Yes she slayed and looked amazing too. #whereisthesurprisethough

you're almost @ 1000 itz!!
Yes she slayed and looked amazing too. #whereisthesurprisethough
you can tell those 2 enjoy
BWAHAHAHAHA. Dafuq did that come from?
I can just imagine her voice saying that lololol
Deep into that darkness peering...
EDIT: First mod to ever post here(well about music atleast)
I'm not counting Mumu you know what I mean >.<
^^^^ I think its from her 07-08 Fame days not sure i remember.
Rih's grabbing the cam like its a dick tho
see how it is, Kyon.
Sis idk how many dicks you've seen that wide
New music for you!
Amelia Lily, the only reason anyone should have cared about the UK X-factor last year, has released her debut single.
It's maybe a bit generic, but I still really like it and look forward to her album!
Based Azaelia will save us from the Garbaj assault.
Why is it her biggest flop?LOL, ironically its' Taylor's biggest flop so far in her career.
Why is it her biggest flop?
No need to mention when every gay and their bussy knew that it would become more flopulous than Battleship.So is anyone gonna mention the fact that Perra's movie flopped harder the Jonas Brothers movie? Or did I miss the trashing?
Gaga has arrived in the US bitches
It's a shame that only some of the Pop girls are talented enough to cross over to movies, and get some critical acclaim.
Is that movie any good, moblin?
Bee and her money making skills:
The Fighting Temptations $32,750,821
Obsessed $73,830,340
Dreamgirls $154,937,680
The Pink Panther $158,851,357
Austin Powers in Goldmember $296,655,431
When will YOUR faves?
It's a shame that only some of the Pop girls are talented enough to cross over to movies, and get some critical acclaim.
And yet, still a flop.
Well yeah. But he didn't say that. He said 'when will your faves', and my fave did, higher than Beyonce in fact.
$300,965,230 vs $717,025,629.00
Nice try, though.
So again, when will your faves?
He did say "Make money."
How much money did she actually make?
“What’s wrong with you drama queen?”
“Shut up. Shut up.”
“Kentucky Fried Chicken!”
“You look like Colonel Sanders, actually.”
“Nothing, sir.”
“I got something sir, on my camera.”
“I don’t know.”
“Is this some kind of exercise?”
“You ever seen anything like this?”
“Weird, man.”
“Real bad idea, Lieutenant.”
“Lieutenant, get up.”
“Come on, you with me?”
“Come on, squared away?”
“What the hell is that?”
“What happened?”
“Who’s in charge?”
“(Heavy sigh)”
“No sir!”
“Nothing sir, nothing.”
“Yo, hey!”
“Come on, come on, come on.”
“Mahalo, motherf—”
“What the hell is that?”
“Roger, Echo 1-1.”
“Box 24. Ready to fire.”
“India 3-7, locked.”
“Tango 1-9, loaded.”
“Whiskey 2-5.”
“Sucker’s really jumping around.”
“40 minutes sir.”
“Contact two miles out.”
“Contact ETA 21 seconds.”
“Get up!”
“Let’s go!”
“Go, go, go!”
“Yes, sir.”
“Oh yes sir.”
“Aimed at target.”
“Sir, that’s the wrong direction!”
“Come on, take the picture, Beast.”
“Come on, Hopper!”
“Look dapper!”
Universal Will Probably Lose $150 Million on Battleship
-$150,000.000.00 vs $717,025,629.00
Nice try, though.
So again, when will your faves?
So like the class act I am
called her a Stupid f'n B
GURLS I need some POP-GAF therapy.
I drove to the store to get Theatrythm today.
On the way there, this woman in her fancy car swerves into my lane almost hitting me. So like the class act I am I rolled down my window and told her to look where she's driving. And called her a Stupid f'n B.
She then has the nerve 15mins later to show up at the store (incident occurred near the store) and harass me inside. The staff wouldn't do anything to remove her. Finally the manager came over and she promptly left. (cause she knew she was jsut being a stupid C and was in the wrong)
I can't even deal with pressedt haters like this. #icant. Probably an Xtincta stan.
GURLS I need some POP-GAF therapy.
I drove to the store to get Theatrythm today.
On the way there, this woman in her fancy car swerves into my lane almost hitting me. So like the class act I am I rolled down my window and told her to look where she's driving. And called her a Stupid f'n B.
She then has the nerve 15mins later to show up at the store (incident occurred near the store) and harass me inside. The staff wouldn't do anything to remove her. Finally the manager came over and she promptly left. (cause she knew she was jsut being a stupid C and was in the wrong)
I can't even deal with pressedt haters like this. #icant.
Probably an Xtincta stan.