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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


Are the movies any good btw?
No. I think I'd say that even Voyager and Enterprise are better than the TNG Movies.

But they're worth watching, if only so you can properly enjoy the Plinkett reviews.

"Star Trek Generations is the stupidest movie ever made."
"Star Trek First Contact is the three thousandth, nine hundred and sixty seventh worst film ever made."
"Star Trek Insurrection sucks my balls."
"Star Trek Nemesis is the final nail in the proverbial space coffin."


Generations is terrible tbh. Bad villains, bad storyline (one that doesn't make sense, too), bad dialogue, bad action scenes, etc. I really didn't like the lighting they went with, too. But you should watch it just so you know a bit of back story for the following movie(s).

First Contact is a great movie. Best TNG movie by far and right up there with Wrath of Khan IMO. Definitely a must-watch if you like TNG.

Insurrection is... slow. Feels more like a long episode than a movie, which may not necessarily be a bad thing if that's what you're looking for. I enjoy it a bit more than most though. The humour is terrible and forced (as it is in pretty much all the TNG movies), but it really felt like old episodic TNG, which I kinda liked.

Nemesis I have mixed feelings about. It's got some cool set pieces/action scenes, and it had some interesting ideas, but there were some bad decisions made on this film. Better than Generations at least though.
Going to have to disagree with everyone here and say that Generations is the only serviceable TNG movie. They at least have some semblance of the characters we grew to love compared to the character assassinations that happened in the later ones.


The biggest problem with Generations is that it has the horrible horrible Matrix-Battery problem of the badguy not just flying a shuttle into the ribbon. His plan is such an insane Bond villainesque piece of work that if you stop for even a second to think about it you have just have to laugh.
The biggest problem with Generations is that it has the horrible horrible Matrix-Battery problem of the badguy not just flying a shuttle into the ribbon. His plan is such an insane Bond villainesque piece of work that if you stop for even a second to think about it you have just have to laugh.

Even as a kid I knew I was being insulted.

Reused SFX shots
Sublight rocket hitting the sun in less than 8 minutes
Riker letting the a tiny BOP blast the Enterprise to pieces
Kirk dies in a most unceremonious way.
Soran not flying into the ribbon when clearly you can because Kirk did.

*shakes head*
The biggest problem with Generations is that it has the horrible horrible Matrix-Battery problem of the badguy not just flying a shuttle into the ribbon. His plan is such an insane Bond villainesque piece of work that if you stop for even a second to think about it you have just have to laugh.

The beginning of Generations is pretty good though, seeing some of the old TOS cast on screen for the last time. And the mood lighting on Enterprise D was pretty nice looking, even though it didn't really make sense plotwise.
Even as a kid I knew I was being insulted.

Reused SFX shots
Sublight rocket hitting the sun in less than 8 minutes
Riker letting the a tiny BOP blast the Enterprise to pieces
Kirk dies in a most unceremonious way.
Soran not flying into the ribbon when clearly you can because Kirk did.

*shakes head*

Oh the rocket lol. It bothered me so much that the light from the star immediately went dim when I was a kid.


No. I think I'd say that even Voyager and Enterprise are better than the TNG Movies.

But they're worth watching, if only so you can properly enjoy the Plinkett reviews.

"Star Trek Generations is the stupidest movie ever made."
"Star Trek First Contact is the three thousandth, nine hundred and sixty seventh worst film ever made."
"Star Trek Insurrection sucks my balls."
"Star Trek Nemesis is the final nail in the proverbial space coffin."

Enterprise S3 and S4 are good, much better than Voyager.


So I've been watching Seaquest lately (randomly stumbled on it on Netflix). I don't really feel like it's worthy of its own thread and I think of it mostly as a ripoff of TNG. Such a huge rollercoaster of quality in its first season, occasionally showing signs of why it's worthy of existing while at other times just being bonkers. Like much of 90s non-Trek SF.

