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The Formula 1 2013 Season |OT| End of the Webber Era


Shocking performance by Red Bull. They also managed the best overall pit stop times for Vettel?

I guess it was just a matter of time before Newey came up with some magical diffuser. I would really like to read Webber's take on why he could not adapt to this driving style. Either way. Vettel will not be walking on water come next season when this effect can not be achieved.


Dominant drive by Vettel. In a class of his own today. Solid drive by Lewis, but the championship chase is over for him. Time to focus on 2014 for Merc. PEACE.
I guess it was just a matter of time before Newey came up with some magical diffuser.
Whatever god prayed to/voodoo spell cast/honest good work RBR did, the main bulk seemed to occur around the Monaco GP. If it weren't for Vettel's mechanical failure in the UK and his bad luck with the traffic in Hungary, he would have seven wins in a row by now.

Speaking of voodoo, instead of booing Vettel, why not place a curse on him? The cheap ones go for $10 on this website.


Eh, not bad


Went down from 20th to 34th in the world tho
...and this is why everyone boo's you Vettel

Put that fucking finger away you prick!!

Don't be so ridiculous. It's fine when any other driver does it, the only reason people hate Vettel doing it is that it's become so commonplace.

I hate all that sort of stuff as a general rule (I'm British, not big on bravado), but I must admit that I love it now because I can picture people throwing things at their TV in anger. :D


Redmond's Baby
I hate all that sort of stuff as a general rule (I'm British, not big on bravado), but I must admit that I love it now because I can picture people throwing things at their TV in anger. :D

I only imagine LdM throwing brand new TV out of his living room window every two weeks :D


Vettel... just a kid so full of himself, he will fade as soon as Newey can't give him another airplane, and it's yet another tainted WDC for him, the Pirelli "new" tyres (RBR and MERC crying) boosted the RBR airplane when it was clearly struggling during the first races... but of course no one remembers that now, he's always been 2+ seconds faster than anyone on pure talent right ? now comes the usual suspects with one liners such as "stop crying" instead of debating, if you watch a replay of the race watching just Vettel you can see he manages to build 30+ second gaps driving meters away from the walls, not finding the limits of the track, the other drivers were risking while Vettel was on rails, watch and then come here saying it's the driver and not the car. My grandma could win on that RBR, no wonder he's booed and should be booed even more for being a prick about the multi 21 and for being so fake, he should be more honest and acknowledge the car is getting him there instead of him driving the car there and showing his ugly finger.


Vettel... just a kid so full of himself, he will fade as soon as Newey can't give him another airplane, and it's yet another tainted WDC for him, the Pirelli "new" tyres (RBR and MERC crying) boosted the RBR airplane when it was clearly struggling during the first races... but of course no one remembers that now, he's always been 2+ seconds faster than anyone on pure talent right ? now comes the usual suspects with one liners such as "stop crying" instead of debating, if you watch a replay of the race watching just Vettel you can see he manages to build 30+ second gaps driving meters away from the walls, not finding the limits of the track, the other drivers were risking while Vettel was on rails, watch and then come here saying it's the driver and not the car. My grandma could win on that RBR, no wonder he's booed and should be booed even more for being a prick about the multi 21 and for being so fake, he should be more honest and acknowledge the car is getting him there instead of him driving the car there and showing his ugly finger.

He doesn't come close to Alonso in being full of himself, Fernando is the real champion there.
He doesn't come close to Alonso in being full of himself, Fernando is the real champion there.

Alonso is a samurai amongst ordinary men.

he should be more honest and acknowledge the car is getting him there instead of him driving the car there and showing his ugly finger.

I'm assuming the sound of you screaming at the TV has drowned it out, but he's always saying how it's a team effort and he wouldn't be able to do any of it without all of the hard work from the all the members of the team.

