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The General Star Trek Thread of Earl Grey Tea, Baseball, and KHHHAAAANNNN


The Enterprise-A bridge from VI will always be my favourite. It looks sleek and futuristic, and also looks worn and realistic, the layout's perfect, the clock, and that creepy intercom chirp.

Oh man, you reminded me I wanted to rip that sound for a cell phone tone. Love it.


Kills Photobucket
Pretty much any bridge but the Enterprise D.

And the E Bridge...

Pretty much any bridge that has more than one seat in the middle sucked.

Least Voyager got rid of the councilors chair...


Hello Trek-GAF. Myself and my wife want to start watching TNG, but the early episodes are painful to get through.

What can we safely skip?


Pretty much any bridge but the Enterprise D.

And the E Bridge...

Pretty much any bridge that has more than one seat in the middle sucked.

Least Voyager got rid of the councilors chair...

I agree. I like the bridges where the Captain's chair is alone. Other chairs just seem to take away authority.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Hello Trek-GAF. Myself and my wife want to start watching TNG, but the early episodes are painful to get through.

What can we safely skip?
Yes they are, especially Code of Honor. Probably one of the absolute worst ST episodes ever. My condolences.

Fortunately, the later seasons get a lot better. TNG is still the best Trek!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Hello Trek-GAF. Myself and my wife want to start watching TNG, but the early episodes are painful to get through.

What can we safely skip?

If Riker doesn't have a beard, skip the episode.
Hello Trek-GAF. Myself and my wife want to start watching TNG, but the early episodes are painful to get through.

What can we safely skip?
If you're really that serious about skipping, just watch these:

Encounter at Farpoint
The Big Goodbye
Coming of Age
Skin of Evil
Neutral Zone

Elementary my Dear Data
Matter of Honor
Measure of a man
Q Who

Good rule of thumb but....Tasha...

Tasha blows.
If you're really that serious about skipping, just watch these:

Encounter at Farpoint
The Big Goodbye
Coming of Age
Skin of Evil
Neutral Zone

I was under the impression that 11001001 was received fairly well.

Also, Skin of Evil? That's not a very good episode, and I don't think you really need to watch it to appreciate
Yesterday's Enterprise
or its not quite as great sequels.
I was under the impression that 11001001 was received fairly well.

Also, Skin of Evil? That's not a very good episode, and I don't think you really need to watch it to appreciate
Yesterday's Enterprise
or its not quite as great sequels.

Well, it involves the death of a character, so I consider that fairly significant.
Well, it involves the death of a character, so I consider that fairly significant.

It iiiiis if you put it that way, or you could just say "Hey, remember the Engineer and the Chief of Security in Season 1? They accidentally stepped on a black hole while walking around on the red matter planet".

There, problem solved. If we can live with seeing one major staff member disappear from S1 without explanation, we can live with another doing so. ;)

edit: Or did you forget that the Enterprise had a revolving door for some staff members early on? ;)
It iiiiis if you put it that way, or you could just say "Hey, remember the Engineer and the Chief of Security in Season 1? They accidentally stepped on a black hole while walking around on the red matter planet".

There, problem solved. If we can live with seeing one major staff member disappear from S1 without explanation, we can live with another doing so. ;)

edit: Or did you forget that the Enterprise had a revolving door for some staff members early on? ;)

Given how much nostalgia and related stuff is attached to said character later on, I'd say it's still necessary.


If most of Season 1 is gonna be skipped, Skin of Evil should be watched. It's an important episode for a character who gets mentioned plenty in the rest of the series.


If you're really that serious about skipping, just watch these:
This list is excellent. Watch those episodes, and you're set for the first two seasons. If you want to be a completionist, return to those seasons when you're done with the show.


Kills Photobucket
Skip NOTHING. You can't appreciate the great episodes without also experiencing the bad.

I think that was the point. It was supposed to reflect a more deliberative captain.

Voyager's second seat for the XO I can kind of understand, but a seat for the counselor? Two spare seats in case some random person drops by...
Skip NOTHING. You can't appreciate the great episodes without also experiencing the bad..