But man I just hit the shark jump moment on this one. Abalon, starring Charlton Heston as a crazy guy in an undersea lair making clones of himself that can breathe underwater while opera plays and projectors run footage of old cities on his walls. Meanwhile, Lucas, the Wesley of the show, gets condoms from the quartermaster to play a "you tell them you're at my place and I'll tell them I'm on your sub" scam with a mainland friend to go to a party, and then gets pulled over by undersea cops for reckless operation of an undersea vehicle.

It's fantastic.


The biggest problem with Generations is that it has the horrible horrible Matrix-Battery problem of the badguy not just flying a shuttle into the ribbon. His plan is such an insane Bond villainesque piece of work that if you stop for even a second to think about it you have just have to laugh.

Ya, the story made no sense.


The beginning of Generations is pretty good though, seeing some of the old TOS cast on screen for the last time.
Meh. Star Trek VI finished up TOS on a high note, both as a movie and with the final scene of the movie. The beginning of Generations was all "Hey guess what? We're has-beens now!" They were better in Futurama. Kirk wasn't even heroic in the beginning part of Generations, he was just barely-competent in the face of incompetence. And then Kirk had no real reason to show up at all in the later part of the movie. He was just there. It felt more like William Shatner was visiting the movie than Jim Kirk was. And then he
died terribly
. Generations ruined TOS, Troi
crashed the Enterprise
, and the movie set the course for the destruction of the TNG movies.

First Contact is a great movie. Best TNG movie by far and right up there with Wrath of Khan IMO. Definitely a must-watch if you like TNG.
Wrath of Khan is a classic. First Contact ruined the Borg. Voyager actually pulled the Borg out of the gutter (and then dropped them back in a couple more times, but they generally cleaned them up). The movie started okay, but once they went
back in time
, the away-mission shenanigans were awful, and the on-ship storyline wasn't much better.

Insurrection is... slow. Feels more like a long episode than a movie, which may not necessarily be a bad thing if that's what you're looking for. I enjoy it a bit more than most though. The humour is terrible and forced (as it is in pretty much all the TNG movies), but it really felt like old episodic TNG, which I kinda liked.
Insurrection was originally written to aspire to be the greatest TNG two-parter ever, to right the ship so-to-speak after the previous two movies took TNG so far off course, but everyone from the producers to the actors fucked it up and demanded that the movie be schlock like the previous TNG movies. Apparently the TNG movies aren't for people who liked the TV show, they're for general-audience people who buy tickets to go see action movies based on how exciting the promotional material makes it look. All this "plot" stuff is of very minor importance. Patrick Stewart read the script and refused to play Starfleet's high-and-mighty philosopher prince. He demanded that they rewrite his character to be more like John McClane in Die Hard, otherwise he wouldn't sign on. Sadly, the movie probably would've been better if the writers hadn't even bothered trying to fix the TNG movies.

Nemesis ruined the Romulans and
killed Data
Meh. Star Trek VI finished up TOS on a high note, both as a movie and with the final scene of the movie. The beginning of Generations was all "Hey guess what? We're has-beens now!" They were better in Futurama. Kirk wasn't even heroic in the beginning part of Generations, he was just barely-competent in the face of incompetence.

Eh, I thought the scene did a pretty good job in being lighthearted and still conveying the danger of the situation. The fact is Kirk was pretty old at that point, even seeing him jump to save the president in ST VI was a bit unconvincing... The rest of Generations didn't work as well, the scene with the sailboat was quite unnecessary, as was Picard's broher's family dying...


Wrath of Khan is a classic. First Contact ruined the Borg. Voyager actually pulled the Borg out of the gutter (and then dropped them back in a couple more times, but they generally cleaned them up). The movie started okay, but once they went
back in time
, the away-mission shenanigans were awful, and the on-ship storyline wasn't much better.

