I thought Quantum Break was pretty good.How many cinematic action adventure games did we have this year?
How many online shooters did we have this year?1
I'm not entirely sure what this is referring to, but I've played over 100 hours and haven't spent a dime on anything other than the game itself and it's my goty.
Most gatcha games are F2P too. What does your personal purchase history have to do with my point?
Right, and that release date is drifting into the ether it seems. I just can't believe they didn't show any footage on the Switch. I mean, don't most devs make a playable demo even if the game isn't baked to show off what it will look like? I've been waiting for this game for years and I'm not seeing positive reinforcement here.
Which doesn't affect the game in anyway, and nobody has to bother with!
Mei got robbed.Wow, where's Symmetra and Zarya?
inside has one. doom has one.
But the randomness is ok because it doesnt have an effect on gameplayIt's the randomness that's problematic.
I thought Quantum Break was pretty good.
Most gatcha games are F2P too. What does your personal purchase history have to do with my point?
Will have to be fan-created.So what happened with the fan creation award? No winner it seems.
The game isn't F2P. Also, the micro transactions have no impact on the actual game itself. They only change the way characters look. So you may not like the way they're handle their completely option and affect nothing. You're not getting locked out of matches or characters by some arbitrary clock that you have to spend real money on to override. The game you buy is all you will ever need and nothing more. And we get new, free content. Game is fucking awesome.Most gatcha games are F2P too. What does your personal purchase history have to do with my point?
It also has a micro transaction system that's straight out of a gatcha mobile game. It's fucking gross.
😈Inside I can see, but Doom? What point does it have Overwatch doesn't exactly?
It has nothing to do with a gatcha mobile game, for starters. You can find much worse examples of MTs in basically every other AAA game.
I thought you were making fun of him. My bad, sorry.Uh what? Dude's life is at risk here.
Don't even pretend buying loot crates is on the same level as the microtransactions in freemium games. That's fucking gross.
legitimately can't tell if this is serious postDon't even pretend buying loot crates is on the same level as the microtransactions in freemium games. That level of exaggeration is fucking gross.
I just want Blizz to actually put out more for it tho. This last push of arcade update was needed because having like 3 modes only in a game that already is low on content ( and maps) was insane.
Their entire content drop is insane in of itself.
edit: oh yea that the lootboxes. Dudes out here doing youtube vids on 50 box unboxing with majority of them having dupes in it lol
My point is simply that people cut that game a lot of slack for using a loot crate real money system. I don't care that you can find worse examples, I never even contended it was the most egregious.
That you don't have to spend shit cause everything is cosmetic.
There is no problem with Overwatch's model outside of arguably being able to directly buy the cosmetics you want.
I think your count about the action games is a bit off.
Literal fact, this right here.😈
That be a pipe dream in todays industryBingo.
It uses the same basic gambling premise.
I haven't had to pay a single cent for any crate just yet, and I've gotten literally hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of them.
definitely agreeHydro bot should have been used more.
I put 300 hours into Titanfall OG, but I still understood it's criticisms because it was fair and well-thought-out there just wasn't enough game there.
It's something like OverWatch can win then I don't want to ever hear an excuse again that there's not enough content in the game
legitimately can't tell if this is serious post
Freemium mobile games typically use wait timers to run up player's tab, making the system almost unavoidable if you want uninterrupted play. How is that like the microtransactions of Overwatch where, like others have stated, is purely cosmetic based and the player never has to interact with it to move on to the next game?
The reason that the content comes out so slowly is because Overwatch is an incredibly difficult game to develop and balance. Every new map and mode must work for every character in the game without any one character getting a clear advantage. It's frustrating to wait for all the content to come out, but there's reasons it takes so long.
I don't buy it. OverWatch had plenty of time to make more content available at launch that excuse is just not going to work for me.
Blizzard is an extremely large company with the resources to develop more content than almost any other developer on the planet. They didn't have a campaign or even lore to create. They only had to worry about maps and characters and it's still underperformed.
the overwatch director said "i have to thank the amazing community for this award"
and i thought "you probably haven't had the same experience i've had"
but then he said "dicks out for harambe!"
and i guess he is the the shit community i've been playing with for the past six months
Ok, then tell me what other cinematic action games were released this year bar Uncharted?
I mean it's not great, but it's not like any of the bullshit freemium games out there.
Those micro-transactions affect the gameplay, these do not.