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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN



Dammit I hope I can get one of these. I still haven't been able to get the B.
What is that?
I said it weeks ago, but the best Star Trek theatre experience this year really was Best of Both Worlds. God damn.

Yeah sorry it's the Diamond Select/Art Asylum one. So far I've got the original Enterprise, the D and "All Good Things" D. They have their flaws, but look great on display. I bet they'll also do the C eventually.




As someone who has never gotten into Star Trek but slowly has been getting into the idea of it, where is a good place to start? I always wrote it off as this cheesy uninteresting boring sci-fi show until a friend gave me a copy of "The Best of Both Worlds" on Blu-Ray and i was blown away at how much i enjoyed that. Also, fucking kudos to the people behind putting this on blu-ray, it looks like it was shot yesterday (minus the CG of course).
As someone who has never gotten into Star Trek but slowly has been getting into the idea of it, where is a good place to start? I always wrote it off as this cheesy uninteresting boring sci-fi show until a friend gave me a copy of "The Best of Both Worlds" on Blu-Ray and i was blown away at how much i enjoyed that. Also, fucking kudos to the people behind putting this on blu-ray, it looks like it was shot yesterday (minus the CG of course).
I'd start with the original movies (I - VI, skip V) then move to TNG, then on to DS9. That's the way I did it. Check out more if you really want more Star Trek.
Watching random TNG episodes at the moment...

What's more awkward, Worf and Deanna or Worf and Ezri?

Word and Deanna. Worf and Ezri was like a one-nighter; Worf and Deanna went on for far longer.


That is a huge kit. It's not that difficult to build, the trick will be getting the saucer/nacelles straight, and the painting.

Yeah hence my hesitation, prolly want to screw up painting something else rather than on this guy. On the plus side, something so large will prolly make it easier for me to paint. One day...
I'd start with the original movies (I - VI, skip V) then move to TNG, then on to DS9. That's the way I did it. Check out more if you really want more Star Trek.

Light warning to the original asker: The first movie is pretty good, but the script is about one episode worth of content, and they stretch it to four hours of movie using very extended, very slow special effects sequences. Only watch this one if you really really liked 2001 or have a hair trigger on the "fast forward" button. It is also (like 2001) pretty much entirely action-free.

2, 3, and 4 form a trilogy in both a continuous chronological fashion and a thematic one, though the tone of each are completely different. Taken in a group, it is a solid six or so hours of entertainment with a bit of confused editing in the middle and Christopher Lloyd hamming it up, but a very light and upbeat ending. 6 closes some dangling plot elements introduced in earlier movies but nothing you'd notice until you get to it. It's also interesting if you're into history of Russia's government shift from the 1980s to the 1990s, as it is politically relevant to it in some ways.

8 (featuring the Next Generation crew) is a sequel to Best of Both Worlds. It introduces plot elements that eventually destroyed the interestingness of the Borg character, but on its own the movie is solid and fun.

If you want to delve into the really old stuff: Watch "City on the Edge of Forever". Then watch "Doomsday Machine". Then watch "Balance of Terror". I recommend watching them with the original effects (even if they are dated, holy shit cgi tends to age worse than models as time progresses, and often the original presentation of the sfx more accurately matches the live action drama as presented). Those are all very tight, well-written episodes with a minimum of eyerollage (save for the motivational speech in the first one, but that's mercifully short) and generally very solid performances. They also (in the latter cases) have a little more in the way of action (Star Trek is not an action show -- it is an anthology of morality plays that happens to have the same characters in every episode -- so do not expect to see fighting and monsters all the time, but do expect to see people being put into situations which require them to make hard choices or to face social mores they are not conditioned to).

If you want mindless action with explosions and terrible scripts, though, I can recommend a version of Star Trek from the 1990s. Oh, man, it even has a girl with giant tits! ;)


If you want to delve into the really old stuff: Watch "City on the Edge of Forever". Then watch "Doomsday Machine". Then watch "Balance of Terror". I recommend watching them with the original effects (even if they are dated, holy shit cgi tends to age worse than models as time progresses, and often the original presentation of the sfx more accurately matches the live action drama as presented).

this is the worst advice
Some bits might be, but the B has a slightly different hull shape. Its extra impulse engines and nacelle fins might just be tacked on though. Not sure since I haven't got one. :(

Watching random TNG episodes at the moment...

