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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Who is going to buy S6 or S7 of TNG? No one. DS9 is doomed :(

Nah. I mean, people are clearly picking up S1 and S2 of TNG, which are wildly uneven and S6 is still pretty solid. It was S7 which proved that everyone was running out of gas. People will still pick it up though, if only for the series finale.
After watching a bunch of episodes and movies I've got to say: The Federation gets through a lot of ships. They have a phenomenal ability to churn them out which is lucky because barring Picard and Sisko the captains/commanders that staff these ships seem like incompetent cannon fodder.

Also, as time progresses the Federation has gotten ridiculously powerful. So much so that I honestly can't see another Star Trek series unless they do one in the past (again) or they completely annihilate the galaxy... which I believe they thought about doing at one point by having entire sectors cut off due to omega particle explosions.


I've been going through all of Trek with my girlfriend. I've been cherry picking episodes so she can be spared the bad stuff.

We watched a bit over a dozen TOS episodes mostly from S1. We watched TOS movies 2, 3, 4, and 6. We watched maybe 30 TNG episodes mostly from S2 to S6.

We just recently watched the DS9 pilot, The Nagus, and Duet. Next we will do the 4 part Bajoran civil war arc, the 2 part intro of the Maquis to DS9, The Wire and then the introduction of the Jem'Hadar. We will watch basically all good character development or Dominion arc episodes from then onward. We will probably skip a lot of the Dax stuff with the exception of her relationship with Worf. I think we will also skip most of the Ezri episodes, the time travel back to Earth's past 2-parter, the Vic Fontaine stuff other than Nog's leg, and the alternate universe stuff.


Elden Member
I've been going through all of Trek with my girlfriend. I've been cherry picking episodes so she can be spared the bad stuff.

We watched a bit over a dozen TOS episodes mostly from S1. We watched TOS movies 2, 3, 4, and 6. We watched maybe 30 TNG episodes mostly from S2 to S6.

We just recently watched the DS9 pilot, The Nagus, and Duet. Next we will do the 4 part Bajoran civil war arc, the 2 part intro of the Maquis to DS9, The Wire and then the introduction of the Jem'Hadar. We will watch basically all good character development or Dominion arc episodes from then onward. We will probably skip a lot of the Dax stuff with the exception of her relationship with Worf. I think we will also skip most of the Ezri episodes, the time travel back to Earth's past 2-parter, the Vic Fontaine stuff other than Nog's leg, and the alternate universe stuff.

The episode about Nog recovering is probably my most hated DS9 episode. I hated Vic and everything about him.
I've been going through all of Trek with my girlfriend. I've been cherry picking episodes so she can be spared the bad stuff.

We watched a bit over a dozen TOS episodes mostly from S1. We watched TOS movies 2, 3, 4, and 6. We watched maybe 30 TNG episodes mostly from S2 to S6.

We just recently watched the DS9 pilot, The Nagus, and Duet. Next we will do the 4 part Bajoran civil war arc, the 2 part intro of the Maquis to DS9, The Wire and then the introduction of the Jem'Hadar. We will watch basically all good character development or Dominion arc episodes from then onward. We will probably skip a lot of the Dax stuff with the exception of her relationship with Worf. I think we will also skip most of the Ezri episodes, the time travel back to Earth's past 2-parter, the Vic Fontaine stuff other than Nog's leg, and the alternate universe stuff.
You're missing out on a lot of good stuff. You're cheesing the whole series; made me cringe reading this paragraph.
The episode about Nog recovering is probably my most hated DS9 episode. I hated Vic and everything about him.
That was a great episode.


I always wonder how DS9 would have played out if Kira was Ro Laren like intended.

I can't remember if we're given any indication in any of Laren's TNG episodes about how religious she was, so I wonder if that part of the character would have remained (though, to be fair, it's obvious Bajoren religion hadn't been fleshed out at all when Ensign Ro was conceived as a character).

