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The Formula 1 2013 Season |OT| End of the Webber Era


The CCTV footage didn't look particularly dangerous. The Mercedes had plenty of time to slow down.

From the looks of it Kimi was slowing down for Webber too, but he chose Alonso.
Alan Permane says Vettel pace was "soul destroying" and tells Alonso to "forget it"


Just for amusement, from the same article...
Hi shaneus!

Permane admitted that the extent of Vettel's advantage in Singapore had been a shock.

"It is 2.5 seconds per lap," he said. "That has got to be mostly him [Vettel], as Mark Webber wasn't anywhere near that.

"I don't suspect he goes flat out apart from qualifying and times like that. It is soul destroying for everyone honestly.


Lewis Hamilton interview on BBC Sport

The Mercedes driver told BBC Sport:

"I tried to imagine (when I saw him on the podium) what it would be like if I was winning races as easy as he has been winning them."

"It's every driver's dream to have a car to be able to fight. Me, I don't want to be that far ahead. I want to be able to fight with him, or whoever."

"It's not depressing. It's nothing new," said the 2008 Champion.

"I look at his laps on the on-board camera and it doesn't appear as though he is on the limit like some other drivers".

go to BBC Sport site to read more, comment or whatever

so Lewis agrees with my opinion about the on-board camera showing Vettel cruising and not using the full track (running meters off the walls) while lapping 2+ seconds quicker than the rest of world champions, and he mentions the car, not Vettel's talent... I guess the same people here that tells me to stop crying would kindly tell Hamilton to stop crying too ? it's only fair ?
The difference about drivers whining and your whining is that we only hear drivers whine once a week at best, whereas you whine at every opportunity.


Has anyone considered the possibility that Vettel has super powers? If it's not the car and it's not his driving ability then that has to be the only logical explanation.


Redmond's Baby
Has anyone considered the possibility that Vettel has super powers? If it's not the car and it's not his driving ability then that has to be the only logical explanation.

I think that his secret lies in sauerkraut for breakfast. Years of this habit can have beneficial effect on reflexes, eye coordination and other stuff that perfect driver needs


The difference about drivers whining and your whining is that we only hear drivers whine once a week at best, whereas you whine at every opportunity.

lol ? whatever, but I'm sure Lewis knows better than you armchair experts, it's the car, nothing but the car, and I was right about the onboard camera, now point and laugh at Lewis and tell him to stop crying, this not neither my first or his first time "complaining" about the RBR suspicious advantage.
After Hamilton's lackluster performance in Singaopore, maybe he was not really driving on the limit.

Well, not the first time Hamilton trying to start some bullshit.

Chris R

Has anyone considered the possibility that Vettel has super powers? If it's not the car and it's not his driving ability then that has to be the only logical explanation.

He is a great driver, there is no doubting that (see his performance in the Toro Roso compared to Bourdais in 08). He also has the best car on the grid. Combine those two things and you have an unstoppable force.

I'm just glad he is winning by 45+ seconds a race now, gives him less screen time and lets us focus on the fights for positions behind him.


Just got my tickets for Suzuka in the mail today. Even with Vettel pretty much having this season in the bag, I'm still super excited for this race - my first live GP!

Any Gaffers who might have gone to this race before have any tips/advice?


Well, not the first time Hamilton trying to start some bullshit.

Nah Hamilton was actually saying how terrible it is that people are booing Vettel. He's putting it in context.


The Red Bull driver was booed after winning Sunday's Singapore Grand Prix, continuing a pattern that has developed since the Canadian race in June.

Hamilton, who finished fifth, said: "No-one should be booed for their success, no matter how easy or hard it has been for them to get there.

"Booing is so negative, especially when someone works so hard to be a success."

Hamilton, 28, said he was "happy" for Vettel when he saw the German on the podium after his seventh win in 13 races this season.


Just got my tickets for Suzuka in the mail today. Even with Vettel pretty much having this season in the bag, I'm still super excited for this race - my first live GP!

Any Gaffers who might have gone to this race before have any tips/advice?

Cool, congrats! I've never been to a race before so sorry, I don't have any personal tips. I was planning on going to Canada this year but my wife was 9 months pregnant at the time so that wouldn't have worked, lol. I read through some articles on F1 Fanatic which may or may not be helpful to you:

Going to the Japanese GP subforum
Any Gaffers who might have gone to this race before have any tips/advice?

Not gone to that one, but general advice is...

1: Take earplugs. Car noise is fine for the first day, and then it starts to get really annoying.
2: Make sure you can see a big screen or take a radio. You wont know what's going on half the time otherwise.
3: Try to find out which gates they open up for the "track invasion". It's one of the best parts of the weekend.
4: Consider some small binoculars. Get you up close on some of the slower turns. :)
5: Learn which driver has which coloured TV camera mount. You'll know much quicker exactly who you're looking at (helmets are often very unhelpful).

C-lin renault days was all alonso right. Not the car being strong?
Funnily enough, Alonso's performance at Renault looks just like Vettel's performance at Red Bull over the last couple of years (when you look at him vs his team mate).

Though we know that's because Red Bull give Webber Toro Rosso parts, which of course Webber never speaks up about because he's so meek and known for avoiding conflict.



Neo Member
Just got my tickets for Suzuka in the mail today. Even with Vettel pretty much having this season in the bag, I'm still super excited for this race - my first live GP!

Any Gaffers who might have gone to this race before have any tips/advice?

If you are planning to buy any team gear or souvenirs get there early Friday and do it all first. They'll be running out of sizes if you wait till Sunday.
Thanks for the tips guys, arrarrggasdgfsadg I can't wait!

