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The GAF POP |OT| of Diversity, Hidden Talent, and Stan Wars

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I don't really do this that often, but here's a (mostly Scandinavian) new music megapost if any of you care.

Much of it has been posted elsewhere on the site or in this thread, but I think it's necessary to point out stuff I find worthwhile rather than bitch and whine all the time:


Royalan already alerted us to Agnes' amazing new single, "One Last Time", but it's worth re-emphasizing how great it is. It's the lead single from her very very very long-overdue fourth album, and it suggests that the wait could bring good things instead of a chaotic mess. I'm very fond of the production, which as Roy pointed out smartly avoids gimmicks and instead allows the song's melody and Agnes' voice room to breathe. The video is also really pretty. I doubt she'll make a dent in the US market (despite having a record deal over here), but hopefully she makes waves in Europe.

It's also worth pointing you to her two major international club hits, both of which were sublime: "Release Me" and "On and On". She's not an irrelevant flop! She has potential, and her stuff really deserves a listen.​



Next is an absolutely incredible "debut" single from Faye, formerly known as Fanny and formerly of the Swedish girl group Play. She did some solo stuff as Fanny, but she's relaunching herself as Faye and the result is this heavy, modern pop powerballad, "Water Against the Rocks". The song has positively exploded on all the popular music blogs, so assuming she continues to release new stuff you'll be certain to hear about it.

It is yet another example of a Swedish pop outfit using production techniques built around dense, arpeggiated synths—the calling card of iconic acts like ABBA, The Knife, and Robyn. The vocal performance could have very easily come across as annoying and affected (especially with the melodramatic lyrics), but it's paced wonderfully and swoops and dips at the right times. This is how hype trains leave the station, folks.​


Up next are a few songs from British musician Delilah, whose "Go" tore up charts in the U.K. and which caught my attention because of the very smart way the song was produced—the actual song is pretty boring. I'm glad I did some research, because her sound is interesting and worthwhile. The Go EP featured a song called "I Can Feel You" which was too boring for me to really get into. Thankfully, there exists a high-quality live version of the song with percussion and synths. It's absolutely gorgeous, and I'm hoping they record a studio version.

Her latest single, released just last month, was "Breathe", a swirling, pretty song with a pulsating bass line and lush instrumentation. It sort of flopped on the charts, but it's really great downtempo pop with nods to electronic music (particularly UK bass) and R&B. I really love the way the song ends, too. Most of the attention she's gotten has been from the electronic music community, partially because her first major appearance was on drum and bass duo Chase & Status' song "Time" (which is pretty terrible, but she's great on it). Hopefully "Go" ends up not being her only major hit and she isn't relegated to doing vocals for substandard electronic producers.​



One of the great pop newcomers of 2011, Swedish youngblood Amanda Mair now has a video for the fantastic song "House", which made waves late last year with all the right people. It's another song that's paced wonderfully, starting with simple piano chords and building through the bridge to a frantic, wonderful finale. She gives off vibes that remind me a bit of Stina Nordenstam, but with a decidedly modern aesthetic and a less dreary outlook.​


And finally, yes, you can roll your eyes as much as you'd like, but Eurovision winner Loreen's "Euphoria" is now sitting atop the charts in more than twenty countries and is climbing the charts in several more—including non-European countries like Australia. She returned to Sweden with a lot of pomp, of course, and in case you thought the song and the performer were all glitz and no substance, listen to her give a stunning rooftop performance at the beginning of this video, complete with strings and a different percussion than the Eurovision and single versions of the song. Also, for one of the reasons we love her, skip to around 6:10 or so in the video. Assuming my ear for Swedish is correct, she says "tack för att ni kom -- det här ska jag ta med mig for the rest of my fucking life!" (rough translation: "thanks for coming; I'll take this moment with me for the rest of my fucking life") before launching into a more routine performance of the song.

Also, even if you don't like Euphoria, please check out one of her earlier singles, "My Heart is Refusing Me" (here's a link to a live performance at Melodifestivalen). The production on song is embarrassingly shitty - we're talking really, really bad here - but the underlying song is fantastic. It gives me a lot of hope that if she can move away from the cheese, she could have a remarkable pop career. Her talent and sensibilities are there.

Need more convincing? Here's a version with her and a guitar. It's superb.​


Alright, I'm done. You can return to talking about your relevant faves, or whatever.

I like this post.

Apparently Amanda Mair's album is coming out soon- June 5th.
So I see Madonna did a better version of Born This Way than Lady Gaga does herself, lol. BTW also sounds better with the EY music instead of the "noisy" original music.



And I want to spam this post with set pictures (some of them, especially the
church/religious inspired
backdrops are gorgeous), but I guess spoilers are a no-no.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Koodo and Phono and I had a gay old time in there this morning watching videos from Kylie's Aphrodite Les Folies. Those backing dancers *.*


Faye got mentioned in Pop GAF and has a new song out?!? This is almost as awesome as if she had pulled a Michael Jordan and unretired from Play for the umpteenth time.
The guitar riff in Bad Kids is one of the instrumental highlights of the album honestly. The only "genius" thing going for that song really. Though the verses are also flawless.

Heavy Metal Lover just sort of goes nowhere to me. The synth is repeated throughout and the chorus is so barebones and there isn't really any point to it. I can't imagine what a music video for it would look like or even how to dance to it. I wish I figured out why so many people love it but it's the ONLY Born This Way song that hasn't clicked with me. And even Fashion of his Love clicked with me.


lol, that was a typo. I meant to say Heavy Metal Lovers-esque. Though I did like Electric Chapel which gave some rock vibes.

Dr. Malik

Apparently the pressed bitch is trying to start shit


disgusting and pathetic, especially when you start talking about world peace and respecting others but then goes on to insult a whole fanbase

I need Gaga to retaliate but of course she wont...


Do tell us if any of the members grope each other and/or give each other loving looks.

LOL is that even a question? Of course they will.

Oh and I thought Madonna and Stefani were friends? Why all the sudden shade from Madonna? Of course petty jealousy, a flop album, etc. certainly make sense. Madonna is such an awful person. I mean Mariah might be full of herself but at least she's generally sweet and stuff. Madonna on the other hand, damn.

Edit: I also don't get how that picture is insulting lol


But you can't be mad if its true. Poor Little Cutters will start sacrificing cats and putting their blood all over their faces... Oh wait, yall already did that shit The Monster Cult isn't all rainbows and love like the message Gaga tried.to give. Her own STANS don't follow her message. They bully people and do crazier shit than her. Madonna saying you guys eat up GIMMICKS (which is what Gaga is you can't deny it) how is that offensive? She has every right to, she already did Gagas CAREER and 400x more 30 years ago.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I've grown to really love 'Somewhere' from Magic Hour. I wish that it was on YouTube so I could share with you all but unfortunately :(

So I can only give you a Spotify link instead: http://open.spotify.com/track/6fE8ZCIHTVc6SaTU61STeI

I love that production. Uplifting. Soaring. Life giving.

Especially the soaring synthy crescendo at 2:55. I do still sort of wish they'd pushed it on to about five minutes like with Invisible Light and really gone to town on it. I have a feeling it could have been a glorious thing.
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