Will you listen now? You complained about the red light?

FA: Yeah, yeah. It was disturbing a little bit. Obviously it’s a very strong light with no rain.

SV: It’s worse in here.

FA: Sebastian is not used to having a car in front so he doesn’t know how it feels to have a red light on but when you are behind, a little bit close, it’s always flashing and sometimes you just have to touch one button because that’s the red light or something that you press by mistake, if he could switch, but he didn’t. So the whole race I had it flashing in my eyes.

SV: I was trying to get away so it wasn’t disturbing you so much.

FA: You didn’t...


I can imagine it being distracting, but looking at the driver tracker there was almost always a corner between them.


I got no problem with Lewis being down today. He drove an entertaining race for the spectators, but it must have been frustrating as hell in the car. Damaged his car in qualies by his own mistake, started back in the grid because he got impeded, then suffers a puncture that eliminated any chance he had at a podium or a good points score. He also looked tired from driving the car today. Looked like he had to work hard.

I assume it's gotta be frustrating to know you're arguably the quickest guy on the grid, but you're a bit snake-bitten. Even when you deliver one of your best drives, you only boat 2 points because of force majeur. However, it hasn't dulled his motivation one iota. Drives like today prove he can still pull off some amazing moves when he's got the bit in his teeth. He'll probably appreciate the performance more tomorrow, but today he's allowed to pout. When you drive that good, you can do whatever the hell you want. :D

And one last time about Vettel, some of y'all need to savor the moment. A lot of people who hated Schuey's guts during the 2000s were very appreciative of his accomplishments once he retired. It's like how I hated Michael Jordan until he retired, then I gained respect for what he'd done. Sometimes it's better to jettison the hate and allow yourself to enjoy the moment. What we're witnessing from Vettel is a confluence of rare qualities. A all-time great driver with an all-time great car designer who finally found a way to make a durable car. We're finally getting the answer to an old question, "What would happen if Newey made a durable car." Well...this is what happens. Pair it with an ace driver like Seb, and you have dominance. Put Lewis or Alonso in that car, and people would be hating their dominance too.

I mean, Seb has as much racing spirit as Lewis. Those are the two guys in the top team that you know go out there looking to drive the wheels off the car each race. That's what I want from a racing driver. I want them to race. Those two are are close to pure racers as you get. I don't know how you can really hate on either one. Seb is winning everything, but it's not like he's not earning it. He's just really good. I'm enjoying the spectacle while cheering my man on to derail the train. PEACE.

Man your making it hard to hate on you because your a heats fan with a post like this.

But yeah i love drivers as vettel and hamilton. Driver skills of alonso are amazing as well but his personality is shit.

Nice call out by Seb.

Q: (Andrea Cremonesi - La Gazzetta dello Sport) Sebastian, during the race we heard a little message radioed by you that you were complaining about the rear light on the Vettel car. I would like to know how disturbing, how annoying it was for you during the race?
SV: Me?

FA: Was the question for me? Well, it was...

SV: Will you listen now? You complained about the red light?

FA: Yeah, yeah. It was disturbing a little bit. Obviously it’s a very strong light with no rain.

SV: It’s worse in here.

FA: Sebastian is not used to having a car in front so he doesn’t know how it feels to have a red light on but when you are behind, a little bit close, it’s always flashing and sometimes you just have to touch one button because that’s the red light or something that you press by mistake, if he could switch, but he didn’t. So the whole race I had it flashing in my eyes.

SV: I was trying to get away so it wasn’t disturbing you so much.

FA: You didn’t...

lol this really happened? Was it during the post interview. Is there footage of it?


Alonso "I would have beaten Vettel all these years had both of us were driving that car"

Alonso interviewed about his cycling dream, Vettel, RBR, Ferrari...

TV Video -> Here

Interviewer: So what do we talk about, engines or eventails? [reference to the cyclist team he bought]

Alonso: [Laughs] You can talk about eventails for the moment.

I: What's up with this mess, that you had in your head for some years ago already?

A: Well, probably since 2008 we had already in our head the possibility of having a professional cycling team, the opportunity didn't appear back then. It aroused now, and there's a lot of hope of starting this project. A team very eager for making it work, with humbleness, and as I say, being able to do things right. Not only in the sportive side, also in a lot of things that we have learned these years in F1: image, professionality, structure... being able to carry this information to the team. And also bringing the best of cycling: training, discipline, all the values... into F1.

I: You see, cycling is so beat up lately, with a bad image in the public opinion. And then you go and step inside. Do you do it to go against the current as always?