True. There are only a couple of REALLY bad episodes in season 1...

Voyager's second seat for the XO I can kind of understand, but a seat for the counselor? Two spare seats in case some random person drops by...

Enterprise D was made in peace time, mainly for diplomatic missions and exploration. Having some extra seats next to the captains makes sense, I think, in that environment.


Canadians burned my passport
Voyager's second seat for the XO I can kind of understand, but a seat for the counselor? Two spare seats in case some random person drops by...

It only seems useless because Deanna was useless. Imagine if they had a competent Betazoid in that chair.


Skip NOTHING. You can't appreciate the great episodes without also experiencing the bad.
I agree with this in part. I think you have to watch the absolute worst ones. In DS9, VOY and ENT too.

Not the middling boring ones, but the abject dreck.

Especially if you're watching it with somebody, wife, friend, boyfriend, whoever. Alone is one thing. When my one roommate was getting into Trek for the first time (later he mainlined DS9) after he watched First Contact randomly, I showed him II and VI and then was like "now it's time to watch The Final Frontier before anything else." I think that was one of the times I saw the positives of it and decided it was better than Generations.

Looks like a cafeteria
I always loved these looking in the compendium or technical manual or whatever it was back in the day. And being like WTF. I think the one old Phase II book had similar designs.

Even the bridge as it was kinda looks like the Ferengi ships.

If Roddenberry had these designs and was trying to pitch the show in 1996 it'd be "Friends in space" or something.


Got back from STID. Fun, and I still like how they handle the characters a lot. Story was fairly tight initially but started going haywire.
Gravity existing in freefall
was pretty laughable, and I thought the
death of Kirk
was groan-inducing and way premature given that the crew hasn't been together enough to evoke that level of emotional response, imo, and its solution was pretty obvious even from this daft fellow.

But overall I liked it a lot (especially since I've always wanted to see more
Section 31
). It's still causing the same trouble to the "bigger picture" that the previous film did, especially in that
the Federation now has the technology to pretty much destroy all its enemies in seconds from the comfort of home with some mass produced transwarp bombs (hell, why even build a super ship when this technology exists??), and they also have the ability to cancel death
, both things that put them rather far beyond TNG in technological capability and kind of limits potential for future drama a bit. I suspect that both elements will be ignored when necessary.

Now I finally get to go back through the last twenty pages and read the black bars. :D

Say, since you're chatting about DS9, has DeCandido's DS9 rewatch, recently started and quite insightful, been mentioned?

They will probably hand wave
the trans-warp technology since

1) Scotty didn't actually invent it in 09, just use it
2) Section 31 refined it with Khans help and he was killed and, presumably the base that refined the technology was completely destroyed
3) Admiral Robocop was, presumably the current section 31 head, and not on was he killed, but his advanced ship was completely decimated
4) 90% of the Admiralty was wiped out

Add all of that together and I think it's safe to say that the Federation suffered somewhat of an organizational and technological setback. It's silly to say that the information on trans-warp and all the advanced technology under Section 31 was just lost, but I think it's even sillier to keep it around.

Besides, the next film will be about the 5 year mission.
Admiral Robocop


(also your general logic is just sound enough for space opera, so I think I can accept it if they do that, though I'll still bitch from time to time anyway)

Besides, the next film will be
about the 5 year mission.

I'll believe that when I see it. It's just as likely that
they'll be called back from the mission partway through, or despite it being a deep space mission they'll somehow still be a short trip away from Earth or New Vulcan, or they'll be on home shore leave when a third Earth-hating terrorist comes by to cause trouble for the Federation, and they're the only ship in the galaxy for some reason.
Wow, just watched TNG "The Offspring". Such a beautiful episode. Not a single shot fired or moment of impending doom yet it effected me more emotionally than any episode I have seen yet. So good. I have a couple random episodes left in S3 before Best of Both Worlds.

I kinda think I want to go back and watch some of S1 and S2 of TNG and see some of the episodes mentioned a few posts back. I want to see an episode that I vaguely remember from watching as a kid. It involves Wesley Crusher and some kind of strange cult or something where he is studying.