Insurrection was originally written to aspire to be the greatest TNG two-parter ever, to right the ship so-to-speak after the previous two movies took TNG so far off course, but everyone from the producers to the actors fucked it up and demanded that the movie be schlock like the previous TNG movies. Apparently the TNG movies aren't for people who liked the TV show, they're for general-audience people who buy tickets to go see action movies based on how exciting the promotional material makes it look. All this "plot" stuff is of very minor importance. Patrick Stewart read the script and refused to play Starfleet's high-and-mighty philosopher prince. He demanded that they rewrite his character to be more like John McClane in Die Hard, otherwise he wouldn't sign on. Sadly, the movie probably would've been better if the writers hadn't even bothered trying to fix the TNG movies.

I thought the Borg were awesome in First Contact. Sure, they introduced
the Queen
, which hurt the Borg later on in Voyager, but it worked for the movie. I liked Picard's tie in to Best of Both Worlds, too. You didn't have to have seen BoBW, but it helped you understand the movie a bit better
like why he would want revenge on them
. Also, the Borg really benefited from the increased budget of a feature film (much more than any other Trek villain from TV).

You didn't like the stuff on the planet? There were a few silly scenes (
Troi drunk
), but it was a nice change of pace from the Borg stuff. I loved seeing
first contact with the Vulcans and the lead-up to it
. Also, James Cromwell is awesome :p

Agreed on most of the Insurrection stuff, it's definitely a very flawed movie, but I still find it fairly enjoyable. I like it more than Generations and Nemesis anyway.


Nemesis ruined the Romulans and
killed Data

That depends, everything considered cannon after that has Data's 'mind' overriding B4, resuming his starfleet career and eventually becoming captain. It was vaguely hinted at during the end of Nemesis with some of datas memories popping up.


at last, for christ's sake
Starting the final season of the TNG and I feel bummed out. I don't want this series to end, it's just been too much fun.

Are the movies any good btw? People like to shit on Nemesis I hear.

Nemesis, despite having Tom Hardy, is super low budget bollocks. Stewart looks bored as fuck and the whole cast has gotten way too old

First Contact is ok, Insurrection stinks, Generations is mediocre. They all have that tv feel though


Kills Photobucket
I don't think First Contact, or the Queen, ruined the Borg. Best of Both Worlds gave a Borg a name to be a face to the Federation, and we see him leading the assault. I don't see a big difference between that, and giving the Borg a face, a singular being to speak for them when needed. Voyager ruined the Borg by having one lone ship constantly upstage them. They got greedy in their use and the only uses I enjoyed were "Scorpion" and "Endgame"

So I've been watching Seaquest lately (randomly stumbled on it on Netflix). I don't really feel like it's worthy of its own thread and I think of it mostly as a ripoff of TNG. Such a huge rollercoaster of quality in its first season, occasionally showing signs of why it's worthy of existing while at other times just being bonkers. Like much of 90s non-Trek SF.

But man I just hit the shark jump moment on this one. Abalon, starring Charlton Heston as a crazy guy in an undersea lair making clones of himself that can breathe underwater while opera plays and projectors run footage of old cities on his walls. Meanwhile, Lucas, the Wesley of the show, gets condoms from the quartermaster to play a "you tell them you're at my place and I'll tell them I'm on your sub" scam with a mainland friend to go to a party, and then gets pulled over by undersea cops for reckless operation of an undersea vehicle.

It's fantastic.

I liked seaQuest. It was fun, and while it copied a lot from TNG, I think it did so well. And unlike most sci fi, seaQuest sadly gets worse every season. Lucas also wasn't nearly as annoying as Wesley was.


Starting the final season of the TNG and I feel bummed out. I don't want this series to end, it's just been too much fun.

Are the movies any good btw? People like to shit on Nemesis I hear.

First Contact is the only one I wholeheartedly recommend, not only a great Trek film, but a great film, period. The rest are either terrible (Nemesis), mediocre (Insurrection) or okay (Generations).


I don't think First Contact, or the Queen, ruined the Borg. Best of Both Worlds gave a Borg a name to be a face to the Federation, and we see him leading the assault. I don't see a big difference between that, and giving the Borg a face, a singular being to speak for them when needed. Voyager ruined the Borg by having one lone ship constantly upstage them. They got greedy in their use and the only uses I enjoyed were "Scorpion" and "Endgame"

I liked seaQuest. It was fun, and while it copied a lot from TNG, I think it did so well. And unlike most sci fi, seaQuest sadly gets worse every season. Lucas also wasn't nearly as annoying as Wesley was.

