You can like whatever you want. I was just advising the community to be respectful about the work of any devs. Not only ND but others studios out there.
I asked the threads to be close because there was not point of arguing about wether some people like Tlou or not my point was clear...let's be respectful and stop that mob mentality, it was not about who like this or that.
You just agreed with someone saying that the only reason people dislike it is because of "muh bigotry" and ask people to be respectful. lol
Also many people who loved the first hate what they did to Ellie turning her into a blithering idiot so how does that even apply to bigotry considering the character is a lesbian.
No one has complained about the Dina and Ellie lesbian relationship in the thread. Even though they fucking sleep on an adult bed with an infant which is highly irresponsible and dangerous. This is common sense to put a infant in a crib.

Oh and how about the part where Ellie had to tell Jesse that the obviously Asian looking baby was his "well no shit sherlock lol"
People rag on TLOU2 because there's so much stupid shit written that has nothing to do with LBQT.