Unrelated, you do know that Vettel is one of only 4 drivers (Fisichella, Maldonado, Raikonnen and Vettel) that's managed to win a race in a non front running car in the last 10 years right? Sure, it was in the wet... but that's hardly usually a sign of having no skill.


yes I'm Fernando Alonso, the best driver of the grid after Massa, also the biggest earner or the best paid, money is money doesn't matter where it comes from... and enjoying posting on GAF, anonymously venting my frustrations : )

and struggling by Newey' standards is not winning every race by a 30+ seconds gap.

Unrelated, you do know that Vettel is one of only 4 drivers (Fisichella, Maldonado, Raikonnen and Vettel) that's managed to win a race in a non front running car in the last 10 years right? Sure, it was in the wet... but that's hardly usually a sign of having no skill.

Alonso also won back-to-back races on that piss-poor Ferrari when he left McLaren, Singapore and Japan, of course in before Alonso paid for that crash, SC and win. But what about Japan ? no rain, no crash, no SC, no wet race, a piss poor Renault that was consistently finishing P8-P10.

funny how no one talks about Hamilton or Raikkonen and the rest, if Alonso is P2 just because he lacks Vettel' talent and not his car... Hamilton and Kimi are trailing Fernando because they're less talented than Alonso, it's pure logic, isn't it ?


Redmond's Baby
So, with all teams now focusing on 2014 cars, are there any car elements that they can test now for 2014 on free practices? Like parts on FW etc?
I don't think anyone ever claimed here that Vettel is the only reason why he dominates the last races.
We all know that Formula 1 is about team and driver and only the perfect combination leads to such domination.
But what about Japan ? no rain, no crash, no SC, no wet race, a piss poor Renault that was consistently finishing P8-P10.

Yeah, he probably deserves to be in the list too, but I didn't because the results for the Renault that year were:

7, 5, 3, 3, 6, 2, 8, 5, 4, 4, R, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5

Multiple podiums put it as a front running car in my mind, but obviously that's just personal opinion.


Yeah, he probably deserves to be in the list too, but I didn't because the results for the Renault that year were:

7, 5, 3, 3, 6, 2, 8, 5, 4, 4, R, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5

Multiple podiums put it as a front running car in my mind, but obviously that's just personal opinion.

you're posting ALO results, now post Piquet. ALO can make an average car look "front running", thanks for acknowledging that indirectly : )
if you're going to lame it out saying look at VET vs WEB and blaming Piquet skills then it's double standards, you often state the car is always the same for team mates so you can praise VET over WEB, you always say WEB should be at least P2, and I say his car is not that upgraded compared to Vettel's. Are you going to say now that Renault was a front running car but Piquet couldn't make the best of it ? then say the same about RBR, is it an airplane that WEB can't take advantage of (if we take for granted they're driving the very same car) so VET skills shine more ? interesting reply if you're going to reply at all, same for Alonso vs Massa, lot of stuff about Massa being "forced" to be ALO dog, but when he's free to race with no Ferrari contract for 2014 he is still again embarrassed by ALO.

edit: and of course you didn't list the P1 in Singapore, that still hurts ? it was investigated and Alonso was cleared, it was another lucky or unlucky SC that happened to benefit ALO, whatever caused the crash to happen didn't involve ALO as the investigation put in capital words, it was Briatore and Piquet, you know better than them F1 legal staff of course.


Because magic!

haha the 6 tenths stuff ALO came with some years ago is absolutely bollocks, but had to give the guy he can overdrive the machinery sometimes, also VET has some magic but I'm so stubborn I refuse to believe driving 1 meter from the walls in Singapore still grants him 2 seconds per lap compared to the rest of World Champions... as I said, watch a replay of the race with VET camera, it's incredible stuff, either he's the best driver ever who doesn't even need to push the limits of the track or the combination of his driving style + machinery is pure, as you said, "magic".
you're posting ALO results, now post Piquet.
That's a combination of both Alonso and Trulli's results. Admittedly 90% of them are better for Alonso, but this argument that he can perform magic with a bad car is just... well, ridiculous.