I like it too, and I watched it at the time and enjoyed it, but man did it have some awful moments.

Oh and yeah, this episode aside, Lucas is definitely Wesley done right. He actually has ... a personality. Shame about what happened to the actor.


Generations sucks. Easily the worst Trek movie, and one of the worst movies I've had the displeasure of sitting through, worse than even the dreaded V. What a steaming pile of unwatchable dung. I'm not a fan of any of the TNG movies, but at least the others somewhat function as films. Generations feels like they were making it up as they went along. It's like someone stumbled upon a half finished fanfic script on a message board about Kirk meeting Picard and then they hired incompetent people to actually make it. It's that bad.

Only good thing about it is seeing the Enterprise-B with Cameron as its captain.


Kills Photobucket
Generations sucks. Easily the worst Trek movie, and one of the worst movies I've had the displeasure of sitting through, worse than even the dreaded V. What a steaming pile of unwatchable dung. I'm not a fan of any of the TNG movies, but at least the others somewhat function as films. Generations feels like they were making it up as they went along. It's like someone stumbled upon a half finished fanfic script on a message board about Kirk meeting Picard and then they hired incompetent people to actually make it. It's that bad.

Only good thing about it is seeing the Enterprise-B with Cameron as its captain.

Yeah, I rank Generations below Nemesis. Nemesis was more a disappointment than a crappy film like Generations was.


Yeah, I rank Generations below Nemesis. Nemesis was more a disappointment than a crappy film like Generations was.

I think the difference for me is that Generations felt like it was written by burnt out writers who knew TNG really well. Nemesis was more ambitious but was clearly written and directed by people who weren't especially familiar with the show. For all of Generation's flaws (and there are many), the characters still seem identifiable as themselves whereas in Nemesis, there are many moments (the excruciating wedding scene, for instance) where people are wildly out of character and it's jarring.


Checking in on this thread and seeing people hating Generations on this page is like a belated birthday present.

It's the worst movie. I refuse to accept otherwise!
I think the difference for me is that Generations felt like it was written by burnt out writers who knew TNG really well.
According to Moore they wrote Generations and All Good Things at the same time and often got confused between the two.


According to Moore they wrote Generations and All Good Things at the same time and often got confused between the two.

Yup. It's actually quite surprising the finale turned out as well as it did, given all the pressure and energy given to the movie at the same time.


People flipped out because "OMG continuity they're ruining the Borg!" but it was actually a good episode. Certainly better than anything Voyager did after Scorpion.

That episode actually made the Borg seem intimidating again. Voyager made them seem as weak as the Kazon by the end.


Nemesis blew chunks, as did the rest of the TNG movies really. All of them had terrible plots if you think about it, and all of them took themselves too seriously to pull off such stupid plots.

Generations - villain Sauron wants to get back into a space ribbon that engulfed the ship he was on decades ago so he blows up planets to redirect it to the planet he is on

Why it's dumb:

1) If Sauron entered the ribbon via ship before, why just didn't he just fly a shuttle back into it?
2) If Picard could go back in time to any moment, why would he go back 5 minutes before Sauron blew up the star system they were in when he could go back to an earlier point before Sauron blew up any star systems and just grab him before he enacted his plans?