What's more awkward, Worf and Deanna or Worf and Ezri?

Worf and Ezri was supposed to be awkward and it was, while Worf and Deanna was probably not supposed to be (and yet it was). So your question is a little hard to answer directly.


I was wondering if anyone could recommend some Star Trek TOS novels?? I would love some origin novels on Kirk or Spock, but I'm down for anything.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
DS9: The visitor. God damn, someone was cutting onions all through this episode.


I was wondering if anyone could recommend some Star Trek TOS novels?? I would love some origin novels on Kirk or Spock, but I'm down for anything.

They're actually more about secondary characters than Kirk and Spock, but I'd recommend "Dreadnought!" and "Battlestations!" as two really good old-style novels. (Come to think of it "Dreadnought" sounds like a better-plotted variation on "Into Darkness".) They're both by Diane Carey, who's usually pretty good. "Star Trek: New Earth" was a solid series too.
Of course. It's how they make their money. lol

That sort of feels like a backhanded compliment. "Your fanservice is nothing to me. Fork over $60 bucks before I forget your name." i guess since their autograph could potentially sell for more than the ticket price the signer wants a piece of the action.


That sort of feels like a backhanded compliment. "Your fanservice is nothing to me. Fork over $60 bucks before I forget your name." i guess since their autograph could potentially sell for more than the ticket price the signer wants a piece of the action.

On the other hand, who cares about an autograph? It's not like they're forcing you to pay for it. I personally don't really care, so they aren't making money off me, but I can't fault them for making a living off what they can.


They're actually more about secondary characters than Kirk and Spock, but I'd recommend "Dreadnought!" and "Battlestations!" as two really good old-style novels. (Come to think of it "Dreadnought" sounds like a better-plotted variation on "Into Darkness".) They're both by Diane Carey, who's usually pretty good. "Star Trek: New Earth" was a solid series too.

Thanks a bunch, mate. I'll look into these. :)


Huh neat. I always thought they were exactly the same model.

Well, in terms of filming, the Enterprise-B *was* Excelsior. The secondary hull and fins were just added bits to the original filming model. Personally it made the ship look a little ungainly and squashed from some angles but I did like the recessed deflector part of the design.


That sort of feels like a backhanded compliment. "Your fanservice is nothing to me. Fork over $60 bucks before I forget your name." i guess since their autograph could potentially sell for more than the ticket price the signer wants a piece of the action.

It really varies by Star. Some of them certainly have a give me the money and get out of my face attitude you can tell is just below the surface and others are the nicest people in the world.A lot of People used to claim Shatner was pretty rude and at one point im guessing he was before he finally embraced the whole thing but every time I've seen him even outside of convention events he has always been very nice. Levar Burton is a really nice guy.

Have a ton of Autographs from Star trek and Star Wars cast members. Carrier Fischer is probably the strangest one I met but that's her so to be expected.

and now for the greatness of twitter random star trek cast member photos.

So, if they did do a new Trek TV series - what would it be based around? WHEN would it be based?

I sort of don't want it based on JJ Abrams Universe, but then I don't know.


It really varies by Star. Some of them certainly have a give me the money and get out of my face attitude you can tell is just below the surface and others are the nicest people in the world.A lot of People used to claim Shatner was pretty rude and at one point im guessing he was before he finally embraced the whole thing but every time I've seen him even outside of convention events he has always been very nice. Levar Burton is a really nice guy.

Have a ton of Autographs from Star trek and Star Wars cast members. Carrier Fischer is probably the strangest one I met but that's her so to be expected.

I think seeing the interviews in Shatner's "The Captains" gives some insight into this. Stewart in particular but oddly enough hearing Mulgrew's interview was very interesting to me. I already knew the story of her personal life during the time of Voyager, but it was still interesting (and somewhat sad) to hear her talk about how it affected her children.

Personally I've never bothered to get any Trek autographs. In fact I only have two autographs, Gigi Edgely and Virginia Hey from Farscape. Meeting both of then at Dragoncon back in '08 was amazing to me. It was also great that I happened to end up hanging out with Virginia in the hotel lobby bar one night as she waited to go to dinner and was able to have an interesting conversation with her. It was quite surreal but I'll always remember it fondly.


