Sony slays the lessors at E3. FLOPtendo, even with a new console, just CAN'T.
Im afraid your faves will not survive The Last of Us tbh.
The only thing Sony SLAYED at E3 was our belief that they can SURVIVE.
Aww poor dat #neux1curr
The only thing Sony SLAYED at E3 was our belief that they can SURVIVE.
I cant hear you over this awesome gif
that you tried to throw PopGaf under
Sony slays the lessors at E3. FLOPtendo, even with a new console, just CAN'T.
Im afraid your faves will not survive The Last of Us tbh.
God of War shade?
Not here for that.
God of War shade?
Not here for that.
Stan for a better game then tbh
I also think it's interesting that Ubi added that rider to the end of AC3 about how it's not a game about the British being evil, when it's pretty obvious that it's a game about the British being evil. I wonder if your final target will be George III.
Also LOL@the 'pop gaf are babbies' comment. Coming from a group of people who got so upset at four GIFs and some capital letters that they demand we be BANNED. Talk about throwing the TOYS out of the PRAM.
Regardless of the pettiness of it, y'all gotta be careful.
I can live with a Pho or Koodo ban, but if Kyon goes again I'm not sure I'd be able to function.
Detecting a little shade here.[IMG][/QUOTE]
It's not shade tho. It's just the truth.
And yet I'm constantly amazed at how you seem to be able to post here with both your TASTE and DIGNITY missing in action.
Detecting a little shade here.
Everything Sony showed was DREADFUL, btw.
Beyond? Beyond Caring.
God of War XXVIIIVIVMCXLLLLL? Reductive.
The Last Of Us? Like some old man and his underage Thai hooker.
Vita? Even Whitney possesses more life.
The Last Of Us? Like some old man and his underage Thai hooker.
Well then stay AMAZED AT ME.
Yeah because Microsoft and Floptendo just hit it outta the park eh? Check yourself.
The Last of Us is what the industry needs. I'm really getting tired of the current CoD era. Even Splinter Cell has become a dudebro shooter now.
Everything about TLOU reeks of magnificence. Naughty God shall deliver...again. They're unstoppable. No other developer could, really.
Praying for your GAMING TASTE Phono. Hope that you RECOVER.
The big 3 flopped big time. I still haven't watched the Microsoft conference to determine the one closes to Xtincta LEVEL FLOP but I was deeply disappointed. Nintendo was literally handed a win and they gave it up with Wii Fit, Karaoke and MINIGAMES.
I thought Wii U was supposed to win back the hardcores? So out of touch and completely oblivious to what their fans expect from these presentations.
Hmm yes, TPS with cover mechanics and an annoying sidekick.
I rest easy at night knowing that MY TASTE will never lead me down a DARK PATH that arrives at JUDGING ON X-FACTOR.
The demo showed some amazing gameplay elements. Everything looks so dynamic. And you actually feel weak in the game. No unlimited ammo scattered around, and no regenerating health bullshit.
And the girl isn't just a walking log like Sheva in RE5. She actually seems to have good AI, trying to help you out during fights. It looked great.
The game seems to be pretty slow paced. But I love that in games. Don't like hectic games anymore. Maybe I'm getting Madonn...I mean old.
The same pop star who scored 2 #1 hits as well as top 3 hit and a top 10.
When will MDNA? Heck, when will the Hag?!
Well f delio's tinychat. I ignored some idiot making noise and it somehow screenshotted the room posted a link and then some mod banned me? lol ALRIGHT TINYCHAT GAF go eff yourselves then.
Well f delio's tinychat. I ignored some idiot making noise and it somehow screenshotted the room posted a link and then some mod banned me? lol ALRIGHT TINYCHAT GAF go eff yourselves then.
When will Madonnasaurus rex?
Soul, I think Halo 4 was one of the most impressive games I saw at E3. The art direction is just out of this world. I bought Halo Reach for that reason and I'll definitely be picking up Halo 4 for the same.
Have stretchmarks on her TITS?