First Contact - the Borg sends a Cube to attack Earth, Starfleet Command sends Picard to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone because they don't think he's stable enough to face the Borg, after Picard's knowledge destroys the Cube the escape Sphere travels back in time to assimilate Earth

Why it's dumb:

1) The only reason they wanted Picard and their strongest combat ship with their most experienced crew away from fighting their greatest enemy at the gates of Earth is because all the Star Trek movies gain their "edge" by having the captain disobey Starfleet Command.
2) The Borg yet again sends 1 Cube to assimilate the entire Federation of Planets, lose it, then bitch about humanity being too uniquely resistant to assimilate. Meanwhile, we see them send 1000 ships to assimilate some no name aliens on 1 planet on Voyager while at the same time complaining about how impossible humans are to assimilate. There is no excuse to send just 1 ship again after their last incursion of 1 ship failed. If 1 ship can destroy dozens of Starfleet ships, send a dozen Cubes and win with brute force.
3) Even if the time travel thing was smart, and they had only 1 Cube to spare for such a high priority mission (assuming they really think Earth is so valuable they'd send their Queen) why wouldn't they travel back in time just before hitting Starfleet resistance and then stroll over to an undefended Earth? Because time travel plots are all terrible.

Star Trek Insurrection - Picard refuses to move people off a planet that has an atmosphere that is the fountain of youth that could be used to revitalize the old people in the Federation

Why it's dumb:

1) Picard was willing to move some Native Americans off a planet to give the planet to the Cardassians as part of a peace treaty. The fountain of youth seems much more valuable than that peace treaty.
2) Moving the people off the planet wouldn't even actually hurt them, and once they harvested the properties of the planet they could just let those people share in the use of the youth regenerating technology. Those pricks were just selfish and wanted to hog the youth effect for their group of a few hundred people when it could've been shared with billions.

Star Trek Nemesis - Picard faces young clone of Picard in a very obvious attempt to invoke the Wrath of Khan

Why it's dumb:

1) Why would the Remans follow a clone of Picard as their leader? Why would the Romulans follow a clone of Picard as their leader? It makes no fucking sense. It's not like he had super powers or anything either and he's a clone of their enemy.
2) I hate the use of one-off technologies that will conveniently stop existing the next day. Namely, the personal transporter and cloaked ship that can fire a million weapons at once, both of which are severely overpowered. At least in Star Trek VI, the Klingon ship that could shoot while cloaked could only shoot 1 shot at a time with questionable aim and with a significant cooldown period.
3) Everything about B-4 was so stupid and just an excuse to instantly revive Data. It would've made more sense if they brought the deactivated Lore out of storage, wiped his memory, then put in a backup of Data that Data could've made at the beginning of the movie.

There are plenty of other things wrong with those movies I can't recall at the moment but they were all pretty bad plot-wise.
First Contact - the Borg sends a Cube to attack Earth, Starfleet Command sends Picard to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone because they don't think he's stable enough to face the Borg, after Picard's knowledge destroys the Cube the escape Sphere travels back in time to assimilate Earth

Why it's dumb:

1) The only reason they wanted Picard and their strongest combat ship with their most experienced crew away from fighting their greatest enemy at the gates of Earth is because all the Star Trek movies gain their "edge" by having the captain disobey Starfleet Command.
It was because they were afraid the Borg may still have some influence over Picard.
2) The Borg yet again sends 1 Cube to assimilate the entire Federation of Planets, lose it, then bitch about humanity being too uniquely resistant to assimilate. Meanwhile, we see them send 1000 ships to assimilate some no name aliens on 1 planet on Voyager while at the same time complaining about how impossible humans are to assimilate. There is no excuse to send just 1 ship again after their last incursion of 1 ship failed. If 1 ship can destroy dozens of Starfleet ships, send a dozen Cubes and win with brute force.
3) Even if the time travel thing was smart, and they had only 1 Cube to spare for such a high priority mission (assuming they really think Earth is so valuable they'd send their Queen) why wouldn't they travel back in time just before hitting Starfleet resistance and then stroll over to an undefended Earth? Because time travel plots are all terrible.
Because the Borg are overconfident.