So, if they did do a new Trek TV series - what would it be based around? WHEN would it be based?

I sort of don't want it based on JJ Abrams Universe, but then I don't know.

Depends on who is pitching.

Jonathan Frakes was pitching a show set after the TNG movies, featuring Captain Will Riker, First Officer Deanna Troi, and Chief Engineer Wesley Crusher, among a bunch of new faces, onboard the USS Titan.

George Takei was pitching a show set after the TOS movies, about Captain Sulu and the Excelsior.

Some other guys were pitching a cartoon about the warship Enterprise F, in the post-TNG aftermath of a Romulan war which decimated the Federation.
So, if they did do a new Trek TV series - what would it be based around? WHEN would it be based?

I sort of don't want it based on JJ Abrams Universe, but then I don't know.

Star Trek : The New Next Generation (set..... 40yrs after Nemesis. Just enough time to avoid lots of awkward cameos).

Failing that..... Stargazer. Young Picard in his first captaincy, but that just wouldn't sell to the wider audience. :-(

What's a JJ Abrams?


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Huh neat. I always thought they were exactly the same model.

I read on Memory Alpha that the whole point of the additions for the Enterprise-B was so that they wouldn't have to damage the studio model for the sake of a certain scene. The only problem was that the adhesive they used to add the pieces to the secondary hull ended up damaging it anyway, so they left the stuff on for the Lakota in DS9.

I do have to say that unlike a lot of people, I find the Excelsior (the original, not the refits) to be one of the prettiest of the Enterprise-lineage (even if the B had all the wonky additions) right after the Galaxy. After playing through the mission that reintroduced the Ambassador class to Star Trek Online, though I don't find it all that pretty, I have to say the designers did a really good job of merging the aesthetics of the Excelsior and Galaxy for what was just a one-episode ship.

On another subject, I was thinking about Scotty's transwarp beaming, and realized that if used as a weapon, it could be one of the most overpowered things in the galaxy. Don't like a planet? Beam a pile of quantum torpedoes onto their capitol from several systems away. Need to destroy an unsuspecting ship? Beam a couple components from their antimatter containment system off the ship from light years away. I recall some plots that involved throwing materials into stars to make them go nova which would have been made a lot easier this way too.


There have been a number of show proposals but they have so far I think tried to honor JJ by not competing with new project even though he is a douche and demands the old stuff not be pushed either.

As people said Takei, Frakes and even Shatner have proposed shows. Just up to CBS when to say when.

I think seeing the interviews in Shatner's "The Captains" gives some insight into this. Stewart in particular but oddly enough hearing Mulgrew's interview was very interesting to me. I already knew the story of her personal life during the time of Voyager, but it was still interesting (and somewhat sad) to hear her talk about how it affected her children.

Personally I've never bothered to get any Trek autographs. In fact I only have two autographs, Gigi Edgely and Virginia Hey from Farscape. Meeting both of then at Dragoncon back in '08 was amazing to me. It was also great that I happened to end up hanging out with Virginia in the hotel lobby bar one night as she waited to go to dinner and was able to have an interesting conversation with her. It was quite surreal but I'll always remember it fondly.

The Captains is a really well done documentary. Get some really solid insight into all the various lives and see just how batshit insane Avery Brooks is.

Autograph wise though I have William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Deforest Kelley,Levar Burton, Michael Dorn, Terry Farrel, Johnathan Frakes ,Jeri Ryan, Carrie Fischer, Amy Allen, David Prowse, Kenneth Colley and Jeremy Bulloch(OG Boba Fett)


Subete no aware
In the TV thread, apparently there was a plan to go ahead with a Star Trek series that was contingent on the Beverly Hills Cop TV show being picked up. Once it was canceled, Paramount got cold feet on television production and that idea was shelved.


Jonathan Frakes was pitching a show set after the TNG movies, featuring Captain Will Riker, First Officer Deanna Troi, and Chief Engineer Wesley Crusher, among a bunch of new faces, onboard the USS Titan.

George Takei was pitching a show set after the TOS movies, about Captain Sulu and the Excelsior.

The captain Sulu thing is real, but did Frakes ever really pitch such a show? It always seemed to me to be a tongue-in-cheek thing that he and Sirtis tell as a joke at conventions.
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