Okay, new race starting this weekend! FINALLY!!! I hate the damn 3 week breaks as my F1 lust cannot be satiated. BUT, I can't wait to see the improvements to the cars, and changes on the track that a few extra days brings!!

Time to clear up shit from the last race and move on (of course pretty much about RB) No tl;dr explanations, read it or don't.
I have no problem with Vettel, he's being a racer through and through and I'm glad RB officially ditched team orders as it's always been a joke at that team anyway (IMO I hate team orders period as I miss watching the ruthless racing from the 80s and 90s I watched growing up). Webber was publicly being a whiny bitch because he was sour at the outcome, understandably so. He wanted Vettel to follow team orders when he's clearly broken them in the past under pretty much the same circumstances. Given opportunity, Webber would have definitely done the same thing as he's proven to have done already. The only difference in this particular case was that Vettel was able to pull it off while when Webber broke team orders and tried, he still couldn't get by Vettel. What's really annoying is the fucking medias portrayal of poor wronged Webber and evil Vettel. Fuck sakes, a guy with that kind of chin is never a fucking damsel in distress.... God dammit media, you need a history lesson, this shit isn't new from an F1 standpoint, or even within this team.
While so many here seem to instinctively hate on Vettel (doesn't really matter the reason) they should look at Webber objectively as well. Both of them want to win, both of them have broken team orders when the opportunity arose, both of them whined to the team about following team orders when it's convenient for them, both of them have stated they would break team orders.
There's only a couple of differences between them. First Webber is vocally a no bullshit guy, which I admire. If you're going to speak your mind, don't fuck around. I see mirrored similarities between Webber vocally as I do Massa driving hahah! It's in your face for better or worse and there's no hiding it. Vettel on the other hand, is a love hate, the guy is fucking amazing to watch on track, he does things and pulls off moves that a lot of the times would result in a crash if many of the other drivers attempted them (well in this new age of baby F1 anyway). Also, he seems like a nice guy with a fun loving attitude. Then you hear the team radio and a few interviews where he's whining about something, or backtracking. Then you think about it, he's still really young, has 3 world championships, and for him expectations that things should be done for him. Son, you're a triple world champion, but if you want a 4th, buckle down and earn it yourself on the track, no freebies.
This kind of thing happens with so many successful racers, after they keep on winning, they start to think they have entitlements to do so. Vettel, I like ya buddy, but stop with the whiny rich kid syndrome and get back to your roots of kicking ass on the track and proving why you're better that way. Also, don't fucking apologize for shit clearly you and everyone else know you're not sorry about (and then say you'd do it again...) Take a cue from Webber in this case, no bullshit. You're not sorry, so don't say you are, you were racing end of story. But again, I see no problem with Vettel, just the ridiculous drama that happened because of it.
Of course all of this could have been avoided if they just did what they chose to do sooner, which was get rid of the damn team orders!! THANK YOU RB for letting this old F1 fan watch better F1 (well for 1 team anyway). Now Webber and Vettel, if you really want it, take it, nothing is stopping you and hopefully nothing is given to you. Just don't fucking crash into each other again!
Now, on to this weekend!!!!