First Contact - the Borg sends a Cube to attack Earth, Starfleet Command sends Picard to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone because they don't think he's stable enough to face the Borg, after Picard's knowledge destroys the Cube the escape Sphere travels back in time to assimilate Earth

Why it's dumb:

1) The only reason they wanted Picard and their strongest combat ship with their most experienced crew away from fighting their greatest enemy at the gates of Earth is because all the Star Trek movies gain their "edge" by having the captain disobey Starfleet Command.
2) The Borg yet again sends 1 Cube to assimilate the entire Federation of Planets, lose it, then bitch about humanity being too uniquely resistant to assimilate. Meanwhile, we see them send 1000 ships to assimilate some no name aliens on 1 planet on Voyager while at the same time complaining about how impossible humans are to assimilate. There is no excuse to send just 1 ship again after their last incursion of 1 ship failed. If 1 ship can destroy dozens of Starfleet ships, send a dozen Cubes and win with brute force.
3) Even if the time travel thing was smart, and they had only 1 Cube to spare for such a high priority mission (assuming they really think Earth is so valuable they'd send their Queen) why wouldn't they travel back in time just before hitting Starfleet resistance and then stroll over to an undefended Earth? Because time travel plots are all terrible.

I liked how the Enterprise went back in time by following the Borg Sphere. And then they blew up the Borg Sphere, along with whatever technology the Borg used to time travel. Unless the time travel device was inside the Borg Cube, not the Sphere, and launching the Sphere towards a planet at 88MPH was part of the process for time travel or something, but they blew up the Borg Cube too, so whatever it was that the Borg used for time travel, Picard blew it up. They're stuck now. It was a one-way trip.

But once they're done...
Geordi: "Captain, I've reconfigured our warp field to match the chronometric reading of the Borg Sphere."
Picard: "Recreate the vortex, Commander."

Handwave and it's done. Basically, Starfleet can time travel at will. They just don't do it because the Temporal Prime Directive orders them not to do it, but when they eventually do it anyways, they have free reign to pollute the timeline as they see fit.

And the Borg can time travel at will too (they've surely got reconfigurable warp fields and they obviously know more about the chronometrics they were using than Geordi does), yet they don't, even though a successful time travel plan would crush any and all of their enemies.


I thought Sauron in Generations couldn't fly a ship into the ribbon because the ship would blow up before he could get in. Hence needing the Enterprise B to save the ship at the start of the movie. But then again, Kirk got in, so it must be possible.


I liked how the Enterprise went back in time by following the Borg Sphere. And then they blew up the Borg Sphere, along with whatever technology the Borg used to time travel. Unless the time travel device was inside the Borg Cube, not the Sphere, and launching the Sphere towards a planet at 88MPH was part of the process for time travel or something, but they blew up the Borg Cube too, so whatever it was that the Borg used for time travel, Picard blew it up. They're stuck now. It was a one-way trip.

But once they're done...
Geordi: "Captain, I've reconfigured our warp field to match the chronometric reading of the Borg Sphere."
Picard: "Recreate the vortex, Commander."

Handwave and it's done. Basically, Starfleet can time travel at will. They just don't do it because the Temporal Prime Directive orders them not to do it, but when they eventually do it anyways, they have free reign to pollute the timeline as they see fit.

Well we know Starfleet's been able to time travel at will since TOS. It's dumb that they could just recreate the vortex like that, but they probably could have used the slingshot around the sun deal if necessary.


I thought Sauron in Generations couldn't fly a ship into the ribbon because the ship would blow up before he could get in. Hence needing the Enterprise B to save the ship at the start of the movie. But then again, Kirk got in, so it must be possible.

Guinan and Sauron got in (along with unknown others), but they were dragged out before their ship could explode. Sauron desperately wanted back in, but Guinan learned to live with not being in.

Kirk got in, because the part of the ship he was in exploded. Exploded = in.

Sauron and Picard got in, because of Sauron's plan to stand in front of the ribbon while standing on a planet-sized starship made of rock and earth that was about to explode.

Guinan couldn't leave with Picard, because she was about to be dragged out (time being irrelevant inside).

Picard and Kirk went "out" willingly, which apparently gives you time travel and teleportation powers, and may or may not have revoked Sauron's "in" status.

Sauron got exploded, so maybe he's in.

Well we know Starfleet's been able to time travel at will since TOS. It's dumb that they could just recreate the vortex like that, but they probably could have used the slingshot around the sun deal if necessary.
They probably also could've just put the crew into cryo-stasis for a few hundred years and let Data wake them up. But they just didn't care. Movie's done, let's go home.