A: [Laughs] Maybe. Nah, it's a pity all the scandals and errors that took place in cycling. But well, in the end it's not even in top 10 regarding doping cases, and that's not known either. In Tour de France last year there were 2400 doping tests. That doesn't happen in any other sport. Therefore cycling has been very hunted, yes, because errors that were made in the past, yes. And I hope that we will be able to talk about other cycling things, there are a lot of good ones.

I: You did your homework regarding all this, didn't you?

A: [Laughs] Well, I knew all this already, but nobody asked for it before.

I: I don't see you being into cyclist team car yelling to the riders "go, go, come on!"

A: Maybe in a mountain road [laughs], maybe I have to take the steering wheel for being able to follow them. Nah, the aim is to give all the work to the CEO and sportive managers, the people that know about cycling. I'm just a fan and practice cycling, but 100% of my time will go inside F1, as it's the thing that really fulfills me, gives me work, and probably the thing I know how to do better, the other thing I can't really do.

I: You know that in cycling the bike is not the important thing, but the person, the cyclist. If the guy is strong, wins. What a difference with F1, isn't it?

A: Well, yeah... in the end anyway everything is summarized in the budget. In a cyclist team, the more budget you have, the better riders and pairs of legs you have. In F1 it's a bit like that. We saw all these years with small teams, when HRT was around, with Marussia... they can't compete with big structures like Ferrari, Red Bull, McLaren... And within big structures, there are little details that can make the difference: a given designer, a given philosophy to develop the cars... or some detail like a wing that can make you gain 3-4 tenths. It's clear that in F1 the material is more important, it makes much more differences. I wish it was possible to equalize it, with everybody racing with the same car, maybe being more spectacular. But it will never happen, F1 is also a technological laboratory that is interesting for the drivers to win, but much more interesting for car makers. Therefore the car maker that wins always has a new invention, that makes the essence of F1.

I: Sebastian Vettel has won the Tour de France, as a metaphore, the last 3 years. Evidently the "bike" that Sebastian is using helped him a lot. Would you like in the more or less far future to have the possibility of being with Sebastian in the same place, in order to have the same machine, fight against him, and really demonstrate if you are stronger or weaker than him? Because a lot of people say "he won 3 WDC's, there's nothing else to say".

A: Well, we will see what the future gives. Logically [thought pause], it's attractive to be in the same team than Sebastian right now, because as he is the last 3 years champion and is leading this 4th one, it would be a good thing to be able to beat him. It would take away a chip from your shoulder, or being able to put into practice all the confidence that we have in ourselves, I don't know if he...

I: But imagine being with Sebastian in the same team... the 3 or 4 years that he won, Alonso arrives to Red Bull or Sebastian Vettel arrives to Ferrari, you beat him the next year and you ruined those years, they would get diluted. But the opposite applies, if it happens and you don't beat him...

A: He would get reinforced and you would get damaged, it's a life and sport law. And as I said, let's see in the future, I don't know if he has intentions to come to Ferrari or not.

I: Well, he said he wouldn't mind sharing team with you. But of course, either him coming to Ferrari or you going to Red Bull seems complicated right now.

A: Seems complicated because of the car makers. Me going to Red Bull above all seems complicated, because I think that we all drivers agree that Ferrari is the legend and the best team. But it's true that when people talk about this driver not wanting to drive along this other one, or that they don't get along well... it's the complete opposite. If they ask us drivers, we would always like to drive along the best, probably because of the courage and inner self-confidence that we all have in that we can beat anyone. Sebastian, Hamilton, Button, me... anyone you ask will probably agree that we would compete against each other in the same team.

I: With his car, with his "bike", would you have won the last three years?

A: Nobody knows, these are always impossible questions. The clear thing is that they were better than us... in a technical level... [gets interrupted]

I: No, don't avoid it, the question is very clear. Would you have won or not, what do you think? We don't know what would have happened, but what do you think?

A: I think yes. But Felipe also thinks that he would, Pedro De La Rosa also thinks that he would, Marc Gene also thinks that he would... everybody, all we drivers think that we can, at least, take a shot at it.

I: Independently from the car, Sebastian is very good isn't he?

A: He's very good. Logically, you don't win 3 WDCs for the sake of it, or divine luck. I think you need to have some extraordinary qualities or skills, in order to support the pressure in certain moments, or to fight 10 months with an incredible consistency. Therefore, nobody is doubting that.

I: And you that are a winner, that always want to win everything... How are you bearing all these years, how do you stand it, are you not beginning to be fed up?

