Is anyone else excited to see Lady Gaga's cockroach hat?
The Sun reports that Lady Gaga, who prefers odd fabrics, to say the least, asked her team to create some headwear filled with the cockroaches after learning of a study which suggests the creatures respond more to her music than that of any other artist. Play Gaga music and the insects dance!
A source said, "Lady Gaga has been looking to top her famous meat dress for some time and this could be it. She dubbed cockroaches 'My real life monsters' after hearing of the recent study. Now she wants to incorporate them in a headpiece by having them crawling around inside a netted cage."
The Sun? lol.
The Sun is the worst paper in the world. They just make shit up.It's Lady GaGa, lol.
The Sun is the worst paper in the world. They just make shit up.
I'd be here for that cockroach hat tbh.
They're the one insect I despise but I always have a mordbig curiosity about them. It's kinda like my relationship to Lady GaGa, tbh.
Not at all. But it's THE SUN. At least it's not the Daily Mail...Oh right, cuz a roach hat on Gaga would be OUTLANDISH.
boy you came into my life i missed you so bad
i missed you so bad
i missed you so so bad
Update since I last left the thread: Madonna stans still desperate to drag Gaga, almost as though there's something they're the fact that Gaga is just a better pop star come 2012.
Just how many people stan for Madonna here?
Update since I last left the thread: Madonna stans still desperate to drag Gaga, almost as though there's something they're the fact that Gaga is just a better pop star than Madonna come 2012.
I really do wish we had something good to discuss
its just been Xtina, Gaga, Madonna, or Rihanna shade for the last pages
and the fact that Call Me Maybe is #1 shows what a dreadful summer this is
I really do wish we had something good to discuss
its just been Xtina, Gaga, Madonna, or Rihanna shade for the last pages
and the fact that Call Me Maybe is #1 shows what a dreadful summer this is
some previously-unknown bitch that just comes out of nowhere and slays
Pop's been in a terrible state this first half of the year.
But it really hasn't; there have been tons of new and great pop acts and some amazing EPs and albums released this year. Perhaps none that have broken out on Top 40 radio, but pop music is much, much more than the Billboard Hot 100.
Is Pop that isn't Popular ironic?
Not really.
And define "popular"! A lot of pop music never hits American radio but is popular elsewhere. And what about flops? Bionic failed as an album but it was certainly pop music.
But it really hasn't; there have been tons of new and great pop acts and some amazing EPs and albums released this year. Perhaps none that have broken out on Top 40 radio, but pop music is much, much more than the Billboard Hot 100.
X-Factor is going on in San Francisco today
I don't know. I mean, the same can be said about every year. Personally, I just don't see much Pop music coming out in 2012 that's made much of an impact. That damn Euro-Dance "We in the club! Turn it up!" trend still hasn't died and Top 40 is staler than ever. But I've yet to hear anything bubbling underground (and I've posted some of it in this thread) that made me think "Damn, that's going to smash, and it deserves to." But I know this is all personal opinion.
I mean, my favorite Pop song this year, bar none, is Cassie's "King of Hearts" which, for all its attempts to be bargain-basement Dance music, actually comes out sounding fresher than any Dance song on radio. But of course it flopped.
Lana Del Rey released the best Pop album of the year so far, but that's really just telling of how dull Pop is these days because as much as I love that album I didn't see it taking off either.
For all the shade she gets (which has included me at times), I can honestly say that Lady Gaga with the original "The Fame" album was the last time I heard Pop that I felt deserved to be doing as good as it was. That album was fresh, refined yet intriguingly amateurish, and Gaga presented it with a level of artistry that, frankly, hasn't been present in mainstream Pop for years.
I can see Koodo filing this post away to #CLOCK me sometime in the future.
I'm here for another Moblin/Cosmic Bus dj sesh soonpeople could always post new/interesting music, but given what I usually hear when I go to the room, I really doubt that many here care