Having all these shows at the push of a button is fantastic! Pretty much validates subscribing to Netflix streaming for that alone.
It finally arrived. :D


I was a bit worried about some of the markings. In one video review it had "USS Excelsior" on the secondary hull. But not here, Enterprise all the way.


It even comes with a spare set of batteries. But they won't be installed until Tuesday.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Shit... I didn't realize that the 1701-Bs secondary hull, particularly the bulge around the deflector was similar to the secondary hull of the Vengance in Into Darkness.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
It may have already been posted, but I found this amusing little commercial while searching for other things on Youtube:


Features Shatner and Doohan, but it must have been from too far outside of a film production as Doohan is in the D's engineering section.


Kills Photobucket
It may have already been posted, but I found this amusing little commercial while searching for other things on Youtube:


Features Shatner and Doohan, but it must have been from too far outside of a film production as Doohan is in the D's engineering section.

Enterprise D engineering was used for the engineering section in 5 and 6 I believe. They were very good and redressing TNG sets so it wasn't that obvious.

Other great Star Trek 6 example. I didn't realize it was 10 forward until pretty recently.



Enterprise D engineering was used for the engineering section in 5 and 6 I believe. They were very good and redressing TNG sets so it wasn't that obvious.

Other great Star Trek 6 example. I didn't realize it was 10 forward until pretty recently.

They also blew up the conference room (the dining room in TUC.) Data's quarters was redressed as Spock's, I believe.


Enterprise D engineering was used for the engineering section in 5 and 6 I believe. They were very good and redressing TNG sets so it wasn't that obvious.

The hallway sections in 5 and 6 are really obviously TNG sets. I actually find it a bit painful.
The hallway sections in 5 and 6 are really obviously TNG sets. I actually find it a bit painful.

They used those same corridor sets in STII and III before TNG. The amount of reuse that went on between the different movies and series is pretty ingenious (and/or pathetic - see the Bird of Prey explosion in Generations).


They used those same corridor sets in STII and III before TNG. The amount of reuse that went on between the different movies and series is pretty ingenious (and/or pathetic - see the Bird of Prey explosion in Generations).

It was much more obvious between TNG and 5 and 6 than to the older films, though. I don't think they had a lot of time to change them between filming.
Some more pics... I need a better setup.





One thing I really don't like is the black wash they've smeared all over it. I assume it's supposed to be weathering, but it just looks dirty. :(


Some more pics... I need a better setup.





One thing I really don't like is the black wash they've smeared all over it. I assume it's supposed to be weathering, but it just looks dirty. :(

I wish it was easier to get some ship models here, I really have no interest in putting them together myself from the little model kits, I am terrible at at. And the nice big ones can be really expensive.

It is a shame Star Trek never got the Action Fleet style toys that Star Wars had, those things even as kids toys can look really nice sitting on a desk or shelf, and there was a literal ton of them to buy for almost every different ship.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
Enterprise D engineering was used for the engineering section in 5 and 6 I believe. They were very good and redressing TNG sets so it wasn't that obvious.

Other great Star Trek 6 example. I didn't realize it was 10 forward until pretty recently.


Oh, I knew about the set redresses, just mentioned it probably not being too close to one of the film productions since it wasn't redressed at all. Of course they probably wouldn't do so for a commercial, but it's nice that they got permission to use the set. One minor error during ST VI with the redresses was that they forgot to change some of the control panels so they still have the TNG-era LCARS layouts.

Here's a site with a great list of reused sets between the various films and series:

Looks gorgeous!

Thanks. She's a majestic ship. :D

I wish it was easier to get some ship models here, I really have no interest in putting them together myself from the little model kits, I am terrible at at. And the nice big ones can be really expensive.

Tried having a look on eBay? That's where I have to get all my ships from. The shipping can be almost as much as the model but in total it's about the same price as a new Xbox game or something. And it only took just over a week to ship from the US all the way to NZ.

I've got my eye on the E-E and the Wrath of Khan Enterprise now... gotta keep my eye on that wallet though.
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