About the only TNG film I absolutely cannot stand is Insurrection. It's the only one that actually looks cheap as hell and unfortunately has horrendous production design that doesn't help cover up the budget problems at all.

Generation's plot I could take or leave, but it was nice to get to see the Enterprise-D on the big screen at the time and see the bridge set upgrades. I still can't believe they decided not to incorporate the "horseshoe" railing into the Enterprise-E bridge design, the E's bridge design is so generic and forgetable. In any event, the lighting on the ship in Generations is a bit weird after seven years of flat TV lighting, but it does tend to make some sense I suppose since the concept is that they would use light coming from a nearby star if the ship happens to be at one. The only issue is they went TOO dark at times. I think at one point Riker leaves Picard's ready room and it looks like he's walking into a pitch black bridge with no lights on at all.

The main problem with Generations is that it was following up the amazing series finale, though the series finale itself would obviously not make it past any film executive as a feature film script. However, the other problem was that at the time there was a novel out called "Federation" which I still say they just should have adapted for the first TNG movie (though if I recall there was quite a bit more TOS material in it then they probably would have wanted to use since the story involves the entire TOS cast I believe).



I should re-read this and see if it's actually any good or if I'm seeing it through rose-colored glasses. I haven't read it since I was like a freshman or sophmore in high school.

First Contact is the best looking of the films, and though Frakes doesn't provide an amazing amount of flare in his shot selection the film is still great looking. I give him a good deal of credit for it. I'm also not one of those bothered by the Borg Queen concept (and Alice Krige was good in it as well).

Like I said, Insurrection just looks awful. I'm convinced they ran out of money and the blue-screen in the final sequence on the array was supposed to be a star field or some graphic to make the place look bigger and they just ran out of cash and figured the blue didn't look too terrible and left it like it was. Some executives in an office somewhere were probably high-fiving each other over the decision to use blue screen instead of orange screen on that set so that it was passable.

Nemesis is watchable if you don't mind characters doing ridiculous stuff they'd never do, and it's only more watchable than Insurrection simply because at least I don't spend the entire movie agreeing with the antagonists rather than the protagonists, unlike in Insurrection.


First Contact - the Borg sends a Cube to attack Earth, Starfleet Command sends Picard to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone because they don't think he's stable enough to face the Borg, after Picard's knowledge destroys the Cube the escape Sphere travels back in time to assimilate Earth

Why it's dumb:

1) The only reason they wanted Picard and their strongest combat ship with their most experienced crew away from fighting their greatest enemy at the gates of Earth is because all the Star Trek movies gain their "edge" by having the captain disobey Starfleet Command.
2) The Borg yet again sends 1 Cube to assimilate the entire Federation of Planets, lose it, then bitch about humanity being too uniquely resistant to assimilate. Meanwhile, we see them send 1000 ships to assimilate some no name aliens on 1 planet on Voyager while at the same time complaining about how impossible humans are to assimilate. There is no excuse to send just 1 ship again after their last incursion of 1 ship failed. If 1 ship can destroy dozens of Starfleet ships, send a dozen Cubes and win with brute force.
3) Even if the time travel thing was smart, and they had only 1 Cube to spare for such a high priority mission (assuming they really think Earth is so valuable they'd send their Queen) why wouldn't they travel back in time just before hitting Starfleet resistance and then stroll over to an undefended Earth? Because time travel plots are all terrible.
Haha, point 2 cracked me up!


I enjoy all of the TNG movies apart from Generations, even though I know they are bad. I find them enjoyable to watch, and that includes Insurrection. But one thing that really bothered me about Nemesis was the ship that Shinzon and the Remans used to attack the Enterprise. As far as we know, the Remans are a subjugated species that do all the dirty or grunt work for the Romulans. Their uprising and control of Romulus was really unbelievable, especially in the manner in which it was presented. The background and history of the Remans also goes to show that they really don't have the technical experience to build something as advanced and as powerful as the Scimitar.

