Reverse groomer.
This is a problem I have with a lot of the most hyped Sony releases. The gameplay, production values and visuals are all actually very good, but they're interrupted by stories I don't give a shit about. It's why I'm mostly mixed on God of War since the visuals are nice and the combat is good, but everything else is literally shit I don't care about or outright hate. The Story is not something I'm interested in, maybe the flashy cinematic fights sure but I want to play the game more. It's such a fucking pace breaker to have a fun combat sequence interrupted by some more slow cutscenes, the pacing feels bipolar. I wish GOW had a more arcade focused side mode like a colosseum where you fight against hordes of randomized enemies, now that would be amazing. Plus I'd appreciate if we could increase the fucking FOV Sony!!!
Spiderman is better in this regard since there's more side content and it's an open world, so you have more choice when it comes to progressing the story. But if you do tackle a story mission, you're going to be waiting a while before you get to the gameplay bits. The story in Spiderman is more entertaining personally so it's a bit more bearable but ultimately, I came in because I wanted to beat up newer more challenging baddies. I don't really have the patience to sit through 3 minutes of slow over the shoulder walking and cutscenes before we get to the fun bits.
I like stories in games and i like story-based games too, Undertale, Deltarune, Crosscode, OMORI, Celeste, Final Fantasy 7, Chrono Trigger, Danganronpa, Corpse Party, Ace Attorney, Persona, the list goes on. These games are known for their outstanding story and characters, and every single one of them sit upon my favorites of all time. But I feel like they strike a much better balance of Gameplay to Story. (except for the more extreme titles like Danganronpa, Corpse Party and Ace Attorney which are very story focused) People herald that 50:50 ratio but for me it should be more like 75:25. Especially since if i'm not interested in the story at all (like say, in GTA 3) the fun bits are the ones that dominate the game. Not to mention I honestly think these titles have better stories as a whole (though cutscenes are debatable, LMAO)
This is why titles like Returnal and GT7 really excite me because i wish Sony could sponsor and uplift more gameplay focused titles like that. They can make some extremely fun gameplay as shown by Spiderman but i'd rather not with all the other cinematics. People may like that stuff and if you do more power to you, I'm jealous you can find more value in that kind of stuff. But for me.... it's just frustrating
We get threads like this a lot, and some people may find it on the same level as concern trolling but this is genuinely my opinion, from having played these games on PC for a few months. I don't believe all of Sony's games are walking simulators nor do I believe they're all just graphics. This is just how I feel about them and why I'm not as keen on them as lot of other people on this board are
Spiderman is better in this regard since there's more side content and it's an open world, so you have more choice when it comes to progressing the story. But if you do tackle a story mission, you're going to be waiting a while before you get to the gameplay bits. The story in Spiderman is more entertaining personally so it's a bit more bearable but ultimately, I came in because I wanted to beat up newer more challenging baddies. I don't really have the patience to sit through 3 minutes of slow over the shoulder walking and cutscenes before we get to the fun bits.
I like stories in games and i like story-based games too, Undertale, Deltarune, Crosscode, OMORI, Celeste, Final Fantasy 7, Chrono Trigger, Danganronpa, Corpse Party, Ace Attorney, Persona, the list goes on. These games are known for their outstanding story and characters, and every single one of them sit upon my favorites of all time. But I feel like they strike a much better balance of Gameplay to Story. (except for the more extreme titles like Danganronpa, Corpse Party and Ace Attorney which are very story focused) People herald that 50:50 ratio but for me it should be more like 75:25. Especially since if i'm not interested in the story at all (like say, in GTA 3) the fun bits are the ones that dominate the game. Not to mention I honestly think these titles have better stories as a whole (though cutscenes are debatable, LMAO)
This is why titles like Returnal and GT7 really excite me because i wish Sony could sponsor and uplift more gameplay focused titles like that. They can make some extremely fun gameplay as shown by Spiderman but i'd rather not with all the other cinematics. People may like that stuff and if you do more power to you, I'm jealous you can find more value in that kind of stuff. But for me.... it's just frustrating
We get threads like this a lot, and some people may find it on the same level as concern trolling but this is genuinely my opinion, from having played these games on PC for a few months. I don't believe all of Sony's games are walking simulators nor do I believe they're all just graphics. This is just how I feel about them and why I'm not as keen on them as lot of other people on this board are