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The Formula 1 2014 Season |OT| Who Will Win? Nobody Nose

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So it was ok when he pitted first being ahead of Ros but now is bitter about calling him after Nico? Don't care what happened yesterday, Lewis can't handle losing to his teammate and will always try to find something to blame. I hope he ends up in the same team with Alonso, the two of them deserve each other.
When exactly did Hamilton admit and apologized to Rosberg for using a power setting he wasn't supposed to, just to make sure he wins Barcelona? Was it before or after qualifying?
Who knows? It's incredibly hard to prove someone did something deliberately. Only insiders may know, and they have clearly spoken; most think ROS did this on purpose.

Also, the fact that Lewis is still as pissed today suggests he probably knows.

What or who are the insiders? Why should they know more than experts with access to all data?


And then we're going to get posts like yours. Cue the entire 'Hamilton is faultless' and 'Hamilton fans are so stupid' posts until Australia 2015.

I will do my best to stay neutral from here-on-out.

I havent said any unwarranted negative thing about Hamilton in this thread. I said he whines, which he does. I said he is a hot-head, which he is. You're likely also going to find posts where I applaud his talent, he's a neutral entity to me, I don't give an arse mate.

EDIT: Ah I see you are specifically talking about how I react to his fans, well yes I react the same to Vettel, Webber. Schumacher, Alonso fans if they go super crazy, which is starting in this thread right now.


The Inside Track
are there any reaction shots from Marussia or Bianchi?? Any Teamradio? would love to hear their reactions

Canal Plus had an interview with Bianchi, who was of course extremely happy. They also did show the Marussia garage and Toto Wolf coming to congratulate them. Looks like it will be quite the party tonight for them :)




That's always been Hamilton's weakness though, from day1,
What weakness? He's won more races and poles then just about anyone except Vettel, and you want to say he's mentally weak? What's that make everyone else then? That notion is quite pants. PEACE.
are there any reaction shots from Marussia or Bianchi?? Any Teamradio? would love to hear their reactions



What weakness? He's won more races and poles then just about anyone except Vettel, and you want to say he's mentally weak? What's that make everyone else then? That notion is quite pants. PEACE.

He could have and should have won more. He's absolutely been mentally shaky, we thought he had turned the corner, but this weekend shows it's still in him. if you are going to deny that you may as well just go sit in the corner with Ominee.
Don't understand his complaint there. Even if they decided to pit, Rosberg would have had 1st call.
And if Nico didn't request to stop then Lewis could do so.

What Toto said on SSF1 just earlier though was very interesting. He said that a driver cannot request the stop, the team calls them in in that scenario, which kind of explains why Lewis is saying why didn't you call me even though he thought they should have pitted.
Hamilton is sad that he doesn't have his own strategist that looks out only for him, like he had at McLaren. Instead at Mercedes they have one who looks out for the best result for the team as a whole. That's outrageous.


Hamilton is sad that he doesn't have his own strategist that looks out only for him, like he had at McLaren. Instead at Mercedes they have one who looks out for the best result for the team as a whole. That's outrageous.

How is it outrageous? Also means Rosberg doesn't have one.


Jules Bianchi is trending on Twitter. I'm really happy for him and the team.

I'm happy for Bianchi, seems like a good prospect and a genuine dude, salty at that team for costing Kimi though 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸

I heard Fernandes is trying to sell Caterham, I really thought they would make something of themselves in F1, oh well.
Man, it really comes over as if Alonso doesn't give a shit anymore.

Again, data will NOT prove anything. Data is just what it is, data. It doesn't read ROS's mind. Insiders do.

They can read Nico's mind? Damn. You should tell Toto who these insiders are, because he just wished for a crystal ball in the interview after the race. It might help!
I havent said any unwarranted negative thing about Hamilton in this thread. I said he whines, which he does. I said he is a hot-head, which he is. You're likely also going to find posts where I applaud his talent, he's a neutral entity to me, I don't give an arse mate.

EDIT: Ah I see you are specifically talking about how I react to his fans, well yes I react the same to Vettel, Webber. Schumacher, Alonso fans if they go super crazy, which is starting in this thread right now.

Did you react similarly to Alonso's whining before Monaco or after Spain, or last year?

Why do people only react to Hamilton's "whining"?


Man, it really comes over as if Alonso doesn't give a shit anymore.

Can't blame him.

Did you react similarly to Alonso's whining before Monaco or after Spain, or last year?

Why do people only react to Hamilton's "whining"?

Oh stop it, fans of a certain driver always have to point out 'why do people only react when [insert favourite driver] does this'. Everyone reacts to everyone, you just care less.


Did you react similarly to Alonso's whining before Monaco or after Spain, or last year?

Why do people only react to Hamilton's "whining"?

I gave Alonso far more shit than I ever gave Hamilton, especially in that season they were teammates, since he was older and should have known better. Where are you going with this persecution complex brah? You guys need to chill. you'll fast make this thread insufferable and cause the rest of us to go away.


There was just an interview of him on Sky F1, Lewis said we're aren't friends we're colleagues.. then asked doesn't years of friendship / knowing each other mean anything he awkwardly laughed and said I don't know

You're about to go full Omiee. Are you sure you want that?

Fair enough.

I gave Alonso far more shit than I ever gave Hamilton, especially in that season they were teammates, since he was older and should have known better. Where are you going with this persecution complex brah? You guys need to chill. you'll fast make this thread insufferable and cause the rest of us to go away.

I don't know if you gave Alonso more shit. And quite frankly, it's irrelevant, as I was referring to his whining in the last few weeks.