A: With patience...

I: But you don't have any patience

A: [laughs] I've been developing it, unfortunately. Because you know that your moment will arrive, sooner or later. You know that there are cycles, that go up and down. Right now in the upward cycle there is Red Bull. You know that they will go down. You don't know if it will be Ferrari the ones who will follow, but you try it. It's clear that we all want to win. But [thought pause], even if it sounds weird, being in Ferrari, is not winning the WDC, but it's the thing that gets closest. When you go abroad, or like in this summer when I was travelling in the middle East, everybody was stopping me in the street, and they would say "eh! Fernando Alonso, Ferrari's world champion!" They mix things, and think that driving for Ferrari means that you are world champion and that you won... Therefore it's not like when finishing 2nd you are at ease, but being in Ferrari you can summon better all this patience that you have to have.

I: [Uses an idiom phrase that means that even if he doesn't believe the explanation, it gets accepted. And continues asking] Have you ever lost the faith or hope that Ferrari will be able to give you a strong car, a quicker car?

A: Nah... No, but you know that you have to wake up. And the team in general, when one says Ferrari, I'm including myself, or I include the other driver, the test driver, the technicians, the mechanics... because in the end we are a team. We want to win, but when one year it's bad luck, the next year it's the double diffusser, the next year it's the blown diffusser... you say to yourself "next year it must be us the ones that find something that others don't have, in order not to play catch up". Therefore, it's not that you are restless, but you do have the hope of one year you being the reference:

I: I don't know if you saw this movie Rush that just got aired, the fights of James Hunt and Nikki Lauda... will they one day make a movie about Fernando Alonso?

A: I didn't have any... [laughs] fights.

I: [laughs] Don't tell me this.

A: ...of that type, or problems that big. I hope that they do...

I: Who would the bad guys be?

A: There are no bad guys here, here there are competitors and people that sometimes finish in front, sometimes behind. The sport in general, or the F1 in general, would be the thing that we could attack the most. Because there are things that we know that are not well organized here, or things that surprise you: certain decisions, certain rules, certain punishments. And that perhaps would be the most polemic part of the movie.

I: Is Monza the last bullet?

A: No, Singapore. I think Singapore. If we do bad in Monza it could be because of the aero configuration, as it's unique for this circuit, or at least we would try to think that's the reason, inside the team. If we go well, we can't get too much hope as when Singapore arrives and we have the standard car (the last time we used it was in Hungary and we were far from the best...). In Singapore I think we will have the real test for us, to say whether we did a step forward during summer and we can fight in the same level. If we see that's not the case, we need to focus in the 2014 car, which is a radical change, and driving the last races of this year 100%, but hoping a miracle or for the other to fail a lot. We wouldn't be able to try to win 3-4 consecutive races and cut the difference.


I: Independently from the car, Sebastian is very good isn't he?

A: He's very good. Logically, you don't win 3 WDCs for the sake of it, or divine luck. I think you need to have some extraordinary qualities or skills, in order to support the pressure in certain moments, or to fight 10 months with an incredible consistency. Therefore, nobody is doubting that.

loved this bit
He proved he could drive in the Toro Rosso
edit: after that snoozefest, I felt like watching an exciting race, so I put on an old recording of the 92 Monaco grand prix, with BBC commentary. legendary.
A: I think yes. But Felipe also thinks that he would, Pedro De La Rosa also thinks that he would, Marc Gene also thinks that he would... everybody, all we drivers think that we can, at least, take a shot at it.

Alonso is spot on. You don't get to F1 unless you believe that you're as good or better than everyone else. The ego is pretty much a requirement.

From time to time we're lucky enough to see the highest end drivers matched against each other in the same teams, but who knows when next we'll see the likes of Alonso vs Hamilton, Senna vs Alain Prost or Fangio vs Moss.

Maybe it'll be Alonso vs Raikkonen, though I still have a feeling that would throw up a surprise or two.



Aw yiss Jenson, show me some cleavage.

So, anyway, I've been thinking of doing the F1 2013 OT, unless anyone's already claimed it. It'll be pretty barebones(I'll probably just draw Vettel in MS Paint or something), just a place to discuss the game
's bugs
and organize races. However, we do need a kickass thread title! Any suggestions?

EDIT: If anyone
wants to supply Webber fanfiction I'll gladly put it in.