Concerning the earlier "Can Avery Brooks act?" argument. I don't think there's any question, given his resume, that he can act. I think he decided on a weird delivery cadence for Sisko that is immediately recognizable and sometimes come across as one-note. However, just the fact that Sisko doesn't come across as bat-shit crazy as Brooks actually is tells me Brooks can act in and of itself.


Kills Photobucket
Well, they seemed to go out of their way to give Kira a totally different backstory than Ro would have had. That alone would have changed things. Well, unless they just wrote in that she was a resistance fighter before joining Starfleet. Either way, it would be hard to get in some of the more notable elements about her backstory, like knowing Odo before the occupation ended.

Could have been a nice interesting conflict in the first episode with Sisko hating Picard, and Ro feeling that Picard saved her.


After watching a bunch of episodes and movies I've got to say: The Federation gets through a lot of ships. They have a phenomenal ability to churn them out which is lucky because barring Picard and Sisko the captains/commanders that staff these ships seem like incompetent cannon fodder.

Also, as time progresses the Federation has gotten ridiculously powerful. So much so that I honestly can't see another Star Trek series unless they do one in the past (again) or they completely annihilate the galaxy... which I believe they thought about doing at one point by having entire sectors cut off due to omega particle explosions.

The show Andromeda was supposedly based on Gene Roddenberry's vision of a post-pinnacle-Federation galaxy. I think that's to some degree bullshit, but it also wouldn't surprise me if there was a grain of truth to it.


The show Andromeda was supposedly based on Gene Roddenberry's vision of a post-pinnacle-Federation galaxy. I think that's to some degree bullshit, but it also wouldn't surprise me if there was a grain of truth to it.

Shortly before Andromeda came out, there were actually three "Roddenberry" projects in the works, and they all got combined to make Andromeda.



Phoenix Rising - Roddenberry made two failed pilots for this show, about a guy from the present named Dylan Hunt who gets thrown 300 years into the future. Basically Buck Rogers. A DS9 writer (Andromeda's eventual producer) got involved, and changed the time periods to make it (unofficially) a TNG-era guy getting thrown into post-apocalypse Federation.

Starship - Apparently thought up after TOS's first pilot was rejected, but tossed aside as soon as TOS was picked up. Supposedly it was intended by Gene to be a Star Trek repitch, because he really wanted to do Star Trek. Mainframe Entertainment (Reboot, Beast Wars) was set to base a CGI kids show on the property, but it got canned. Apparently the idea of a giant, living Starship comes from here. Interestingly, Mainframe is located in Vancouver, the city where Andromeda was eventually filmed without Mainframe's involvement.

Andromeda - Story about a scientist who gets cut off from his family by devastation, so he tries to get back to them while cleaning up the mess in his path.


Yeah, I'm aware there was some exposed history to the whole thing. It's just that there's a strong tendency towards history rewriting in these things, so I don't entirely trust anything about what Roddenberry's actual intentions were.

Also, the name Dylan Hunt actually goes back farther than that. He made a TV-movie/backdoor pilot in the 70s called Genesis II. (Yes I see the reference to that in the AICN article, I just think it's worth considering part of the TLDR part of things. :)


Well, it certainly an elephant in the room considering the two people Ziyal meant the most to were there. Like to think Garak would have shot him himself once the Dominion threat was gone.

The writers basically acknowledge this in the DS9 companion for the last story arc. They intentionally didn't pick on it because they knew they had probably made it TOO unsympathetic and they wanted you to at least grudgingly like Damar.

I mean, I'm not saying it was a forgivable act, but I think that's more to do with THAT episode being written hastily than Damar's writing later on. The period at the start of S6 when he shot Ziyal is when he was a complete alcoholic already and clearly starting to dislike the Dominion, so I buy that he was whacked out. But it was basically him just blasting her and saying she was a traitor like it was nothing, there wasn't any confrontation between them to make it a bit more believable. I mean, seriously, from his perspective she WAS a straight out traitor (and she was) to the Cardassians, but she was too saccharine sweet for that to really resonate I think. It was wise to downplay this later.


