Q: How would you explain RBR domination ? is it Vettel, Newey, or both ?
A: I'd say they are spending an absurd amount of money compared to the rest of the teams, this is the main factor in my opinion.
Apart from that, yes, Adrian is a key asset, Vettel maybe is not getting the credit he deserves. If you compare him to Alonso you see that Alonso gets more points than his actual car could ever get, on the other hand we all have the feeling Vettel gets the points his car allows, even though Vettel is doing a great job Fernando is going beyond all that, I'd say Alonso is responsible for Vettel not getting the whole media and fans' attention.
Q: Do you think Alonso could ever go back to McLaren ?
A: Not now, if he was without a seat... of course, it would be fantastic, every team principal says they would kill to have him on board, he always gets the car on Sundays in a position you would think impossible minutes before the race. A strong driver, a smart competitor, experienced, fierce and compromised, no one else makes the most out of the machinery... but there is this thing called contract and we can't break that, who knows in 2015.
Q: So was it a mistake to let him go after 2007 ?
A: I've always regretted that, he's become stronger and smarter with every race if that was possible, it was a huge mistake.
Q: Honda seems to want Fernando back in McLaren no matter what...
A: Of course ! but as I said McLaren want him too ! but the sad reality is that the contract with Ferrari is there for all to see, not an option for 2014.
Q: Who is the best driver nowadays ?
A: Alonso just because, as I stated, he is capable of getting the impossible out of the cars he drives, even average cars, this might sound rude to Ferrari but that's for all to see too.
Q: But Vettel has won 3 WDCs and is the new 2013-14 WDC...
A: Yes of course, but he drives a much better car than the rest, that is a huge factor, he's doing a good job with it no doubt, both Alonso and Vettel are at the top.