Crumpet Trumpet

It actually concerns me just how someone can be so famous and yet be so fucking awful
mehblin > trashney
Poor BRAVE Marius.
Vicious bitches in chat tonight tbh.
Poor BRAVE Marius.
I'll w00t! Superstar. But where is it on her setlist?
You know what WON'T be on Madonna's setlist? Falling over like a CUNT on opening night
I also think your definition of CUNT is wrong
The songs on MDNA have great verses coupled with a chorus that draws upon the zeniths of mankind's musical achievements.
I think there's a new kind of dementia that's hitting elderly, decrepit Madonna stans.
I think there's a new kind of dementia that's hitting elderly, decrepit Madonna stans.
Why'd nobody mention Carries album has leaked?!
The album is being streamed for free on iTunes. How interesting.
I've only listened through it once, but so far it seems a disappointment compared to Carnival Ride and Play On =(
It also pleases me how much of Britney's face we've had on the last two pages!
She looks pretty haggard in that gif tbh
gaga looks so pretty
Did this have anything to do with my PM? I was pretty harsh on poor CeCe...Earlier today I was talking to royalan in the chat, and we were talking about CeCe Winans. A bit later he asked a question about her, and I thought he said "Caca."
Your brainwashing seems to be progressing nicely.
screencapping, printing, and framing this
Did this have anything to do with my PM? I was pretty harsh on poor CeCe...
Can't stop listening to Whtiney's version. Almost makes me want to tour all the NYC Pentecostal churches and discover the next batch of young, budding divas <3Yep.
Well I wasn't discussing what you said in depth, just that you'd send a great PM about her stylistic choices in the song and contrasted them with CeCe Winans.
oooh, let me join
I've seen this gif before. What's its significance?
Aside from the sadness I feel when I see it I mean.
Here's the video of the whole appearance, if anyone wants to relive it.
Every now and THEN... somebody needs a little THERAPY.
What a moment *.*
You have the video where she's snatching the mic away from the PR woman and going on a rant?