I've never understood the dislike for Season 6 of TNG. It may actually be my favourite season, just slightly ahead of 3 & 4. I mean, it's got Tapestry, Frame of Mind and Chain of Command 1 & 2, all of which are among my favourite TNG episodes. Then there's a heap of strong supporting eps like Face of the Enemy, Schisms, Timescape, Relics, etc.

I somewhat understand why Season 7 is disliked, as it was an uneven season. Although even S7 had its moments (The Pegasus, Lower Decks, Parallels, Pre-emptive Strike and of course, All Good Things).

I'll definitely be buying both seasons on blu-ray when they come out though. They're much better than Seasons 1 & 2!

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
SFdebris is reviewing both Battlefield Earth and that horrible Voyager episode with The Rock next week.
I'm looking forward to both.

I've never understood the dislike for Season 6 of TNG. It may actually be my favourite season, just slightly ahead of 3 & 4. I mean, it's got Tapestry, Frame of Mind and Chain of Command 1 & 2, all of which are among my favourite TNG episodes. Then there's a heap of strong supporting eps like Face of the Enemy, Schisms, Timescape, Relics, etc.

I somewhat understand why Season 7 is disliked, as it was an uneven season. Although even S7 had its moments (The Pegasus, Lower Decks, Parallels, Pre-emptive Strike and of course, All Good Things).

I'll definitely be buying both seasons on blu-ray when they come out though. They're much better than Seasons 1 & 2!
Six definitely has some great stuff, as you've listed. Tapestry alone is worth owning in HD, though at this point, I think I'm going to hold off on buying any more individual seasons and just wait for the complete series Blu-ray collection.


SFdebris is reviewing both Battlefield Earth and that horrible Voyager episode with The Rock next week.

Cannot WAIT. It's gonna be awesome, and funny. (Despite Battlefield Earth kinda being done to DEATH. For realsies, that's pretty much a dead horse that's been kicked so much that there's nothing left, but still...)

Heh, just rewatched TWOK, always gets me when Spock dies. Such a good, good film.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Season 3 has been really good so far. I dunno if it's because I finally warmed up to the characters so even so-so episodes are enjoyable because of the characters interactions or because the writing got better, but it's definitely an improvement over season 1 and 2.

Dax is still boring, Nog is awesome (and Quark, too)
Season 3 has been really good so far. I dunno if it's because I finally warmed up to the characters so even so-so episodes are enjoyable because of the characters interactions or because the writing got better, but it's definitely an improvement over season 1 and 2.

Dax is still boring, Nog is awesome (and Quark, too)
Have you gotten to Civil Defense yet?


Also, as time progresses the Federation has gotten ridiculously powerful. So much so that I honestly can't see another Star Trek series unless they do one in the past (again) or they completely annihilate the galaxy... which I believe they thought about doing at one point by having entire sectors cut off due to omega particle explosions.

Might be worth reading the ST Destiny reboot trilogy and Typhon Pact onwards...


at last, for christ's sake

oh fuck, oh shit. oh fuck


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Have you gotten to Civil Defense yet?

Is that the episode where the station's defense systems take over? that episode was awesome, dukat and garak owned that episode. garak owns every episode he is in.
I liked Big Show as an Orion slave-trader in Enterprise, he fit the roll well;


The Rock's appearance was so dumb though, especially when he hit the Rock Bottom on Seven, lol.
Hey, question... I plan to keep going watching TOS>TAS>TOS Movies>And then TNG.

My question is, are the episodes of TNG on Netflix inferior to the TNG Blu Rays? If so, maybe I'll start looking around for good deals on the Blu Rays now.

EDIT: Looking around, it sounds like Netflix is the DVD version :( Correct?


Hey, question... I plan to keep going watching TOS>TAS>TOS Movies>And then TNG.

My question is, are the episodes of TNG on Netflix inferior to the TNG Blu Rays? If so, maybe I'll start looking around for good deals on the Blu Rays now.

EDIT: Looking around, it sounds like Netflix is the DVD version :( Correct?

That's correct. If you want TNG in HD, you'll have to either buy digital copies or get the blu-rays.
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