Arrive super early for every session. I'm not sure how Suzuka is laid out, but when I went to Montreal it took like 30 minutes from the gate to get to my seat at turn 1. Also, hearing protection! I didn't wear any in the V10 era and I'm pretty sure my hearing is still affected.
Just got my tickets for Suzuka in the mail today.
Where are you sitting? I'll be in grandstand Q2 (Casino Triangle), which should give me views of the exit of 130R, the chicane, the start finish straight and a maybe little bit of the Dunlop curve (if our seats are further towards the back)
Just got my tickets for Suzuka in the mail today. Even with Vettel pretty much having this season in the bag, I'm still super excited for this race - my first live GP!

Any Gaffers who might have gone to this race before have any tips/advice?

I am there again this year.
As you can imagine everything is extremely well organized and very simple to follow, lots of English signs and maps.
Getting to the circuit is a simple process too, I travel by bullet train from Tokyo to Nagoya and then take the suzuka express bus from outside the train station, very convenient.

I usually sit in the middle of T1, you see the start and full speeds across S/F, also its the end of DRS and you see all the attempted OTing into T1-T2.

And the ripest plum, the whole pack going through the esses!

This year I decided to be at the exit of the final chicane.

Bring rain gear, I got a great suntan back in 2011, but other years wet to the underpants!


Oh guys, for ear plugs I highly recommend the Etymotics brand if you can source them quick enough. Beat the pants off the crappy foam ones. I use the baby blues myself, the other ones are too big.


Where are you sitting? I'll be in grandstand Q2 (Casino Triangle), which should give me views of the exit of 130R, the chicane, the start finish straight and a maybe little bit of the Dunlop curve (if our seats are further towards the back)

I'm in grandstand Q2 as well! I can't really tell from the ticket, but I think it's section 2? I dunno.

I am there again this year.
As you can imagine everything is extremely well organized and very simple to follow, lots of English signs and maps.
Getting to the circuit is a simple process too, I travel by bullet train from Tokyo to Nagoya and then take the suzuka express bus from outside the train station, very convenient.

I usually sit in the middle of T1, you see the start and full speeds across S/F, also its the end of DRS and you see all the attempted OTing into T1-T2.

And the ripest plum, the whole pack going through the esses!

This year I decided to be at the exit of the final chicane.

Bring rain gear, I got a great suntan back in 2011, but other years wet to the underpants!

Ok awesome, good to hear about all of this.

I'm staying in Nagoya, are you saying you take a bus from outside the train station in Nagoya, or are you taking a train to Suzuka? I figured I'd probably need to take a train.
There is a bus service that goes direct from outside the train station to the front gate of the track.
You can take the train too of course!

I travel from Tokyo, so its fine for me.


Redmond's Baby
Zozobra, print a huge Bish avatar on blanket, add text 'BANNED' beneath, invade the track and run after Vettel :D


Oh guys, for ear plugs I highly recommend the Etymotics brand if you can source them quick enough. Beat the pants off the crappy foam ones. I use the baby blues myself, the other ones are too big.

I went to the 2011 Canadian GP without earplugs. I had to leave my seats and miss 10 laps finding a stand that sold them. It was my first F1 race. I won't make that mistake again.


Article on RBR's exhaust blown diffuser (via Google Translate)

Game over Ferrari

Technical point : the Red Bull has managed to create the aerodynamic effect in a legal manner prohibited by the regulation. For opponents , the Ferrari down, no match

The triumph of Vettel in Singapore reduced nearly to zro the hopes of Ferraari . In technical point of Paul Filisetti here is how does the Red Bull to go so strong , especially in circuits with high downforce .

" After qualifying , we had noted what was the technical gap that separated Red Bull and Ferrari , analyzing RB9 the fact that you are in the course of the season proved to be an extremely long-lived cars , in terms of margins of development. We have alleged, among the causes who made this possible, the cast of technical regulations in recent years. Such opinion, after the race in Singapore, is even more strengthened, and at the same time the result , but also the way in which Vettel won , provide us confirmation that a clue on which we had based our ratings starting from Monza , proved exactly the key point of the competitiveness of RB9 . I am referring to the speaker that was changed between Spa and Monza , now presented in its final form . in particular, this element is deeply modified in the side channels , where , in particular in correspondence of the outer , its terminal part diverges strongly outward , creating a true venturi profile .

Looking at the detail of this change on the starting grid at Monza and then here in Singapore , it was possible to note how its middle section is perfectly integrated to the position of the tailpipes , while the side sections correspond exactly to the position of " skirts heat " generated by the discharges themselves. In essence , it is clear that this element has been optimized to create that blow otherwise prevented by regulatory measures that tended specifically to avoid that produce this effect . In essence the RB9 are equipped with a diffuser fed to perfection by the air flow that is channeled into it using the heat of the exhaust gas .

Of course this is a completely regular , not at all comparable to the double diffuser of Brawn GP in 2009. The effects , however , against all opponents are devastating . The Red Bull on a high downforce track traveling on the tracks, with a speed of cornering is superior to others. Basically in Milton Keynes have reduced the time transient at best, relying on optimum traction in all conditions. Such a superiority that leaves annihilated especially at this point of the season , where usually the gaps tend to decrease rather than increase . For Ferrari , still mathematically in the title fight , it remains a moral obligation not to give up , to seize the opportunity in the event of defaillance opponent. The failure of the change of Webber , in fact, may be an alarm bell for reliability, but realistically in Maranello know that they can not rely on this assumption in the next six Grands Prix . Technically speaking, the race in Singapore has ruled the GAME OVER .


It's been mentioned before that the blown diffuser style of driving suits Vettel's style much better than it does Webber's. No idea how true that is though.

It's obviously because in reality the RBR is actually shit but Vettel can make it into a top tier car.
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