We should all adopt Maldonado avatars for a week or something and wait for other people to be like "who's this dude that everyone has an avatar of?"
If Maldonado and Grosjean finish the first lap without contact, I'll shop Maldonado into my avatar.
To be fair that's probably better promotion of F1 than running Grands Prix in various deserts.We should all adopt Maldonado avatars for a week or something and wait for other people to be like "who's this dude that everyone has an avatar of?"
We should all adopt Maldonado avatars for a week or something and wait for other people to be like "who's this dude that everyone has an avatar of?"
Great start by Lewis
If Maldonado and Grosjean finish the first lap without contact, I'll shop Maldonado into my avatar.
I thought it was a poor getaway. He was lucky it's a short run to T1
I thought it was a poor getaway. He was lucky it's a short run to T1
;~~~~;go away
He got across to cover the outside easily. Did exactly what he need to do
He covered well yes, but it wasn't a 'great' start.
That was one of those passes that crosses the line between "brave" and "stupid". There was a higher chance of them both wrecking than it actually getting pulled off. Interlocking wheels is just too dangerous.
Brundle seems to be explaining terminology a lot today.
Brundle seems to be explaining terminology a lot today.
Bernie said tv wasn't explaining things enough I believe.
You can race as hard as you want but locking wheels? That's so, so unimaginably stupid. Those are absolutely the worst wrecks. Indycar partially overhauled their entire damn cars to prevent those incidents.Its called racing.