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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


I would say the premise was a really good one. Lone lost ship far from home, doing whatever they needed to do to survive. There is so much potential there. But then they did Voyager instead.
And half the crew doesn't want to wind up in Federation prison when they get home. Not to mention the lack of readily-available supplies should lead to all sorts of serialization opportunities. Run out of dilithium crystals in one story? Then next week's can force them down to a planet where they'll have to get more.

But none of those obvious hooks seem to go anywhere and we wind up with a show full of recycled TNG spacial-anomaly-of-the-week episodes.
And half the crew doesn't want to wind up in Federation prison when they get home. Not to mention the lack of readily-available supplies should lead to all sorts of serialization opportunities. Run out of dilithium crystals in one story? Then next week's can force them down to a planet where they'll have to get more.

But none of those obvious hooks seem to go anywhere and we wind up with a show full of recycled TNG spacial-anomaly-of-the-week episodes.

Janeway had a full shipyard crew in the shuttle bay cranking out shuttles. It aint no thang. Also, they made it a point to conserve their torpedos and then in later seasons its pew pew pew every episode.
I would say the premise was a really good one. Lone lost ship far from home, doing whatever they needed to do to survive. There is so much potential there. But then they did Voyager instead.

Totally agreed. I thought it was pretty great from a concept standpoint. But they disappointed in the very first episode, when the big ongoing villains' motivation was that they didn't know how to make water from hydrogen and oxygen. My suspension of disbelief is mighty, and I am capable of purely enjoying things that have bad science or even bad plotting (I very much loved the Trek reboot, for instance, despite recognizing a rather large list of flaws!). But that pilot just reeked of utter contempt for science, science fiction, and intelligence among viewers.

Now, Battlestar Galactica (the new one, not the original) is a show that I think is similar in concept (in the first episodes, especially, there was a tremendous focus on conserving and finding resources) but fit the descriptor of "started off good and progressively got worse as it went on" (I didn't see much of the last season, though, and I will note that the Season 3 opener was pretty fantastic, if not the rest of the season). Actually, Lost felt like that, too. And I'm pretty sure I enjoyed Gilligan's Island more in its starting phase. Huh. Maybe it's just Voyager that's the odd show out in the "Hey, we're lost, maybe we should start scrounging for resources while looking for [a] home" genre.


Kills Photobucket
I know we have a bucnh of SFDebris watchers in here, so I wanted to toss out that he's begun a review of the anime series "Madoka Magica", it's about as far from Star Trek as you can get, but I think it's interesting that's he's going to do a review of each of the 12 episodes over the next few months (if this week is any indication, he's going to do 3 episodes at a time each month). It continues to show why he's a good reviewer as his reviews of the first two episodes are pretty spot on, while still having a good amount of humor regardless of whether or not the thing being reviewed is good or bad.

He seems to like it so far.

At first I hated it, then I was "meh", now I kinda like it. This is the one that crashes into earth right?


Huh. Seems like there might be two spaceship crashes in this movie.
The Enterprise is also shown disintegrating and apparently in freefall, which is why I say there might be two. And why it was confusing (probably a deliberate misdirect).

Looks like it, the Enterprise and Vengeance both seem to take a dive at some point during the film from trailers, I guess the question will be what makes the latter fall to earth.


The Enterprise is also shown disintegrating and apparently in freefall, which is why I say there might be two. And why it was confusing (probably a deliberate misdirect).

Almost certainly deliberate misdirection. I think the director/producers/editors are enjoying making nerds analyse everything to try and get some clues.
Are there any good books about the making of The Next Generation? I'm looking for something chock full of interesting, behind-the-scenes details and anecdotes, whether it's a comprehensive look at the series or memoirs from the cast or crew.


Are there any good books about the making of The Next Generation? I'm looking for something chock full of interesting, behind-the-scenes details and anecdotes, whether it's a comprehensive look at the series or memoirs from the cast or crew.

I remember enjoying the TNG Companion back in the 90s. Don't know if it holds up:

I never read this one, The Continuing Mission, but maybe someone else here has:

And Wil Wheaton has written about Season 1:


Kills Photobucket
Are there any good books about the making of The Next Generation? I'm looking for something chock full of interesting, behind-the-scenes details and anecdotes, whether it's a comprehensive look at the series or memoirs from the cast or crew.


