I wonder how long the Hag will keep up with the Gaga(fanbase) shade.
Your misogynistic view of women does you no favours in life, sweetheart. Do you feel that a WOMAN should STOP WORKING at a certain age because she's a WOMAN, or is it because a 53 year old woman has grasped your FAVE by the LABIA and continues to DRAG HER through the VALLEY of SHAME AND UNCERTAINTY?
The queen of geriatric pop seems to be bothered by something. It's better to accept than to hate. Gaga will slay in the coming decades. The Hag can't stop that. Beying pressed about it is not a good look.
Oh is Joanne Germ the PS3 of POP? Should we just TWIDDLE OUR THUMBS until one of the pieces of shit she continues to throw at the wall STICKS, much like the Born This Way SINGLE RELEASES?
I guess when you have been riding the coat tails of your SUPERIORS for so long, there comes a point where the excuse becomes one of POTENTIAL because so far, everything she has done has been DONE BEFORE and by more QUALITY HUMAN BEINGS.
Madonna has seen them COME and GO. She doesn't give a shit about that reductive little bitch, but I am most CERTAINLY glad she put the BUSHPIG in her PLACE, because I'm CERTAIN if JOANNE GERM hadn't LIED about Born This Way's INSPIRATION in the FIRST PLACE, this wouldn't have OCCURRED.
+1 Queen Meccdonna.
The Hag will go out with a bang with the current tour, but I don't expect her to come back with anything special after this.
She is contractually obliged to continue slaying your faves in every way imaginable.
The world of 99 cent songs is littered with people like Joanne Germ; a world Madonna is and has been above for quite some time. She has cemented her place as an untouchable ICON in the world of entertainment, and THE MDNA TOUR only seeks to reenforce that STATUS with DIAMONDS.
By that time Gaga has released her new album, no one will care about Hagdonna. Her time will be over.
Sigh, another Caca album; another rehash of other people's PAST GLORIES with overproduced music-by-the-numbers for her vile fanbase to circle jerk around as if it were anything more than throwaway pop music.
This will be La Germ's 4th album, won't it? Madonna was creating Like A Prayer by then.
Too bad she survived the meteor. But she won't survice Gaga's next record.
Comparing Madonna to a dinosaur, yet forgetting that scientists and historians dedicate their ENTIRE LIVES to their study, while the human race still REVERES them as the MAJESTIC PRECURSORS to HUMANITY, HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of years after their demise.
I guess that's a pretty apt comparison then, hun.