They build a ship so strong that even without it's cloaking device, the Enterprise would be no match for it. And speaking of the cloaking device, the Romulans have been designing and building them for years, but suddenly it's the Remans who perfect it? How? It seems like they've fixed everything that was wrong with Romulan ships, because it is also faster than the Enterprise, when before the Warbirds were never as fast. It was a plot device and not a very good one, and that the Remans built it is stupidity in it's purest form. All we know of their battle experience is that they were used as shock troops against the Jem'Hadar. There are no scientists, ship designers, anything of the like among the Remans, because they don't get the chance to be. The Romulans keep them on a short leash. Another reason why Nemesis is so stupid.

They should have let Jonathan Frakes direct it, instead of giving the reins over to someone who clearly had no idea what Star Trek was.
I enjoy all of the TNG movies apart from Generations, even though I know they are bad. I find them enjoyable to watch, and that includes Insurrection. But one thing that really bothered me about Nemesis was the ship that Shinzon and the Remans used to attack the Enterprise. As far as we know, the Remans are a subjugated species that do all the dirty or grunt work for the Romulans. Their uprising and control of Romulus was really unbelievable, especially in the manner in which it was presented. The background and history of the Remans also goes to show that they really don't have the technical experience to build something as advanced and as powerful as the Scimitar.

They build a ship so strong that even without it's cloaking device, the Enterprise would be no match for it. And speaking of the cloaking device, the Romulans have been designing and building them for years, but suddenly it's the Remans who perfect it? How? It seems like they've fixed everything that was wrong with Romulan ships, because it is also faster than the Enterprise, when before the Warbirds were never as fast. It was a plot device and not a very good one, and that the Remans built it is stupidity in it's purest form. All we know of their battle experience is that they were used as shock troops against the Jem'Hadar. There are no scientists, ship designers, anything of the like among the Remans, because they don't get the chance to be. The Romulans keep them on a short leash. Another reason why Nemesis is so stupid.

They should have let Jonathan Frakes direct it, instead of giving the reins over to someone who clearly had no idea what Star Trek was.

Yea, especially considering FC and Insurrection did well at the box office. Granted Insurrection made less but it was a hard movie to market really other than the fact it has "Star Trek" in the title.

Guess Paramount wanted to try to reinvigorate the franchise, which is silly considering Nemesis was pretty much going to be the last Next Gen movie anyway.

It's so frustrating that they wasted the Next Gen cast and didn't at least make one other really good movie with them.


I thought Sauron in Generations couldn't fly a ship into the ribbon because the ship would blow up before he could get in. Hence needing the Enterprise B to save the ship at the start of the movie. But then again, Kirk got in, so it must be possible.

But he got into the ribbon on a ship in the first place.


But he got into the ribbon on a ship in the first place.

Everyone who ever succeeded in getting into the ribbon besides Picard and Soran the second time (note: not an evil demigod in LotR) got in on a spaceship. It is, in fact, the canonical way to get into the ribbon.

Dude just wanted to blow some shit up, really.


None of the Trek movies had a particularly solid plot with minimal holes and high plausibility. The difference is that as time goes on, my tolerance for plot holes and nonsense has decreased. Also, TOS gets a pass for being from a cheesier era and a time when real science was not as advanced.

I really hope Into Darkness has a good plot without gaping holes and nonsense but it probably won't judging by Star Trek 2009.

I'm still annoyed by their use of a supernova as something that was going to destroy the galaxy in Star Trek 2009. They should've at least made up a word like meganova and tossed a throwaway line about how it would rip open subspace making it a million times more powerful than a supernova or something.

It's one thing to make up a new phenomena, it's another to misrepresent phenomena that exist.


And black holes are somehow time portals now.

Well now, come on. Black holes as a means of time travel have been a trope of the genre since black holes were theorized. And it's no more or less absurd than any other means of time travel.

Now the idea that you need to bother to shoot a ship being eaten by a black hole, that's ridiculous.
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