1. I appreciated your thoughts about the remix. Disappointed it didn't become a bigger topic for discussion, actually.
2. I thought Xtina's next album was going to be inspired by her love of Tokyo or something? Or was that Bionic?
1) Awww, you
are more than just flawless Janet stanning. <3
2) That was Bionic. We don't yet know exactly what sound Xtina's going for on her next album. She's stated that, emotionally, she's in a very similar place she was when she recorded "Stripped", when she first started feeling the brunt of male chauvinism and blatant sexism on the part of the media and certain male rappers. "Stripped", in response, was brazen in Christina's rebellion against the idea that she should stay in a "pretty pop star's place." Loud, unabashedly feminine, sexually confident,
bold. A direct "fuck you" to all of her critics. My fave, y'all.
I don't think we're getting a "Stripped Pt. 2", but with the beating Xtina has taken in the media recently it's clear we're getting another album with a similar spirit to "Stripped". A return fire to all of her haters and a reassertion of herself. Shameless.
Hell, the rumored first single is a song titled "Love Your Body (Fuck Ya Body)".