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The GameCube tried too hard to be "Edgy"


It's main color was purple and had a carrying handle like a lunch box and the controller looked like Fischer Price made it...

(for the record I got a black one at launch)


Gold Member
It was a decade of cringe. Adult vs kiddy and then hardcore vs casual. Totally painful. Thank god we have moved passed those two arguments for the most part.
We haven’t. Look at the reactions when a game like Animal Crossing makes it big.


They didn't try very hard with the " mature " approach to be honest. Nintendo half assed it. I know people have found memories of Eternal Darkness but I thought it was very average and worse it looked bad.

They had absolutely nothing on the level of GTA3 or Halo or anything even close.

I think if they had seriously invested in a proper western style AAA game back then we would have had a different Nintendo image then and now.
Alas though they just went all in on the Japanese development afterwards and now we have what we have.


It was a great system. I loved the controller, felt great in the hands and fun to use. the design was simple, clean, easy to store, and durable. the ui simple and easy to navigate. Was a powerful little box too. It's a damn shame they didn't pitch it better to the masses so we could get a follow up.
I thought it was a brilliant console. The games, the design, the controller and even the system menu music was very cool. For me it’s the SNES & GameCube are the Nintendo systems I love the most.


It was an incredible system, and also the last time when Nintendo had any sort of edge graphically.


They didn't try very hard with the " mature " approach to be honest. Nintendo half assed it. I know people have found memories of Eternal Darkness but I thought it was very average and worse it looked bad.

They had absolutely nothing on the level of GTA3 or Halo or anything even close.

I think if they had seriously invested in a proper western style AAA game back then we would have had a different Nintendo image then and now.
Alas though they just went all in on the Japanese development afterwards and now we have what we have.
Metroid Prime not mature enough for you?


I think you're being willful.


Look at this. All tech stuff from the 90s through late 00s was cheesy and edgy as hell. Shit the matrix has its fair share of inexcusable cheese...

I owned a GameCube, in point of fact i felt it was the opposite of edgy... I went ape when i saw true crime: streets of la because it was a GTA clone.. luckily despite its lack of a gta or halo it had enough great games of its own to have me fall in love with it. Ps. Eternal Darkness is a classic, step off xP
I was in my mid teens when I had a GameCube and honestly remember the Xbox, and lesser extent PS2 being more edgy. The only games anybody ever talked about at school were GTA, Madden, or Halo. If you played anything else you were lame. I tried talking to people about Metroid and Zelda but only one of my friends also had a GameCube so everyone else told me all the games I like sucked, or that Metroid was a “rip-off” of Halo.

It was really frustrating, but most kids were more interested in being cool and popular than actually being in to games. Admittedly this made me way too much of a Nintendo fanboy later on and I was probably annoying to talk to about games because I would constantly simp for Nintendo. That’s how school goes I guess; you either fake it to fit in, or become a bit bitter and outcast.
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The gamecube was a cracking little system that just didn't get the third party support compared to the PS2 and to a degree the OG xbox.

That little purple beast had Eternal Darkness, REmake, RE4, Metroid Prime, WW, Starfox Adventures, Rogue Squadron 2, SSBM, F Zero GX, MGS TTS, P.N03, Killer 7, Viewtful Joe.


Unconfirmed Member
Everything was edgy in the late 90s and early 2000s.

... on the other hand, Nintendo released a purple cube to compete with black bricks. lol


They didn't try very hard with the " mature " approach to be honest. Nintendo half assed it. I know people have found memories of Eternal Darkness but I thought it was very average and worse it looked bad.

They had absolutely nothing on the level of GTA3 or Halo or anything even close.

I think if they had seriously invested in a proper western style AAA game back then we would have had a different Nintendo image then and now.
Alas though they just went all in on the Japanese development afterwards and now we have what we have.

Metroid Prime not mature enough for you?

Nooot really a system seller to be honest.
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ChatGPT 0.1
Should be edgy, I’d be very interested in an edgy switch, and adopt Twilight Princess’ realistic graphics. Those things are essential to Xbox and PlayStation and have been missing from Nintendo for years.



You think people bought a Gamecube for Metroid Prime?
I love Metroid Prime but Halo or GTAIII it isn't. It's not a system seller just like say.. returnal is not a system seller for the PS5 but Ratchet and Clank would be or God of war would be.
Nintendo lacked titles to get mature people on board which was needed in that time peroid.
It is a shame they didn't get Twilight Princess earlier in the lifespan or Resident Evil 4 earlier.

I know this is hard to imagine these days but can you imagine if Nintendo did release a big budget AAA title that could seriously have rivalled the other two during that time?
Like their own action title!?

Metroid Prime was the best they had you're right but not mainstream enough, it's very niche and on paper... not as exciting as a GTAIII or Halo.
and again I'm saying this as someone who prefers Metroid Prime to most games... ever.

I personally never felt Nintendo took the idea of going for the mature audience seriously. They ( and their fans) spent more time arguing about what mature games were then actually making them.

Even these days Nintendo are sitting on franchises like Fatal Frame which have awful potential.


Totally a western thing, as someone who bought a japanese gamecube close to launch and delved into the library from that side i didn't see any of this edgy cringe shit. Gamecube in japan was about fun in it's adverts and it's game library reflected that. Makes me laugh when people brand the cube kiddy when it got all the biohazard games including 3 exclusive biohazard games, zero and remake been exclusive for the life of the console & bio 4 been exclusive for quite a while at least.

It was kiddy because it looked like a Fisher-Price toy.


It was partially a course correction to try and keep up with Playstation and Xbox. Made sense to try honestly. The fact that it didn't work for them is partially why they realized they need an entirely different approach than the competition, and thus followed it up with the Wii.

This trend is bigger than just being a response to competition though. Sega did this beforehand. 90s era gaming advertising was almost exclusively going for this edgy or comedic vibe.

I'm glad they got over that, it just didn't play to their strengths but I can see why they thought they had to try though.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Wait, the purple lunchbox with a handle with tiny discs was edgy? Not in my world it wasn't. Loved some games on it, certainly looked and played like a kids platform.


Wait, the purple lunchbox with a handle with tiny discs was edgy? Not in my world it wasn't. Loved some games on it, certainly looked and played like a kids platform.
When it was juxtaposed against edge lord commercials blaring Finger Eleven, it just made the GameCube look more laughable than desirable. The reason Nintendo's "Edgy" attempts failed was because nobody could take their ventures seriously, not when they had a purple lunchbox with a cartoon plumber as mascot.

Unk Adams

It was a decade of cringe. Adult vs kiddy and then hardcore vs casual. Totally painful. Thank god we have moved passed those two arguments for the most part.
I would take that over the clickbait garbage that gaming "journalists" write about today. I would argue that the modern 2010's and 2020's are way cringier and immature compared to the edgy 90's and 2000's.


I would take that over the clickbait garbage that gaming "journalists" write about today. I would argue that the modern 2010's and 2020's are way cringier and immature compared to the edgy 90's and 2000's.

Gaming media is one thing, but when devs and execs started getting in on the act, especially when mature or hardcore literally just meant a dumb FPS or action game or a yearly sports game, then it was excrutiating.

In the end, Nintendo is still around and stronger than ever before while people like Cliffy B, Ken Levine, Peter Molyneux etc have basically disappeared or have seen their influence in the industry vastly reduced.
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Definitely never felt that way TBH. If anything, that "edge" was something that worked at the time, it was a very much a big part of marketing and overall advertising. So, if anything, they were just trying to keep up. Can't really blame them IMO.
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