There's no such thing as 110% performance. Though it's certainly clear that Alonso can extract more of that 100% than most other drivers, I still don't think he's significantly faster than Hamilton or Vettel would be in the same machinery, at least not over a single lap. He'd crush both of them on starts though.

edit: and of course you didn't list the P1 in Singapore, that still hurts ?

Those are 2003's results. I think there's been some confusion somewhere. What season did Alonso win at Japan with a bad Renault? I looked and assumed you meant Hungary because 2003 is the only year Alonso was a Renault and the car could be argued to be not a front runner.


Those are 2003's results. I think there's been some confusion somewhere. What season did Alonso win at Japan with a bad Renault? I looked and assumed you meant Hungary because 2003 is the only year Alonso was a Renault and the car could be argued to be not a front runner.

yes we got confused here, I was referring to 2008 Renault (not a front runner by any means)

Fernando Alonso ended the season with 65 points in P5 with these results:

4 - 8 - 10 - DNF - 6 - 10 - DNF - 8 - 6 - 11 - 4 - DNF - 4 - 4 - 1 (Singapore lol) - 1 (Japan) - 4 - 2

3 podiums, 2 of them back to back wins... P5 overall, a front running car you'd say ? maybe the best of the rest, but never a front runner, ALO with a front running car has never been below P3 at the end of the season, and it was in 2007 tied with P2 Lewis Hamilton in some Alonso vs McLaren (I will steal your pole position by the way) championship.

2008 Renault it was neither a particularly fast nor reliable Renault, I won't bother posting about Piquet because most of his results were DNFs with his ability to spin off the track.


2008 Renault it was neither a particularly fast nor reliable Renault, I won't bother posting about Piquet because most of his results were DNFs with his ability to spin off the track.

Hey now, that was Alonso's favorite thing about Piquet Jr.


Hmm, based on the last couple pages, should we start the offseason thread now? lol

The 2014 Formula 1 Pre-Season Thread |OT| Snails Abound!


People is very salty these days

It was an amazing win, not every weekend we get to see a Grand Chelem, for reference, Jim Clark has this record with only 8

Amazing damage control from Alonso, just 21 points lost in 3 races


Woow people are salty. Fans who boo vettel for achieving succes are not fans pf f1. What should vettel do? Dont qualify and keep losing just because he has a fast car. We should fucking cheer the fact they are working his asses of in the factory spending money on developments and getting the best car possible. Vettel clocks in so many hours in simulaters. On top of it all he is a fucking nice and humble guy. Do u guys even rember the arrogancr alono and shumi had during their dominating eras. Everyone should watch some interviews of him def the top gear one. Always thanks the team and works his ass off to achieve the succes they had. Lets blame shumi for hia days amd federer and barcelona and real madrid and rossi and phelps and bolt amd everyone who achoeved aucces. Fucking salty beyond normal. Sure the car is fast but at the emd of tje day if uour not good ubwont win. Look at webber and others before him. Give credit where credit is due.


Eh, not bad


Went down from 20th to 34th in the world tho

How the hell am I ranked 20th? I've literally done nothing with my picks since the second week of the season. I'm not kidding. I haven't logged in since then, and somehow I'm 20th? LOL! The rest of y'all must suck. :p Just kidding. Total fluke. I want F1RaceManager back. I liked that more. PEACE.


People need to stop being salty about Vettel. I'm far from a fan, but I'm taking this opportunity to relish what I'm seeing. This is a brilliant combination of driver and car. Don't give one too much credit, but if you don't think Seb is an all-time great driver, then I feel sorry for you. You're not going to appreciate what he's doing until he's too old to repeat it. Live in the moment. My boy Lewis is young enough he'll have a chance to win more WDCs. He'll probably never match Vettel's career accomplishments, but he'll always be the best to me. PEACE.
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