There actually wasn't much from DS9 and Voyager in this book (Voyager had barely started at time of publication), but there's tons of info about every episode of TNG and TOS.
Thanks, this looks like a good start. I just ordered the Wil Wheaton book since I can get it direct to my Kindle, but I'll look into the others as well.
So I'm watching "Ensigns of Command" and it just occurred to me. Wouldn't the people from the colony not be able to survive outside the planet? They after all have adapted to the harmful radiation. Wouldn't their bodies require it?
Are there any good books about the making of The Next Generation? I'm looking for something chock full of interesting, behind-the-scenes details and anecdotes, whether it's a comprehensive look at the series or memoirs from the cast or crew.

ST:TNG 365 (link) is a recent book (came out in 2012, available on Kindle) that may be a nice supplement to the good references already cited. Speaking of which, time to do some shopping :p
So I'm watching "Ensigns of Command" and it just occurred to me. Wouldn't the people from the colony not be able to survive outside the planet? They after all have adapted to the harmful radiation. Wouldn't their bodies require it?

I'm pretty adapted to somewhere north of perhaps 10milliseiverts of radiation per year. I wouldn't die if that were reduced to zero.
After seeing Best of Both Worlds and seeing Riker being conflicted with the idea of being Captain of another star ship, I gotta ask: In the later seasons and movies, would you have liked to see what Riker could have done as Captain of another ship (provided Picard was still in charge on the Enterprise)?


We watched "balance of terror" or something like that yesterday and that was one of the better episodes of the og show. Just pure tension and suspense as the two captains tried to out maneuver each other. Really big scale as well with outposts being destroyed and galactic war almost ensued...

"balok the butcherer" was goddamn great as well. Some serious themes in that episode and not so cookie cutter moralist as you'd expect.

Great show so far.
Yeah but these were the descendents of the original colonists. They were born there. Wouldn't there bodies be needing it?

My point was that many things that we are resistant to are things we don't need. We can, for instance, live with a dramatically different mix of atmosphere even though we born into a 78/21/1 Nitrogen/Oxygen/Argon mix. And those of us that have evolved higher amounts of melanin in our dermal tissue to fight against excess solar exposure can survive in the darker Northern regions pretty much just as well as those of us who are honkies.

Balok is probably wrong.

Ah it's "The Conscience of the King"

Wasn't Balok the Clint Howard baby alien?

But, yeah, Kodos the Executioner. Nice guy, but inefficient. He could have saved many more of the colonists if he simply recycled a smaller amount of them into the food supply instead of just vaporizing half the colony.

Interesting, eh? Kirk in the new timeline presumably no longer went through that particular trauma. Hell, maybe in a few years we'll be seeing him save the life of President Kodos, who didn't need to start a new life in the theatre and eventually went up to the top of the political ladder.

I voted for Kang


After seeing Best of Both Worlds and seeing Riker being conflicted with the idea of being Captain of another star ship, I gotta ask: In the later seasons and movies, would you have liked to see what Riker could have done as Captain of another ship (provided Picard was still in charge on the Enterprise)?

Not I! Riker's the best, but I don't want him anywhere but at the right hand of the father.

Riker is Jesus confirmed
Whoopi on the cover? Wut

They've already used up everyone else (minus wesley, Pulaski, and Tasha) for the covers.

I would have gone: Picard, Riker, Data for S1. Pulaski, Guinan for S2 (Since they were added that season), Crusher, Worf for S3. Troi, Wesley for S4 (since he leaves that year)
They've already used up everyone else (minus wesley, Pulaski, and Tasha) for the covers.

I would have gone: Picard, Riker, Data for S1. Pulaski, Guinan for S2 (Since they were added that season), Crusher, Worf for S3. Troi, Wesley for S4 (since he leaves that year)

I'd put sexy Robin Lefler on there before Whoopi.


Are the same guys who did S2 doing S4? I think I read something about two teams doing every other season or something.

Looks good though.
As clear as those are, It really makes the last pic from "Transfigurations" look like a guy in a body suit.

Are the same guys who did S2 doing S4? I think I read something about two teams doing every other season or something.

Looks good though.

Not from what I've heard. I think even the producers were upset but didn't have time to redo it so they had to ship.

edit: Is it me or does the sky in the 4th pic look photoshopped in?


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Garak is such an awesome character.

When Bashir told him the boy that cried wolf's story and he replied "Just means that you shouldn't tell the same lie twice"

The Best of Both Worlds' screening that I went to had a fun little fuck up. Halfway during the bloopers real the audio cut out and was replaced with movie theater advertisements. It actually ended up being surprisingly funny, because the dialogue mixed with the blooper reels rather well.
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