I mean, Seb has as much racing spirit as Lewis. Those are the two guys in the top team that you know go out there looking to drive the wheels off the car each race. That's what I want from a racing driver. I want them to race. Those two are are close to pure racers as you get. I don't know how you can really hate on either one. Seb is winning everything, but it's not like he's not earning it. He's just really good. I'm enjoying the spectacle while cheering my man on to derail the train. PEACE.

I think some of you underestimate just how fucking good that RBR is, and just how brilliant is Newey.

RBR - Vettel: 70% Car 30% Driver
FER - Alonso: 40% Car 60% Driver
MERC - Hamilton: 45% Car 55% Driver

When you're shitting on everyone else's lap times on cruise control and are able to set fastest lap just for the fucking fun of it every race effortlessly it's not the driver. You ever see how annoyed Vettel gets when the car is not sucking his dick? He moans and whines. He's so used to having a car that shits on the competition that anything less on any given weekend is a failure.


Edit: Before some of you get it wrong, I don't hate Vettel.
Ross Brawn going back to Williams next season?

Alonso to McLaren?

"But I did hear an interesting rumour today," said Button. "Someone told me about Fernando going to McLaren.

"I don't know if it will happen -- he didn't exactly leave McLaren in a good way (in 2007)," he added. "But let's wait and see."

EJ also mentioned this during qualifying - 100% bullshit, I can't see Ron welcoming back his blackmailer.


I think some of you underestimate just how fucking good that RBR is, and just how brilliant is Newey.

RBR - Vettel: 70% Car 30% Driver
FER - Alonso: 40% Car 60% Driver
MERC - Hamilton: 45% Car 55% Driver

When you're shitting on everyone else's lap times on cruise control and are able to set fastest lap just for the fucking fun of it every race effortlessly it's not the driver. You ever see how annoyed Vettel gets when the car is not sucking his dick? He moans and whines. He's so used to having a car that shits on the competition that anything less on any given weekend is a failure.


Edit: Before some of you get it wrong, I don't hate Vettel.

What method did you use to calculate that?


I got 47 points this week. Hamilton and Raikkonen being so far down messed me up, but i imagine it messed everyone else up too.

Congrats to Gotta go pants though, 165... damn. 20th globally now.
Fairly reliable sources starting to report that Kimi is heading to Ferrari...

2 year contract (1 year option)
€20m salary (+bonuses), with the salary being paid by Shell.

Still, will believe it when I see it (and be disappointed but intrigued).
Fairly reliable sources starting to report that Kimi is heading to Ferrari...

2 year contract (1 year option)
€20m salary (+bonuses), with the salary being paid by Shell.

Still, will believe it when I see it (and be disappointed but intrigued).

Explains the Alonso tirades.

Lets hope Kimi can fully focus, get his qualifying up and actually give a shit for a full season.
It will be richer if Alonso is faster than Raik (if he goes to Ferrari)
bu bu bu Alonso only wants to be number 1!!! Kimi's contract MUST state he is number 2!!
bu bu bu dummy etc...

It shouldn't be Raik who gets it, it has to be Hulk by a country mile.


Fairly reliable sources starting to report that Kimi is heading to Ferrari...

2 year contract (1 year option)
€20m salary (+bonuses), with the salary being paid by Shell.

Still, will believe it when I see it (and be disappointed but intrigued).

Raikkonen is a pay driver!

Edit: this works with GRO or RAI lol.



Fairly reliable sources starting to report that Kimi is heading to Ferrari...

2 year contract (1 year option)
€20m salary (+bonuses), with the salary being paid by Shell.

Still, will believe it when I see it (and be disappointed but intrigued).

Seen a lot of rumours on twitter this morning also.
Looks like its happening.

I am excite!


Aw yiss Jenson, show me some cleavage.

So, anyway, I've been thinking of doing the F1 2013 OT, unless anyone's already claimed it. It'll be pretty barebones(I'll probably just draw Vettel in MS Paint or something), just a place to discuss the game
's bugs
and organize races. However, we do need a kickass thread title! Any suggestions?

EDIT: If anyone
wants to supply Webber fanfiction I'll gladly put it in.
F1 2013 |OT| - Think of it as a roster update that adds bugs and removes features
Character limit?


- Both RBR cars had their lights on, because they drove in rain setup to save their gear boxes (softer gear changes). Yes, they still utterly dominated.
- MAS to report to LdM on Wednesday. Expect driver announcement afterwards as the earliest.
- HUL management now in serious talks with LOT, seem to be the only ones talking with them right now.
- ALO to MCL? Not really. He has no getout clause. And FER want to discipline him with RAI. But: we all know that he´s able to force his way out of contracts, if he so chooses.
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