Lewis seems to have cooled off, though Sky is trying to push the issue.

EDIT: Now Nico seems to say the complete opposite from Lewis ("we are friends; we are still communicating")
Lewis is going to lose his mental advantage.

Who is going to leave the team at the end of the season? This is only going to get worse.

Nobody is leaving. Rosberg is under contract until the end of 2016; Lewis end of 2015.

Mercedes should have one of the best cars next year as well, too.

EDIT: Interesting tidbit from someone trackside:

Just want to share a little of the real Lewis Hamilton here from actually witnessing his actions. Over three days the only driver that made an effort to connect with the crowd opposite the pits in stand T was lewis. We got a wave from Alonso and Jenson as they walked up the pit lane but Lewis stopped gestured waved and took time to appreciate the crowd. The only other person to do that was Eddie Jordan.
Trackside he seemed faster than Nico all weekend although he always took time to build up to speed. Nico was on it straight away. Lewis instead would do fast sectors and back off, never putting them all together till he needed to. During the race he was clearly cruising and shortshifting whereas Nico was locking up quite a bit.
The concensus amongst the spectators for what its worth is that Nico parked it and that included the french and italians. Lewis only got the second loudest cheer from the grandstand. The loudest was Jackie Stewart!


Surely the data looks like he overdrove the car, because he overdrove the damn car. He was down on his S1 and suddenly caused a yellow flag.

Either way Canada and Britain is coming up. Rosberg should probably hope to come up with something better than ruining his qualification laps.


He could have and should have won more. He's absolutely been mentally shaky, we thought he had turned the corner, but this weekend shows it's still in him. if you are going to deny that you may as well just go sit in the corner with Ominee.
Bullshit. Are you applying this same arbitrary metric of yours to all the drivers on the grid, or just the black guy? Elephant in the room! Lots of code gets thrown around with Lewis. Mentally fragile, immature, hot-headed and hip-hop lifestyle. Yeah, he looks different and has different tastes, but you cannot explain how he has won so much given his affliction.

What are the symptoms you've used to diagnose these things? These must be unique to him. I'll call you out if you want to be a condescending prick about it. I'll be glad to matchup this certified bullshit analysis with examples from each and every one of your favorite drivers to point out your obvious bias. You're probably not self aware enough to realize what utter soap opera tosh you're throwing around with the conviction of a crazy person. Then again, he hasn't turned the corner because he finished second on a circuit with no overtaking after getting borked by his teammate in qualies and then again by a safety car?

Let's get this straight, the best drivers have more confidence and mental fortitude than 99% of the populace. That's how they get to the top. The armchair psychiatry some of you try to pass off as F1 analysis is gossip girl bullshit with no basis in reality. Let's talk about the race. Lewis lost it in qualifying. Argue about what happened there all you want, but no time machine, so no fixy. Stop making up shit to justify your prejudices. This is not about emotions and feels. It's about tenths and G's. Monaco favors the guy ahead in turn 1. Nico and Lewis both knew this. Lewis is justified in being mad when he was s passenger to the result since the final 2 minutes of Q3. That's life. PEACE.
Nobody is leaving. Rosberg is under contract until the end of 2016; Lewis end of 2015.

Mercedes should have one of the best cars next year as well, too.

EDIT: Interesting tidbit from someone trackside:

Contracts are made to be broken.
There's some bad blood between them and history tells us someone's going to leave the team. Senna - Prost, Alonso - Hamilton.

I don't see how Mercedes, even with competent leaders, is going to be able to manage this situation.
He could have and should have won more. He's absolutely been mentally shaky, we thought he had turned the corner, but this weekend shows it's still in him. if you are going to deny that you may as well just go sit in the corner with Ominee.

What are you on about here? He is not weak mentally this season at all (although I agree it was an issue for him at some point in previous seasons)..

His interview with Pinkham was measured and controlled. Lewis clearly put his business face on and will take care of it in Canada.

End of.


Well there it is, I'm not willing to deal with the two of you anymore, so good day ╰( ´・ω・)つ──☆✿✿✿✿✿✿


Regarding the whole 'I knew you wouldn't bring me in' thing, I'd wager that's more of a 'I knew you'd play cautious and protect the team result rather than letting me take a gamble' than believing the team was conspiring against him.
In the end, Nico still has to prove himself and even if he wins the championship, which I don't think he will, it's always going to be tainted by this weekend.

Regarding the whole 'I knew you wouldn't bring me in' thing, I'd wager that's more of a 'I knew you'd play cautious and protect the team result rather than letting me take a gamble' than believing the team was conspiring against him.

It was exactly about that. Lewis explained the situation in the Sky interview. McLaren has two strategists who look out for the best result for each driver and Mercedes has one, who looks out for the best possible result for the team and the driver leading is the one that gets preference. That's why the drivers at Mercedes don't get to call the pit stops.


It was exactly about that. Lewis explained the situation in the Sky interview. McLaren has two strategists who look out for the best result for each driver and Mercedes has one, who looks out for the best possible result for the team and the driver leading is the one that gets preference. That's why the drivers at Mercedes don't get to call the pit stops.

Ah okay thanks. I can't stick around long enough during a Sky weekend to watch the interviews. That also helps to explain why McLaren haven't won a constructor's title since '98 ;)


Nico's face, from the moment on when Natalie told him that Lewis considers them not as friends, but as colleagues. Man.
Hopefully both interviews will pop up online at some point.

I'd like to think they'd become friends again, but I doubt that'll happen until they both retire.
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